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After a long day of classes, Victoria Black made her way back to the Slytherin common room. The stone walls and green furnishings felt like a sanctuary to her, a place where she could gather her thoughts and strategize her next moves. She slipped into her private dormitory, ensuring the door was securely locked behind her.

She approached an ornate, full-length mirror in the corner of her room. With a wave of her wand and a murmured incantation, the surface of the mirror shimmered and transformed, revealing the face of her father, Sirius Black.

"Finally! Now everyone can see my handsome face," commented Sirius making everyone laugh

"I only see an old man," replied Regulus making Sirius pout like a child while everyone laughed at the witty reply

"Victoria," Sirius greeted her warmly, his eyes softening as he took in her appearance. "How was your day?"

"It was fine, Father," Victoria replied, her voice steady. "But we need to talk. I received a letter this morning, and it's... troubling."

Sirius's expression grew serious. "What did it say?"

"It's about him," Victoria said, her gaze unwavering. "He's beginning to uncover his family's past. I think it's time he knows everything."

Sirius sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "As much as I want to meet him, Victoria, he needs to understand his own power first. He has to be prepared for the truth. He needs time to get used to this world first."

Victoria nodded, understanding the weight of her father's words. "I agree. But he's so curious, and I fear he'll discover things too quickly and without guidance."

Sirius's eyes softened with a mix of sadness and determination. "We'll guide him when the time is right. Until then, we must be patient."

Victoria hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Do you want to meet him? Your godson?"

"Godson?", questioned Sirius aloud "Do you think its Harry, James?"

"It must be padfoot," replied James with a thoughtful look on his face

James and his father Fleamont looked at each other concern showing in their eyes, they were worried about their heir and the family secrets he'll cover all alone.

Sirius's expression became wistful. "More than anything. But we have to be cautious. His safety is the most important thing."

Before they could continue, a knock sounded at Victoria's door. She glanced towards it, then back at the mirror. "I have to go, Father. Someone's here. I'll contact you later."

Sirius nodded. "Stay safe, Victoria. We'll talk soon."

The mirror shimmered back to its normal reflective surface, and Victoria hurried to the door. She opened it to find Adrian Pucey standing there, his expression serious.

"Victoria, we need to discuss the plans for the Yule Ball," Adrian said, stepping into the room. "There are some details we need to finalize."

Victoria nodded, her mind already shifting to the next task. "Of course, Adrian. Let's go over everything now."

As she closed the door behind him, Victoria couldn't help but think about her father's words and the growing responsibility she felt towards his godson. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together, and she knew that soon, the truth would have to come out. But for now, there were plans to be made and secrets to be kept.

On the other side of the castle, Harry Potter was seated on his bed in the Gryffindor dormitory, surrounded by a stack of old books. He was deeply engrossed in one of them, learning about the history of the Potter family. The more he read, the more he discovered about his heritage, and the more questions arose in his mind.

He had just read a particularly fascinating passage about his great-grandfather when the door burst open, and Ron Weasley walked in. Ron took one look at the books scattered around Harry and grinned.

"Blimey, Harry," Ron teased, "if you keep this up, you'll turn into a right little bookworm like Hermione. Next thing we know, you'll be quoting Hogwarts: A History at us."

Harry felt a flash of irritation but quickly suppressed it. He didn't want to argue with Ron, especially not about something so important to him. Instead, he forced a small smile and nodded. "Yeah, maybe," he said, trying to keep his tone light. "Just curious about some stuff."

"I don't like him," whispered Evan Rosier with his getting agreed nods from his friends Barty and Rabastan

The red head was annoying for sure.

Ron flopped down on his bed, clearly not picking up on Harry's tension. "Well, don't let Hermione catch you. She'll have you signed up for the library committee before you know it."

Harry chuckled weakly, then glanced at his open book. He wanted to keep reading, to delve deeper into the mysteries of his family, but he knew Ron wouldn't understand. With a sigh, he closed the book and set it aside.

"Yeah, I think I've had enough for tonight," Harry said, pretending to yawn. "I'm going to get some sleep."

Ron nodded, already preoccupied with his own thoughts. "Good idea. See you in the morning, mate."

Harry pulled the curtains around his bed and lay down, staring at the ceiling. His mind was racing with the information he had just absorbed and the countless questions it had sparked. How was he supposed to learn more if he couldn't study without drawing attention?

He remembered the mysterious girl who had advised him to visit Gringotts and take an inheritance test. Maybe there were other ways to find the answers he sought, ways that wouldn't involve poring over dusty old books in the dormitory.

As he drifted off to sleep, Harry resolved to find a way to continue his research without anyone noticing. There was so much more to learn about his family, and he was determined to uncover the truth, no matter what it took.

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