Chapter Fourteen of Wanting Him

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We spent the whole day together outside, laughing and talking. We learned more about each other. Brent is seriously the nicest, funniest, and sweetest guy ever!

I loved spending the whole day with Meagan! When I held her hand, it was like her hands were made to fit perfectly in mine. It was like magic. I really liked learning about her too. She's funny, sweet, caring, and beautiful. I can't wait for our date tomorrow! We have been hanging out the entire day, literally! From 10am until 7:30 pm. I was going to buy her some Taco Bell, but she had to eat dinner with her family. I understood. I get her tomorrow night though.

After spending the whole day with Brent, which was amazing, I went inside for dinner. Madison and Jazmyne kept asking about my day with Brent, so I told them, even about us holding hands. "HE LIKES YOU! I TOLD YOU!", Jazmyne yelled. I laughed, then said, "No, he just-" Before I could finish my sentence, Madison interrupted me, "Yeah, yeah! He asked you on a date too! You must be stupid not to see that he like you! Wait... Look who I'm talking to. Of course you are!" I laughed a little. But what Madison said was true. I'm not going to lie, it was pretty obvious. I just didn't want to say anything and jinx it. I just smiled and shook my head. After we had dinner, Madison, Jazmyne, and I all went to my room, just to have girl talk. "Hey Meagan, can I tell Jazmyne what I saw last night? When you and Brent almost kissed.", Madison whispered to me. I nodded my head. Jazmyne and Madison know everything about my life. I tell them everything. I trust them with everything. Except food. But that's okay. Anyways, Madison told Jazmyne about Brent and I almost kissing the other night, until she walked in. Jazmyne's face lit up with a mixture of shock and excitement, then Jazmyne yelled while whispering, "Madison! You had to ruin it?!" Madison and Jazmyne laughed, because Jazmyne was messing around. "Well I didn't know I was about to walk in on some romance going on. Good thing I did, because who knows how far it could have gotten. I mean they were on a bed together.", Madison replied, jokingly. I playfully hit her and we all laughed. We all talked until a little after midnight, because Madison had fallen asleep. I woke Madison up and walked her to her room. As I was walking back to my room, Jazmyne said to me, "Well you better get some beauty sleep for your date tomorrow!" We both laughed, and walked in our separate rooms. Even though I've only known Brent for less than a week, I feel like I've known him since forever. I haven't been on my phone since dinner, which is totally unlike me, so I checked my phone. I had several Instagram notifications. Some of them were tags of me. My friends from Tennessee posting pictures of us, it made me really miss them. It's nice to know that people actually do miss me. It makes me miss Tennessee a lot, but I absolutely love it here in California. I checked my texts, and saw that I had one from Brent. He texted, "Heyyy! I had a great day with you! I can't wait for our date tomorrow!" I was about to reply, but I noticed that he had sent the text at 8:46, and it's 12:17. I feel awful that I didn't check it earlier. He's probably asleep now, so I'm not going to text him. I walked over to my window to close the blinds. I looked out of the window to see Brent standing at his window looking out at me. I had no clue our rooms faced each other. I smiled and waved, and he smiled and waved back. He pointed at his phone, and I motioned him to open his window, so we both opened our window. I loudly whispered, "Sorry I didn't answer. I seriously just read it. But I can't wait for our date either!" He laughed, with a twinkle in his eye, and then said, "It's okay! I saw you talking to Jazmyne and Madison for hours. Uh-" He immediately stopped what he was saying, and gave me a look like he just saw a ghost. He nervously continued by saying' "Haha! Oh gosh! I'm not stalking you, I promise. I'd just look over every now and then." I was laughing and blushing. "No, it's fine! I now know to keep my window shades closed.", I said while laughing. Brent gave me a blank and embarrassed look. "I was kidding!", I quickly said and laughed. Brent looked down, and slightly laughed. It more like a laugh of embarrassment and relief. There was a pause of silence. I broke the silence by saying, "Well, I better get some beauty sleep for our date. I wouldn't want to embarrass you with my horrendous looks." Brent laughed a little and replied, "Meagan, I think you're beautiful enough. Shoot, if you get any better looking, I'll be the one who looks like an ugly monster." Brent winked at me and smiled. I'm pretty sure I died and came back to life after he winked at me. "Hey, can you come outside?", Brent asked me. I looked at him in confusion then answered, "You do realize it's basically 12:30 in the morning, right?" He laughed and then said, "I know. It's a great time to go outside." I have him a confused look, shrugged my shoulders, then quietly crept down the stair and to the door. I walked outside and Brent was already at my door. "Shall we?", Brent asked, extending his arm. "We shall.", I replied smiling and linking my arm with his. We playfully skipped down the sidewalk. "Okay now, where are we going?", I asked after a little ways down the sidewalk. We continued to skip a little further until Brent answered, "Right here." He took my arm, steering me to the right. It was a small, grassy area. I wouldn't say a field, because I've seen plenty of fields before, and this is a lot smaller. It wasn't too small though. Maybe big enough to fit a garage in it. Anyways, Brent sat in the grassy area and patted next to him, signaling for me to sit next to him. "Lay down and look up." Brent said. I sat down next to him and smiled, then we both laid down and looked at the stars. "In Dickson, you could see the stars a lot better because there weren't as many lights. It was so pretty. I miss it.", I said. Brent looked over at me, and I looked over at him. We looked into each other's eyes and smiled. He scooted closer to me and put his arm around me, then asked, "Are you going to go back and visit anytime soon?" I wasn't sure if we were, so I answered, "I don't know. I hope so. I miss it." He smiled then replied, "You talking about Dickson makes me want to visit. It sounds like a cute place." I laughed then said, "If you like countretto." He looked at me in confusion and laughed, then asked, "What?!" I laughed and said to him, "Countretto is a mixture of country and ghetto. If you look up 'Dope City' in  Urban Dictionary, it'll tell you about Dickson. There were tons of fights at school, and lots of teens on drugs and selling drugs. But other than that, it was alright. There were really nice parts of Dickson. It was really pretty at night when there were no clouds and you could just lay outside and watch the sky. The stars were so bright. As bad as Dickson sounds, I actually liked it. Even if the only actual fun thing to do was go to Wal-Mart." Brent just laughed. We both continued to look at the stars. My eyes were getting really heavy with sleep after a while. I didn't want to leave though. Brent had his arm around me, and I felt so comfortable. Brent started to play with my hair, and I laid my head on his chest, and fell asleep.

I woke up to the bright sun in my eyes. I slowly popped my head up and looked around, noticing that Brent was still sleeping. I had no clue what time it was. If my parents found out that I snuck out, they'd kill me. I shook Brent and he groaned. "Wake up.", I said to him. Brent slowly opened his eyes and mumbled, "What time is it?" I rolled my eyes and answered, "I have no clue. Your guess is as good as mine. Come on! Hurry up! Get up! I have to go before my parents find out and kill me." Brent sat up and looked around with his his sightly shut. "Come on!", I said helping him up. He got up and I took his hand and made him run with me back to my house. After a slight run back to my house, he walked me up to my doorstep then hugged me, I hugged him back. "Thanks for staying the night with me outside.", Brent whispered in my ear while we were hugging. It sent chills up and down my back. Ooo, I just wanted to kiss him. "Anytime.", I replied. We let go, and he walked home. I secretly walked in my house and looked at the time. It was 8:17 am. I heard a door open, so I quietly ran upstairs to my room. I saw my phone on my bed, where I left it, so I plugged it up. I plopped myself on my bed, thinking about Brent and I, and fell asleep.

Author's Note: Two in one day? I know, it's a rare thing. I just love you guys that much. Anyways, what do you guys think so far? Just wait until the date, it'll get a lot better. (Somewhat of a spoiler. I'm just giving you guys something to look forward to.) Thanks, and I love you all!

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