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The Potions classroom was filled with a mix of anticipation and tension as Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley sat at their table, surrounded by vials, cauldrons, and the faint smell of various ingredients. Across the room, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theo Nott, Pansy Parkinson, and Daphne Greengrass sat together, their expressions smug and expectant. It was their first lesson of the year with Professor Snape, and everyone knew it would be intense.

"I still can't believe Snivellous is a professor," whispered James but was heard by everyone resulting in receiving a glare from the boy across the hall at the Slytherin table

"What's your problem James?, whispered Euphemia receiving silence in return from her son

Snape entered the room with his usual dramatic flair, his dark robes billowing behind him. He cast a stern glance around the room before addressing the class.

"Today," Snape began, his voice silky and cold, "we will be brewing a Draught of Living Death. Pay close attention, as any mistake could be fatal."

Harry exchanged a wary glance with Hermione, who was already scribbling notes in her parchment. Ron gulped nervously, his eyes wide.

Snape moved around the room, scrutinizing each student's work. He paused by Draco's table, offering a rare nod of approval, before moving on to Harry's group, where his expression turned to one of disdain.

"Potter," Snape drawled, "let's see if you can manage not to blow up your cauldron this time."

Lily's face turned into a frown knowing why her ex bestfriend held disdain towards her son, whereas on the other hand James was angry on him wondering how could his son be treated like that.

Just as he was about to shout - the screen resumed

Before Harry could respond, the door to the classroom opened abruptly, and all heads turned to see Victoria Black, the Queen of Slytherin, standing in the doorway. Her presence commanded immediate attention, and the room fell silent.

The Black family couldn't be more proud of their heiress - she was the epitome of grace and power.

"Professor Snape," Victoria said, her voice calm but firm. "May I speak with you outside for a moment?"

Snape's eyes narrowed slightly, but he nodded. "Class, continue with your preparations. I will be back shortly." He followed Victoria out into the corridor, leaving the students whispering among themselves.

Once outside, Snape turned to Victoria, his expression a mix of curiosity and irritation. "What is so urgent that it couldn't wait, Miss Black?"

Victoria took a deep breath, her composure unwavering. "I need to use the floo of your chambers, Professor, along with Adrian Pucey and Marcus Flint. We need to go to Malfoy Manor, and it's of the utmost importance."

Snape raised an eyebrow. "And what, may I ask, is so important that you require my chambers and my permission to leave the school grounds?"

"It's regarding a family matter," Victoria explained. "One that concerns both the Malfoys and the Blacks. I will leave a letter for you at you chamber explaining the situation."

Snape in the hall was stunned, 'he was wondering if he was that close with the Black's girl that he allowed her to enter his chamber'

Whereas the Malfoys and Blacks were wondering the important task that required the presence of their heiress from Hogwarts.

Snape studied her for a moment, his dark eyes probing. "Very well," he said finally. "You may use my chambers. But be discreet, and make sure you are back before curfew. If anyone questions you, refer them to me."

"Thank you, Professor," Victoria said, a hint of relief in her voice. "I appreciate your trust."

Snape nodded curtly and re-entered the classroom with Victoria following close behind. As they returned, the students quickly refocused on their potions, though the curiosity was palpable.

"Continue with your work," Snape instructed, his tone brooking no argument. He then turned to Victoria. "Miss Black, you may proceed."

Victoria gave a small nod and exited the classroom, her presence leaving an air of mystery behind her. She quickly found Adrian Pucey - the heir of the noble house of Pucey and Marcus Flint - the heir of the noble house of Flint, waiting in the corridor, both of them looking eager and ready.

"Let's go," Victoria said, leading them towards Snape's chambers. "We don't have much time."

Back in the Potions classroom, the lesson continued, but the atmosphere had shifted. Harry, his friends, and the future heirs of the noble houses couldn't help but wonder what had just transpired and what it meant for their intertwined fates. The secrets of the ancient houses, the urgency of Victoria's mission, and the ever-present tension between the light and dark sides loomed large over them all, hinting at the deeper mysteries yet to be uncovered.

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