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The year 1976 at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Great Hall was a lively scene, buzzing with conversations and laughter. The four houses-Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin-were seated at their long tables, enjoying a rare moment of camaraderie and peace.

The group of pranksters, called the Marauders, included Sirius Black ("Padfoot"), Remus Lupin ("Moony"), Peter Pettigrew ("Wormtail"), and James Potter ("Prongs"), staring lovingly at the red-headed girl who did everything to ignore him. They were seated at the Gryffindor table, possibly planning their next prank, whereas the Slytherins were eating quietly, amidst which a boy can be seen looking at the Gryffindor table longingly. While the rest of the two houses were chatting and conversing politely while enjoying their food.

The tranquil atmosphere was abruptly shattered by a loud bang that echoed through the hall, causing students and professors alike to jump in surprise. All eyes turned towards the entrance as several figures, none other than the Lords and Ladies of the Noble Houses, stood before them. The guests included,

The Potters-Fleamont and Euphemia Potter nee Greengrass

The Blacks- Orion Black, Walburga Black, Cygnus Black III, and Druella Black nee Rosier

The Lestranges-Rodolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black

The Malfoys-Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy nee black.

The Weasleys, Arthur and Molly Weasley, along with their sons Bill and Charlie

and the aurors, Amelia Bones and Kingsley Shacklebolt

Whispers rippled through the hall as the strangers approached the staff table. Dumbledore, his face composed yet curious, stood to greet them, "Dear Guests, to what do we own a pleasure?"

Lord Black replied, "We received a letter stating our presence here immediately."

Before anything could utter a word, a letter floated towards Professor Mcgonagall, where she read those and stated, "The letter is from the future. We are required to watch some movies about the future in order to save the wizarding world from the danger that lies around it, and some of the guests will be joining us soon."

The hall turned into chaos, stating that this was all a prank, but suddenly a bright light blinded them.

As soon as the light went away, a group of people could be seen standing there looking at the hall in surprise and ashtonishment. The group consisted of many people, including both boys and girls.

"I suppose you are the people the letter stated about being from the past as well as the future. Please introduce yourself. Let's begin with the people form the past, first"

A tall white blonde man came forward and said, "Abraxas Malfoy, Slytherin, Pureblood."

Next to him was a brunette male who stepped forward and said, "Edgar Nott, Pureblood, Slytherin."

Atlast was again a brunette male, "Reinhard Lestrange, Pureblood, Slytherin."

With this, the three of them walked towards the Slytherin table and greeted-well, their future generations.

Now came forward a bushy-haired girl, "Hermione Granger, Muggle-born," causing some to sneer at her status.

Then came along three red heads, giving everyone an idea of who they were. The younger one first introduced himself, "Ron Weasley, Pureblood," then came the twins, "Fred-George Weasley," making most of the Gryffindors whistle loudly at the Weasley couple.

Next to her came a tall boy who looked like a cute puppy, "Neville Longbottom, Pureblood." Hearing this, Alice and Frank could be seen smiling and blushing.

Next was a blonde boy with piercing grey eyes, "Draco Malfoy, Pureblood."

With him came two boys, one dark-skinned and shining like gold, "Blaise Zabini, Pureblood," and the other with an emotionless expression, "Theo Nott, Pureblood."

Last were the two girls, one a brunette who looked so done with everything happening, "Pansy Parkinson, Slytherin," and the other with the epitome of grace, "Daphne Greengrass, Slytherin. The rest of the people will arrive later during the movies."

With this everyone took their respective seats, awaiting what the future holds for them.

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