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The Great Hall at Hogwarts was buzzing with activity as students enjoyed their breakfast. The enchanted ceiling reflected the clear morning sky, and the tables were laden with a delicious spread of food. At the Slytherin table, Victoria Black, known as the Queen of Slytherin, sat with her usual grace and poise, surrounded by her close friends and allies.

A sleek, black owl swooped into the hall, delivering a letter directly to Victoria. She accepted it calmly, her eyes narrowing slightly as she recognized the seal. Carefully, she opened the letter and began to read. Her expression remained impassive, but those closest to her noticed the subtle tension in her posture.

"Everything alright, Victoria?" Adrian Pucey asked, concern evident in his voice.

Victoria folded the letter and slipped it into her robes, her face a mask of tranquility. "Yes, everything is fine," she replied smoothly. "Just a minor family matter."

"A minor family matter? But we wouldn't send a letter just for that to Victoria, would we mother - father?, asked Sirius not realising he talked to his parents after years of silence

Feeling happy but composing herself, Lady Black replied, "I don't think we would son, but again its the future"

Despite her reassurance, her friends exchanged worried glances. Victoria stood gracefully and excused herself. "I need to take care of something. I'll see you all in class."

As Victoria left the Great Hall, her departure did not go unnoticed. Harry Potter, seated at the Gryffindor table, had been observing the scene with keen interest. His green eyes followed her until she disappeared through the doors. He then turned his attention back to his own table, where Ron and Hermione were once again embroiled in a heated argument.

"Honestly, Ron, how can you be so insensitive?" Hermione snapped, her voice tinged with frustration.

"Oh, come on, Hermione! It's just a joke!" Ron retorted, his face flushed with irritation.

Harry felt a surge of disgust at the petty squabble, but he quickly masked his emotions before anyone could notice. He forced a smile and tried to focus on his breakfast, but his mind kept drifting back to Victoria and the mysterious letter.

"He surely is interesting isn't he Remus?", asked Sirius to Remus but all he got was silence

"Remus?", Sirius looked at his werewolf friend worriedly shaking him from his stance

"Huh? Oh yeah, you're right", replied Remus shaking himself out of his thoughts

Whatever he had seen till now, was completely opposite of what he thought was right - perhaps it wasn't the truth he was living in

As Harry glanced around the hall, he caught sight of Draco Malfoy, who seemed equally intrigued by Victoria's abrupt departure. Their eyes met briefly, and Harry quickly looked away, not wanting to draw any more attention to himself.

Back in the corridor, Victoria moved swiftly, her mind racing. The letter had contained unsettling news, and she needed to think. She made her way to an empty classroom, where she could have a moment of privacy. Once inside, she pulled out the letter and reread it, her expression finally reflecting the concern she had hidden so well earlier.

As the minutes passed, she composed herself and carefully tucked the letter away. She knew she couldn't afford to show any weakness, not when so much was at stake. With a deep breath, she straightened her robes and made her way back to her duties, her face once again a picture of calm and confidence.

In the Great Hall, Harry continued to watch the door, his mind filled with questions. He knew there was more to Victoria Black than met the eye, and he couldn't shake the feeling that whatever had been in that letter was important. But for now, he had to focus on his own problems and try to keep the peace between his friends.

As the students filed out of the Great Hall, heading to their first classes of the day, Harry's thoughts remained divided. He couldn't help but wonder what secrets Victoria was hiding and how they might intersect with the mysteries he was unraveling about his own past.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐅 𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐍𝐃 (𝐖𝐓𝐌)Where stories live. Discover now