Chapter Twelve of Wanting Him

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After a couple of hours, we finally finished the cookies. We put them on a plate, wrapped it in aluminum foil, then my dad, Lexi, and I walked over to her house and knocked on the door. As the door opened, I saw a younger looking teenage girl. "IT'S BRENT!", she yelled inside of the house in excitement. "Come in! Make yourselves at home!", she finished. My family and I walked in and sat on the couch. I got up and handed her mom the cookies and smiled. "Thank you so much, sweetheart! For EVERYTHING! You literally saved my daughter. If there is EVER ANYTHING we can do, we will go out of our reach to help. Thank you so so very much!", she said hugging me really tight. I smiled, nodded my head, and replied, "Anytime! Your daughter actually saved me too. You raised a wonderful lady. Thank you as well." She smiled and nodded her head. I looked around the living room and kitchen, and didn't see Meagan. "I don't mean to seem nosey or anything, but where is Meagan?", I politely asked. "Oh, I'm sorry! She fell asleep in her room. You're more than welcome to go and wake her up.", her mom responded. "Are you sure? I don't want to be rude.", I replied. She smiled and answered, "Oh no! It's not rude at all! Especially after everything you've done. She'd absolutely love to see you. Madison, take Brent to Meagan's room." Madison was the younger teenager who had answered the door for us. She's Meagan's 14 year old sister. While Madison led me up the stairs, she said, "Good luck waking Meagan up. She gets really mad." That made me somewhat nervous. What if she doesn't want to see me? What if she finds out I like her, gets weirded out, and never wants to talk to me again because I came over? So many thoughts ran across my mind. My thoughts were interrupted by Madison when she said, "Good luck.", then walked away. I slowly and quietly opened her bedroom door, and looked over to her bed where she was sleeping. She looked so cute and peaceful while sleeping. I walked over to her and tapped on her. She moaned and rolled over facing me, but her eyes were still closed. "Hey.", I slightly whispered. "Madison, I swear if you woke me up to tell me something stupid, I will brutally murder you!", she slightly mumbled, sitting up and opening her eyes. "It's not your sister", I chuckled. She rubbed her eyes and tiredly said, "Wha?" Her eyes widened. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!", she said freaking out and fixing her bun and facing away from me. I chuckled and said, "No, no! You're fine!" She fixed her messy bun and smiled at me. "Here, sit!", she said patting a spot on her bed. I kicked my shoes off and sat next to her. "So are you in trouble? What'd your parents say? They let you over?", she questioned on a worried tone. I chuckled again and answered all of her questions. We questioned each other back and forth for about 15 minutes, and were relieved to know that neither of us were in trouble. We looked in each other's eyes, and I wanted to kiss her so badly. I began to slowly lean in and close my eyes. She did too. Our lips, centimeters away, ruined by her sister coming in and saying, "Did you... Uh... Ohh... Yeah you woke her up... Umm.. We are making popcorn, ordering pizza, and watching a movie. Your family is staying too, Brent. You're both welcome to join." Meagan and I looked at each other, laughed a little, and nodded at Madison. "We'll be down there." Meagan said to Madison. Madison laughed, rolled her eyes, then walked out. "Um, well, that was awkward.", I said. Meagan sightly laughed, then answered, "Nah! Madison and I are really close. Even though we're sisters, we're each other's best friends. She knows all my secrets. She won't say anything." I chuckled and replied, "Oh good. That's sorta like Lexi and I." We smiled at each other, then she got up. I noticed she was just in a t-shirt and underwear. "Oh geez!", Meagan yelled, running back to her bed under her covers. "I'm so sorry! I seriously forgot!", she said in worry. I laughed and said, "No, it's fine! I walk around in just my boxers." She gave me a dumb look and said, "Well you're a dude, it's different look." Then we laughed. Not going to lie, Meagan looked good in her big t-shirt and panties. It sounds weird, and I almost said something, but I didn't. That would probably make her uncomfortable. I know Brad tended to make her very uncomfortable, and I don't want to do the same. "Can you hand me my pants over on the chair over there?" , Meagan asked. I smiled, got up, grabbed her pajama pants, and handed them to her. "Thanks! Now turn around real quick.", she said pointing at the wall. I laughed a little and faced the wall.

I was still shocked that Brent came over. And boy was I embarrassed when Brent saw me in my underwear. He probably got uncomfortable. After I got my pants on, I grabbed Brent's arm, and led him downstairs to the living room where both my family and Brent's family were sitting. "So sorry!", I said, and continued with, "I was really tired. It's been a long day." Everyone said it was okay, and we sat down and watched the movie. We watched Cars, my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE movie! I can rephrase the WHOLE movie! I'm a child at heart. About 15 minutes into the movie, the pizza came. Brent and I raced each other to the door. I won, but I'm pretty sure it's because he let me win. I took two boxes, and Brent took the other two boxes. We laid them on the table, washed our hands, and everyone got pizza. It was an amazing night. My favorite movie, with my biggest crush, his family, my family, my best friend, food, and we were all having a great time. I looked around, smiling, absorbing everything, because this was a moment I wanted to last. In the middle of the movie, I was getting really tired. Brent looked at me and noticed how tired I was. "Hey, you can lay on my shoulder, I don't mind.", Brent said to me with a somewhat nervous tone. I looked at him, blushing, and asked, "Really? Are you sure?" He nodded his head and patted his shoulder. I laid my head on his shoulder, and he looked down at me and smiled. I looked at Madison and Jazmyne, who were giving me the "get you some" look. You know, like when your crush walks by and your friends give you that one look. Anyways, I didn't want to fall asleep while watching my favorite movie, but eventually I did.

Author's Note: So I knew I had already typed most of this chapter, but I was like, "Well, I guess it didn't save." But then as I was typing it all over again, I went into the saved chapters, and found the first one I was typing. I felt soooo dumb! Like dang! I did all that work for nothing! 😂 But oh well! Thanks for sticking around! The chapters will get more and more romantic as they go along, I promise! They just move slow. The next chapter is really cute! Stay tuned!!! Love you all!

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