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The Great Hall at Hogwarts was a spectacular sight, adorned with floating pumpkins, fluttering bats, and flickering candles. It was the annual Halloween feast, and the students were in high spirits, enjoying the delicious food and festive atmosphere. However, at the Gryffindor table, there was an undercurrent of tension.

"Did you hear?" one of the students whispered. "Hermione's been crying in the dungeons. Something Ron said."

"Now we know where he gets his manners from," whispered someone from the Gryffindor table but before Molly could react the scene shifted.

Ron Weasley shifted uncomfortably, glancing at Harry. Harry met his eyes, concern etched on his face. "We need to talk to her," Harry said, his voice low.

Before they could make any plans, the doors to the Great Hall burst open, and Professor Quirrell came running in, his turban askew and his face pale with terror. "Troll! In the dungeon!" he screamed, gasping for breath. "Thought you ought to know."



The Great Hall turned into a chaos making Mcgonagall scream at everyone to stay silent.

Everyone especially the parents were scared hearing the future events.

The hall erupted into chaos, students screaming and jumping to their feet. Dumbledore stood, his voice booming over the din. "Silence!" he commanded. "Everyone, please remain calm. Prefects, lead your houses back to their dormitories immediately."

Victoria Black, the Queen of Slytherin, rose gracefully from her seat. "Headmaster," she called out, her voice carrying across the hall. "Slytherin and Hufflepuff common rooms are in the dungeons. We can't go back there if there's a troll."

The Slytherins and Hufflepuffs in the hall were greatful for Victoria that she made the Headmaster realized, since they were often ignored.

Dumbledore's expression faltered, and for a moment, he was at a loss for words. Professor McGonagall quickly took charge. "Victoria is right. Slytherin and Hufflepuff will stay here in the Great Hall. Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, proceed to your common rooms immediately and stay there until further notice."

As the students from Gryffindor and Ravenclaw filed out, Harry slipped away from the group, unnoticed in the confusion. He made his way quickly and quietly towards the dungeon bathrooms, his mind focusing to do something else, which was noticed by someone in the hall.

"Where is he going?," whispered Lily to James

"He'll be alright, don't worry Lily," whispered James back

She was confused with his behavior from some days, the man who used to roam around her everyday was suddenly distanced.

After the completion of his work , he found the aftermath of a battle. Professors McGonagall, Snape, and Quirrell were there, having subdued the troll. Hermione was safe but visibly shaken, tears still streaming down her face.

"Harry," Hermione said later, after being escorted back to the Great Hall by the professors, "where were you?"

Harry, who had returned unnoticed by most, just shrugged. "I was... around," he replied evasively.

Later, when Harry returned to the Gryffindor common room, Ron was waiting for him, his face red with anger. "Where have you been?" Ron demanded. "Hermione nearly died, and you were nowhere to be found!"

"And who's fault is that Ron?", fired back Harry

"Well.... well but you still weren't around," said Ron realizing he was right making Harry scoff at him.

"Trouble in paradise", sang Barty making his friends laugh

"Stop it Barty, the boy is still a mystery," whispered Regulus to his friends

"What do you mean Reg?," asked Rabastan clearly confused

But Regulus remained silent instead thinking various possibilities that can solve this mystery.

Harry felt a surge of anger and guilt but kept his face impassive. "But if you would so likely to know, I was trying to find her," he lied. "But the professors got there first."

Ron opened his mouth to retort, but Hermione, who had followed Harry, stepped between them. "Stop it, both of you," she said firmly. "The professors saved me. We were lucky they were there in time."

The tension between the three friends eased slightly, but the night's events had left a mark on them all. As they settled into their dormitories, the realization of the dangers that lurked within the walls of Hogwarts weighed heavily on their minds.

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