Chapter Six of Wanting Him

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Brent looked at me in concern and asked me what was wrong. I told him to wait a minute. I read my text from my ex, Brad. He was basically verbally abusive, and would fight anyone/anything for what he wanted.

Brad: Hey babe! I miss you! My family and I are on our way to California for vacation. We need to hang out!

Me: Um, no. You're my ex. As in no more. Besides, I've moved on.

Brad: Excuse me?! What the hell?! I don't think so! We're together until I, ME, say it's over.

Me: NO! YOU DON'T OWN ME ANYMORE! I've grown enough strength to know that I no longer need you.

I was beyond pissed off. A small tear rolled down my cheek. Brent immediately wiped it off with his thumb and kept asking what was wrong. "It's... It's uhh... Nothing. It's nothing.", I said to Brent with my voice shaking. I hate crying. I rarely ever cry. It makes me feel weak. I was just so mad and stressed. "Meagan, you told me you rarely ever cry. You're tearing up. Something is wrong. You can trust me, I promise.", Brent said to me with his eyes filled with worry. I eventually told him the story... The whole thing... Everything that happened... "That's completely awful! NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE, deserves to be treated like that. You are a wonderful girl, and what he put you through was wrong, and you especially don't deserve someone who treats you so wrong. I know it's hard to break it off with someone who is manipulative and verbally abusive, because they pull you in their trap. I'm proud of you for having the strength to finally let go of him and stand your own ground. That's very brave. I'm here for you if you EVER need me.", Brent said to me with lots of care. I know I really don't cry, but hearing Brent say that had me emotional. It was so sweet. I wanted to say, "Oh I will always need you! I always have!" But that would just be weird and that's rushing things. So I just said, "Thank you so much! That really helps! It means a lot. And if you ever need anything, I'm ALWAYS here for you too!"

I don't know Meagan that well, but from what I do know, she is very strong and independent. She doesn't cry that much. She is a very positive and giggly girl. Seeing her tear up just about broke my heart. So what it's only been one day, I already really like her. It made me feel good to hear her say that she was always going to be there for me, because I will always need her. I just think it'd be too soon if I tell her how I felt. Besides, what if she does go back to her ex? No, no, he lives in Tennessee. But what if they decide to do a long distance relationship? No, she's done with him. But what if she falls under his trap again? So many different thoughts crossed my mind. I just didn't if/how I should tell her I like her...

Brent seemed to be in some deep thinking. I was going to ask if he was alright, but I didn't want to mess up his thinking. After a few minutes, he slightly shook his head. I asked if he was ready to go home, it was almost 11pm. He was getting tired so we got up and left. He made me laugh most of the ride home. I knew something was wrong, but I was scared to ask.

I was worried about Meagan. She's so strong and independent, but I really want to take care of her. Hearing Brad's past scared me. He was in wrestling, football, did weight-lifting, and had been in so many fights. But I was ready. I pulled into her driveway and looked over at her. She was smiling and laughing, but I knew on the inside, she was upset and worried. She's so beautiful when she laughs. She'll cover her face with her hands, then her hair would fall in her face, and she'd push her hair back. I don't understand why she covers her mouth whem she laughs, she has a beautiful smile. She looked over at me and we paused a moment, just looking at each other. She then unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the car door. I meant to open the door for her, but I got so caught up in her beautiful eyes. "Thank you so much. For everything. I had an amazing time." She said before she got out of the car. "Oh, anytime! I enjoyed your company!", I replied. We smiled at each other, then she got out of the car and walked to her door. I watched her until she was all the way inside, just to make sure she got in safely. Before she closed the door, she smiled and waved, and she slowly shut the door. I backed out of her driveway, pulled into my driveway, and parked my car in the garage. I walked back outside, just to look at the beautiful stars. I looked over at Meagan's house and noticed her sitting on the porch, with the lights off, just looking at the stars. Boy was she beautiful. I dozed off, staring at her, when suddenly, I felt someone push me up against the side of my house.

DUN! DUN! DUN! I know, another cliff hanger. Hahaha! But it gives you something to look forward to. Hahaha! Again, thanks so much for reading! I love you all! ♥♡♥♡

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