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The first scene opens showing the Wizangamot Court.

The Wizengamot was gathered in the ancient courtroom, its members murmuring among themselves in anticipation. This was no ordinary trial; Sirius Black, -

The Great Hall turned into chaos no one believing what they were seeing.

the notorious escaped convict, was being brought before them. There was an air of tension, a blend of curiosity and skepticism. Many had long believed Black guilty of the heinous crimes he was accused of-betraying the Potters to Voldemort and murdering thirteen people with a single curse.

"I would never follow that Madman!!", Sirius said angrily

James, "Sirius would never do that. He would never betray us."

Even the Blacks knew no matter what their heir wouldn't betray the Potters. He was too loyal to them and unfortunately to Dumbledore as well.

The sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the chamber as the door opened, and Sirius Black was escorted in by Aurors. Despite his gaunt appearance and unkempt hair, his eyes burned with intensity, betraying a sense of determination and confidence. Seated at the defendant's chair, he faced the Wizengamot with unwavering resolve.

At the head of the chamber, Amelia Bones, the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, cleared her throat to bring order to the court. She was known for her fair and diligent approach, and today she held an expression of intrigue.

Hearing this everyone who knew Amelia looked proud of her future achievement.

"Members of the Wizengamot," she began, her voice carrying authority. "Today, we gather to hear the trial of Sirius Black, who stands accused of grave crimes against the wizarding world. However, before we proceed, I would like to tell you all that he never got a trial and we have even received some evidence."

This caused the Wizengamot and Great Hall to turn into chaos.

"How could they behave like with the heir of the Ancient and Noble House?", exclaimed Orion angrily.

Sirius was surprised that his father was questioning in a manner but this made him feel cared as well.

A hush fell over the chamber as she produced an anonymous letter, which she had received the day before. Its contents had been startling-a detailed account that claimed Black was not the true culprit, and that Peter Pettigrew, a supposed friend of the Potters, had betrayed them and faked his own death.


The Marauders were looking at Peter angrily, how could he even do that

"Im sorry- "Shut up, Peter. We don't want to hear anything!"

Amelia Bones read the letter aloud, her voice steady despite the weight of its revelations. The letter recounted how Pettigrew, an unregistered Animagus, had transformed into a rat and escaped, leaving behind the illusion of his own demise. Furthermore, the letter claimed that Pettigrew was still alive and at large, hiding among wizards in disguise.

The Veritaserum was given to both Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew and the truth was revealed.

The courtroom erupted into a cacophony of disbelief and shock. Members of the Wizengamot exchanged heated whispers as Amelia Bones called for silence. She then presented additional evidence-witness testimonies and magical traces-that supported the claims made in the letter.

Sirius Black was innocent and was falsely imprisoned for 11 years.

"11 YEARS!!", Sirius exclaimed mournfully

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