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The Great Hall at Hogwarts buzzed with the usual post-dinner chatter as students from all four houses began to make their way back to their respective common rooms. The enchanted ceiling above showed a clear night sky dotted with stars, casting a serene glow over the hall.

Everyone in the Great hall buzzed with excitement feeling content in watching their future generation and reminiscing their old days.

Harry Potter lingered near the entrance, his eyes scanning the room. To the casual observer, it seemed like innocent curiosity, a typical first-year's fascination with the grandeur of Hogwarts. But Harry's gaze was more deliberate, taking in the faces of students from each house, his mind swirling with questions about his new life.

"Come on, Harry," Hermione Granger called gently. "We should get back to the Gryffindor common room."

"Yeah, mate," Ron Weasley added. "You don't want to get lost on your first night."

Oh yes, he made his first friends his hogwarts - Hermione Granger, the muggleborn and Ron Weasley, the pureblood - well more like the blood traitor.

The Weasley matriarch's face was turning red just like her hair and was about to say something when she was stopped by her own husband.

Some purebloods in the background could been seen hiding their smile behind their proper facade.

Harry nodded, giving the hall one last look before following his friends out. As the Gryffindors ascended the staircase towards their tower, the Slytherin first years were being shepherded by Prefects down into the dungeons, where their common room awaited.

The Slytherin common room was a grand, dimly lit space with green and silver hangings, and windows that looked out into the depths of the Black Lake. The atmosphere was both mysterious and slightly intimidating for the new students. Among them, whispers had already started about meeting the "Queen of Slytherin," a fourth-year student known for her remarkable leadership and charm.

This made everyone especially the Slytherins excited - wondering who would be their houses's future ruler, while rest were simply wondering why the monarchy still existed in the future.

As they entered the common room, the first years were greeted by a sight that lived up to the rumors. The Queen of Slytherin - who was none other than the young mistress of the Ancient and Noble House of Black - Victoria Black, the daughter of Sirius Orion Black, stood by the fireplace. 

Sirius whooped up from the floor excitedly celebrating, "It's my daughter, bitches!!"

"Mr. Black please refrain yourself from using foul language!", said Mcgonagall eventhough she was happy for her favourite student's daughter.

The current and past Slytherin's respect for the future Black mistress increased even more, they realised she hold the power no one could and at such a young age.

Even at her young age, she carried herself with the grace and authority befitting a queen. Her presence commanded respect, and her fellow Slytherins looked up to her with admiration.

"Welcome to Slytherin," Victoria said, her voice smooth and confident. "My name is Victoria Black. If you have any questions or need help with anything, you can come to me. Remember, in Slytherin, we value ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness. You are here because you have the potential to be great. Embrace it."

The first years looked at her with wide eyes, nodding eagerly. The room fell silent as the door to the common room opened once more, and Severus Snape, the head of Slytherin House, swept in. His dark robes billowed behind him, and his sharp eyes scanned the room, taking in the new faces.

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