Chapter Seven of Wanting Him

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"STARE AT MY GIRLFRIEND AGAIN AND WE'LL HAVE SOME SERIOUS PROBLEMS! GOT IT?!", some random guy yelled at me while pinning me up against the side of my house. "Woah! Woah! Hold up! Who are you and who is your girlfriend?" I asked after he let go of me. "I'm Meagan's boyfriend, Brad! You BETTER leave her alone! If I see you even talk to her, we'll have problems! I mean it! Got it?!", Brad rudely answered. I wasn't going to let this guy hurt Meagan again. "No!", I replied and continued with, "No I don't 'GOT' it! And YOU need to quit messing with her! You hurt her, and you were verbally abusive, and no one, especially Meagan, deserves that! Leave her alone! She's done with you! GOT THAT?!" I knew immediately after I said that, I was about to get my butt whooped. "Here's what you're going to 'GET!', Brad yelled to me. He clenched his fist, raised his arm, and swung at me. I ducked, just barely missing his punch, then I punched him in his stomach, causing him to stumble back a little. "STOP! STOP!", I hear some girl yell. Brad and I looked over and we saw Meagan running at us. Her hair flowing behind her while running at us was just beautiful. "What is the problem?! Why are you here?!", Meagan angrily asked Brad. I looked at Brad, who had made a puppy dog face towards Meagan, then he answered, "Babe, I truly miss you. I promise I'll change and do better. I love you more than life and this Brent kid can't do anything for you. I have a bad feeling about him anyways. Please! One more chance?! I'll be the best boyfriend EVER!" I just wanted to beat the ever-living daylights out of Brad. All those lies he said, but I know Meagan was snart enough not to go back to him. She gave him a very angry lookand said, "Look, you tried to take advantage of me. You hurt me, used me, you played me, when all I wanted was to be loved. I tried my best to be everything you wanted, but somehow I failed. I'm tired, I'm tired of trying then failing, getting hurt, being used, being played, just so you could have someone to take advantage of. I tried to be perfect, but now I realized that I'll never be perfect. I don't want to be perfect. That's too much. I want someone to accept me and my flaws. I've had enough, you manipulated me, lied, cheated, broke me down, hurt me, stabbed me in my back, and you'd knock me down then build me up by lying just so I'd think you were my hero, and I'd fall for you again, then the whole thing would repeat again. Well guess what?! I'm smarter and stronger, and I'm not falling for your crap again! I'm done!" What Meagan just said mixed my emotions. That was deep! To say that, you'd have to so strong and brave, and she preached it! The poor girl, I just wanted to run up to her, hug her, kiss her, and hold her in my arms. I looked over at Brad, whose face was a shade of red I'm sure the devil would envy. He clenched his fists, raised an arm, and before I could do anything to stop him, he hit Meagan. She fell to the ground, and began I run to her aid, until Brad kicked my side so hard, it knocked my breath out. I looked over at Meagan who was holding her jaw where she had recieved the blow, and boy did she look angry!

Even though Brad hit me extremely hard, I wasn't going to cry. I couldn't let him know that he got to me. I stood up, stumbling in pain, and walked up to Brad. He looked me dead in my eyes and I gave him the meanest look. I looked over at Brent, who was laying on the ground in pain. I knew what I was about to do was going to kill Brent, but I had to do it. I have to save Brent, even though it won't seem like it. It's the only way to keep Brad away from Brent...

I know, I know. Another cliff hanger. What do you think is going to happen? What is Meagan about to do? You'll find out in the next chapter. Again, thanks so much for reading! I love you all! ♥♡♥♡

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