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The Yule break had finally arrived, and the air at Hogwarts was filled with a sense of excitement as students packed their bags to return home for the holidays. In the Gryffindor common room, Harry stood by the fireplace, clutching his travel cloak. Hermione and Ron were sitting nearby, watching him with curious eyes.

"So, you're really going back to the Dursleys for the break?" Hermione asked, frowning slightly.

"Why is he going back there?", asks Lily worriedly not understanding why would Harry do that

Meanwhile James had a hunch on why would his son say that

Harry nodded, forcing a smile. "Yeah. Figured it's better than sticking around here while everyone else goes home."

Ron wrinkled his nose in disbelief. "Mate, you sure you want to go back there? I mean, the Burrow's always open for you."

Harry waved him off with a laugh. "I'll be fine. Just need some peace and quiet, you know? Besides, I'm used to it."

Hermione exchanged a glance with Ron, clearly not convinced. "Alright, Harry. But if you need anything, just owl us, okay?"

"I will," Harry promised. "Have a good holiday, you two."

With that, he quickly exited the common room, making his way down the winding corridors of the castle. His heart pounded slightly, knowing that he had lied to his best friends. He wasn't going back to the Dursleys. His destination was Gringotts, and the truth he sought lay within the Potter vaults—his family's legacy, the answers he desperately needed.

Seeing this Lily started panicking while James had a neutral expression as if he knew this would happen.

Looking at James expression, Regulus Black knew one thing for sure - the Potter family is not as light as they show themselves in front of the world.

There are secrets hidden deep inside.

I have to know who I really am, he thought, determination setting in as he left Hogwarts behind.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the castle, Victoria Black quietly packed her things as well. She had no intention of staying at Hogwarts for the Yule break. Her destination, however, was far more secluded. Without saying a word to anyone, she left the castle grounds and took a Portkey to Romania.

Everyone in the hall started thinking what was in Romania - as far as they knew the Blacks didnt had any connections there.

The wind howled as she arrived at the gates of a vast, ancient castle nestled deep in the Romanian mountains. The sky was dark, heavy with snow clouds. Victoria pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders as she made her way through the large stone entrance.

Seeing the entrance, the black family especially the elders looked at each other with something, that was hard to decipher.

It seemed like they knew the castle very well.

Inside, the air was cold, the dim lighting casting eerie shadows along the stone walls. She was greeted by silence, except for the soft crackle of a fire at the far end of the room. A man sat there, his face obscured by the shadows. Only his silhouette was visible in the flickering firelight.

"You came," the man said, his voice low and rough.

Orion and Cygnus started whispering among each other and had an eye contact with the past generation, wondering if they were thinking the same thing.

There was no doubt they were thinking the same thing.

And if the youngest heiress of the Black family was there, future wasnt kind to anyone.

Meanwhile Sirius and Regulus were wondering who the man was and surprisinly they didn't felt any danger from him towards their heiress.

Victoria nodded as she sat down in the chair beside him, her posture calm but alert. "I did. I wanted to talk."

The man leaned forward slightly, still keeping his face in the shadows. "Hogwarts has been... eventful, I assume?"

Victoria smiled faintly, the flicker of amusement barely noticeable. "More than eventful. The usual drama between the houses, ancient families stirring up old rivalries, and then there's Harry Potter."

The man's interest piqued at the mention of Harry's name. "Potter? What's he up to?"

Victoria shrugged, her tone nonchalant. "He's searching for something. Something he's not telling anyone about. But I'm not sure he even knows what he's looking for."

The man was silent for a moment before speaking again. "And you? How are you handling everything?"

Victoria stared into the fire, her expression thoughtful. "It's... difficult, sometimes. Being who I am, having the responsibilities I have. I wonder if it's all worth it. The secrets, the family, the expectations. Sometimes I just want to leave it all behind."

The man chuckled softly, though there was no humor in his voice. "You can't leave it, Victoria. No matter how far you run, your blood will always pull you back."

She sighed, knowing he was right. "I know. That's why I'm here. I need advice."

The man shifted in his seat, his tone becoming more serious. "You're stronger than you think. But be careful. You're walking a dangerous line, Victoria. Hogwarts isn't what it seems anymore."

Victoria's eyes darkened, the weight of his words sinking in. "I'm aware. But I won't let anything happen to the people I care about. Not again."

They sat in silence for a few moments, the fire casting warm light over the stone walls, before Victoria stood up.

"I should go. I've stayed too long already," she said, her voice quieter now.

As Victoria stood up to leave, the man shifted in his seat, his voice suddenly firm. "Stay."

Victoria paused, her hand hovering over the door handle. She turned to face him, her eyes narrowing slightly in curiosity. "Why?"

The man leaned forward, his face still obscured by the shadows, but his voice carried a weight of authority and concern. "You came all the way here for answers, and yet you're leaving with more questions. Stay, Victoria. There's more you need to know—about your family, about the future. You can't face this alone."

She hesitated, her grip tightening on the handle. A part of her wanted to leave, to distance herself from the burdens she carried, but the man's words echoed in her mind. Slowly, she released the handle and sat back down, her gaze locked on the mysterious figure before her.

"I'll stay," she said softly, her voice betraying a trace of vulnerability. "But you better give me the answers I'm looking for."

The man nodded, a quiet understanding passing between them as the fire crackled in the hearth. "I will. But first, you need to know the full truth."

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