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Normally, Jungkook doesn't pay much attention to sounds like talking, whispers, any conversation that does not include him, and the rise fall of someone's breathing, the tickling of someone's hair on his cheeks, but tonight must be something about being here, that makes every inch of closeness sensitive towards him, just enough to make half of his body froze and pulse jump.

They are standing in the kitchen of the owners house, the owner being the tall successful man of Taehyungs family, his uncle who's son is one of the well known international doctor, came from money and is making money, at least that piece of information the Uncle has made sure the moment Taehyung, Hoseok and Jungkook stepped inside the house, Taehyungs parents staying at home since Mrs.Kim isn't feeling steady enough to stay in a party, or just away from bed.

Everyone talking so loud, voices above his thoughts yet he is not distracted, there is a arm around his waist,  whenever Taehyungs fingers brushes past his own, he feels a zap all the way down his toes. They both are leaned against the counter, his against the stove while Taehyungs is against the pressure cooker. The knobs poking into the back arch of his but his focus is here, the warmth of the arm where its hugging and his body is caged with Taehyungs.

Everyones eyes are on them, fascinated to see them being back together after the history of Taehyungs married life. Fortunately no one has brought up the topic, not yet, not towards Jungkooks ears of course, but Jungkook knows they all are wondering how come they became boyfriends again.

Jungkooks hands gripping the red cup in his hand tightly, there is so much going on in his head yet he is here, stuck within four walls of this kitchen with the very person who fucked up his brain few hours ago holding him close, and pretending.

Taehyung is half sober, laughing loudly with the men around him, some of them younger, some of them are older, but Jungkook thinks they all are the same, careless and free. But he stares at the boy ahead of him, their gaze meets and his vision just a little wonky as he stares at the young man, blue blazer tightly hugging his arm, long legs and soft brown curls, Hoseok.

His gaze has been lingering over Jungkook for a while, face natural yet Jungkook knows he is thinking, he tells himself just few more hours and he should just duck his head and pretend he is enjoying whatever the conversation they are having. Bur everything is muffled to his ears, until he feels a pinch at side of his waist, getting him startled.

When he looks up, everyone is watching him with their face amused, even Taehyung has an odd look on his face. "Pardon?" He feels his heart stumbling from the attention, face warm.

"He is rather shy isn't he?" The middle aged guy who is sitting few feet away from them chuckles, dressed in designer clothes that looks dreadful to Jungkooks eyes, bright forest green and yellow. "i asked you a question." He juts his chin towards Jungkook who has been completely out of it. Few eyes falls over him, he can feel the burn of Taehyungs on side of his face.

"Y-yeah um-sorry, what was it?" He whispers weakly, wonders where his voice goes when he needs it.

The man sighs, "You finished studying?" He asks, eyebrow raised as he twirls the whiskey glass in his hand, the liquid glistens underneath the rich high ceiling lights.

"Yeah I did, a year ago actually. I graduated from Brooklyn University." He mumbles, keeping his voice as steady as he could.

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