Chapter Four of Wanting Him

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Taco Bell wasn't too far from our neighborhood. Brent and I talked the whole way about tacos and burritos. I pulled in my driveway and said, "Let me drop this off real quick, then we'll go look at the Mustang." "Okay, take your time.", Brent said. I smiled and responded, "I'll hurry, it's not polite to keep a gentleman such as yourself, waiting." He smiled and replied, "But it's also impolite to rush a lady such as yourself." I blushed and smiled, ran into my house, put the food on the kitchen table, and quickly headed towards the door. As I reached the front door, my mom quickly snapped, "Young lady! Just where do you think you're going? And tell me why it took so long at Taco Bell!" I cringed my face and slowly turned around to face her. I looked at her with my puppy dog face and said, "Weellll... It's a long story", and I led her to the kitchen window. I pointed outside at Brent and he was on his phone. She looked at him through the window, then back at me, who was giving her the puppy dog face, she sighed then said, "Oh okay. Hurry up. But you'll have some explaining to do when you get back." And she smiled at me. I did a little shriek, hugged her, and in excitement responded, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She nodded her head and said, "Yeah, yeah. Just becareful, and don't be stupid!" I opened the front door, and playfully skipped towards Brent. "I'm sorry it took so long. I had to talk to my mom.", I said. He smiled and replied, "Oh please, it's fine! After all, it's not polite to rush a lady.", then he winked at me. I'm pretty sure my face got more red than a fire truck. We walked a short ways down the sidewalk to his house and walked up his driveway. I saw him typing in the passcode to open his garage door, so I turned away. He immediately looked at me after I turned around, chuckled, then said, "It's fine! You can look. I have enough trust in you to know you won't come snooping through my garage." We both smiled and I replied, "Well you don't want to trust someone too easily. That's how you'll get hurt or put into danger." He looked at me, slightly in shock, then asked, "Well am I not supposed to trust you?" I quickly answered, "No, no! You can totally trust me! I was just saying ib general." I looked at him, amd he was laughing a little, then he responded, "I know, I know. I'm just messing with you." I smiled and laughed a little too. He finally opened his garage door, and there it was. His shiney, polished, red, Ford Mustang. 1964 to be exact. I gasped, looked at him, he nodded, and I ran at the beautiful car. I looked at it in astonishment. "It's sooooo beautiful! Oh my gosh! I'm in love!", I said as I checked out the car. I looked up at him and noticed that quickly looked straight at the car. I'm bad at noticing when guys are looking at me, but it was obvious with Brent. He smiled and said, "Yeah, my dad and I worked on it. Blake and Brice occasionally helped, but since they don't live here, they couldn't do as much work as I did." "Your brothers?", I asked. "Yeah.", he answered. I continued looking at the Mustang. "My dad has two Mustangs, actually. A red 1988, and a blue 2006.", I said. In slight shock, he asked, "Really?!" I replied, "Yeah. Well his 1988 fell into a creek back in Dickson, so it's at my grandma's." He laughed and quickly said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to laugh. Was everyone okay?" I slightly laughed and said, "It's fine! My whole family still laughs about it. No one was in it. My dad was working on it in the backyard, and he thought that if he put a big log in front of the car, it wouldn't roll down the super steep hill and into the creek. Hahaha! But it did! Hahahaha!" He laughed and there was a breif moment of silence. I then looked at Brent and said, "Well my dad's blue 2006 Mustang is in our garage if you want to come check it out." He smiled at me and said, "That'd be awesome!" So we walked out of his garage, and he closed his garage door. We slightly skipped down the sidewalk together, and then down my driveway, then to my garage. "No peeking!", I said to Brent. "Oh, oh sorry!", he nervously responded. While laughing, I quickly replied, "No, no, I'm just kidding!" And we looked at each other and laughed. I typed in the pincode, the door opened, and we entered. He looked at the Mustang and in amazement, he said, "Wow! It's awesome!" I smiled and said, "Yeah, even though it's a newer model, it's stick shift." He looked at me and replied, "Really? So is ours." I smiled and watches Brent looking at the Mustang. As I walked over to him, I tripped over a peice of rope hanging out of a box. I accidentally fell on to Brent, and we landed on the hood of the car. His back was on the hood, so his chest was facing up, and my chest on his. I quickly put my hands on his chest, trying to get up, then our eyes met. We looked into each other's eyes for a minute, and he began to slowly lean in. I didn't know what to do. Maybe he wasn't trying to kiss me. I admit, I like him a lot, but I don't personally know him that well. I quickly pushed myself up, and Brent's eyes widened. I broke the awkwardness by saying, "So, you ever heard of a 1966, Fastback Mustang?" Brent looked down, then back at me and said, "Oh... Uh... Yeah, actually I have!" I smiled at him and replied, "Well that's my dream car! I'd die for one!" He smiled at me and answered, "That's really cool! I'm sure you'll get it, especially once you have your huge racing career." I slightly blushed and giggled, then said,"Yeah, thanks! I really hope so... Well, I'm really hungry, I've got Taco Bell waiting on me. Hahahaha!" He looked up at me and replied, " Oh yeah! Enjoy your food!" I smiled, and he walked out of the garage, and I began to walk through the door in the garage that led to the house. I almost closed the garage door when I heard Brent yell, "WAIT!" I turned around and looked at him. "Hahaha! Yes?" I asked while slightly laughing. He asked, "Um, I don't mean to sound weird or anything, but is it okay if I have your number?" I walked up to him and answered, "Yeah, totally! It's not weird at all!" He smiled, we exchanged our numbers, and went our seperate ways. I walked into the house, and everyone in my house surrounded me in curiosity. I'm pretty sure I have the nosiest family. They began to question me as I worked my way to the kitchen. They were asking so many questions. It was like I was a celebrity and they were the paparazzi. I sat down at the kitchen table, took my Taco Bell out, and told them the story.

Author's Note: Hey guys! Thanks for reading as far as you have! It means so much! It'll become more interesting, and more romance action will happen too, I promise. Again, thank you for reading!

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