Chapter Ten of Wanting Him

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I saw Meagan get in the car with Brad. I'm so ticked off! How could she be so... So... STUPID?! I hate calling her stupid, but seriously! How?! I wanted to text her and tell her what she is doing is a huge mistake, but she's probably wrapped in his awful spell again, so she wouldn't listen to me. Plus, I'd end up dead. But I want to protect her! Even though I'm beyond pissed off, she doesn't deserve this. So I decided to find her and rescue her. I immediately got dressed, ran out my front door, went to the garage, hopped in the Mustang, and went out to find her.

I started shaking. No one knows I'm gone. I can't call for help because I have no clue where I'm at ir where we're going. As I was violently shaking my leg, I looked out the passenger window. I looked around at the beautiful scenery, because it's probably the last time I'll see it. I looked into the side-view mirror, and saw a shiney, polished, red, 1964 Mustang speeding towards us. 'Is it Brent?! Could it really be?!", I thought to myself in excitement and hope. Then I quickly thought, "No, he wouldn't follow us. He doesn't care. He's too mad at me." I then looked down at my legs, which had a bruise from where Brad shoved me into the wall last night. Brad turned on his radio to heavy metal and blasted his music, while bobbing his head to the drums. I already had a migrane, this is just ten times worse.

I saw the Dodge Charger she got in. I knew it was them because the license plate was from Dickson, Tennessee. I sped up next to them on the passenger's side where I saw Meagan. She looked miserable! I tried to get Meagan's attention without Brad noticing, which seemed to be an easy task, but Meagan was in pain all over. The only thing I knew she was focused on was the situation she's in and the pain she's feeling, not only internally, but externally as well. Brad has his music blasting really loud, bobbing his head and pretending to play drums on the steering wheel. He was paying no attention to Meagan. I followed Brad and saw that he was pulling on to the Interstate. As we pulled on to the Interstate, I began to think about last night's incident. I actually finally understood why Meagan did what she did. She did all this to protect me. She only pretended to go back out with Brad to keep me safe so Brad would leave me alone. I felt just awful! I was going to do everything in my power to save her. Even if that meant risking my life...

I really wish someone would help me. I want to text Brent, but I'm sure he's too mad to even look at my texts. I looked up out the window and saw that the same red Mustang that was behind us, was now next to us on the passenger side. I looked through the window and saw Brent! "IT'S BRENT! IT REALLY IS HIM!", I thought to myself in excitement. He caught up to me! He really does care! He looked directly at me, and we smiled at each other. I wanted to open the door and jump to Brent's car, but at 90 miles per hour, that would fail miserably. So I immediately thought of a plan. "Brad, I have to pee.", I said, trying to make him pull off of the nearest exit. This is going to be my escape plan. "WHAT?!", he yelled over his loud music, turning it down. "I have to pee. And I'm on my period. So I really have to go to the bathroom.", I answered. I hated bringing up that I was on my period, but it was an excuse I needed. He exhaled loudly, and with frustration replied, "Fine! But you BETTER hurry!" I looked at Brent and hinted the sign for the next exit. He looked and the sign and nodded his head and smiled. I knew this was going to be my escape. Never in my whole life would I have thought that Brent Rivera was saving me from being kidnapped. I never would have thought that Brad would try to kidnap me though. But I knew that if I didn't ride with Brad, he'd hurt Brent. Brad pulled onto the exit, with Brent following behind. We arrived at the nearest gas station, and Brent parked behind the building. It's like Brent read my mind. I knew he parked there so that it'd be harder for us to get caught. "I needed gas anyways, so you got lucky. You better hurry! You have 3 minutes MAX!", Brad demanded. I got out of the car and ran towards the bathrooms. Right in front of the bathroom stood Brent. I paused for a brief second, then ran into his open arms. We held each other tight for a brief moment. Yes, I started to tear up. I tried hiding it by looking down and having my hair fall in front of my face, but Brent gently lifted up my chin and moved my hair behind my ears. "Hey, let's get you out of here.", he said with his hands on my shoulders. I nodded my head and we began to walk out of the back of the gas station when I heard someone's voice boom, "WHAT THE HELL?!" And loud footsteps coming straight for us. I turned around and saw Brad. "RUN!" , I yelled. Brent and I shot out of there like a bullet from a gun.

Author's Note: Hey loves! Sorry I wasn't updating for over a month! I had broken my phone, and the other phone I was borrowing was too old to download Wattpad. And I've been crazy busy. Mainly with school and work. But I have still been writing more chapters. I didn't forget! I love you all! Thanks so much for reading! I made sure this chapter was nice and long since I've been gone so long. :)

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