Chapter Twenty of Wanting Him

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I woke up at 1:13 pm. How the heck did I sleep in so late? I dragged myself out of bed, grabbed my phone, then went to use the bathroom. I unlocked my phone, and checked my texts from Brent. The first text he sent was at 11:39 am.
11:39 BRENT: Good morning, my princess! ☺️
12:01 BRENT: You're probably sleeping right now. 😂 Just text me when you can!😊
12:37 BRENT: Holy frick! How late can you sleep in?! 😂😂 I miss you! 😕
12:41 BRENT: Am I annoying you? 😉😏😂
12:42 BRENT: I hope I am! 😁😂 But I only do it because I love you and miss you!😞
12:44 BRENT: I really hope me being annoying doesn't anger you. 😁😂
12:46 BRENT: I'm just going to let you sleep. 😂😂😂😂
1:16 ME: Good afternoon! So sorry! I was asleep. 😂😂
BRENT: Hahaha! 😂😂 I figured! Sorry if I annoyed you/ got you mad. 😂
ME: Nah! You didn't! You're good! I'm annoying too. I would have done the same thing. 😂😂
BRENT: No you're not. 😂😂
ME: Oh yes I am! 😂😂 Just wait until further into the relationship. You'll see. 😁😂😂
BRENT: Yeah, sure. 😂 Anyways, want to hang out?
ME: I'd love to, but I really need some time with my girls. I'm sorry!
BRENT: It's totally cool! I understand! I'm going to chill with the guys then.
ME: Alrighty! 😊 Have fun!
BRENT: You too! ☺️

  I know, I know. Did I just turn down Brent to hang out with my friends? Yes, I just don't want to be overly attached to Brent. A breather is good every now and then. Plus, since I've moved here, I haven't been able to actually go out with my friends. We need some time together. Anyways, I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I sat at the kitchen table and soon everyone in the house, except for my dad, came flooding around me, asking questions about last night. I told them everything I told my dad, meaning everything but the kiss and the mini fight we had over my phone. "Awwhhh! So it's official now?!", Madison asked. My cheeks turned red, a huge smile grew from ear to ear, I looked up at both Jazmyne and Madison, who were anxiously looking at me waiting for an answer. I looked down at the table, still smiling and blushing, and I nodded my head. "HAH! I KNEW IT!", Jazmyne exclaimed in excitement. I laughed a little, then asked Jazmyne, "Wait... What about you and Chris? Hhmmmm?" She blushed, smiled from ear to ear, then answered, "Well, we have a date Tuesday night at the movies." I knew they'd end up going out on a date. I smiled at her and replied, "Ooooo! Girl! Getchu yo man!" We all laughed and then I told Madison and Jazmyne about the girls' day today. We all then went upstairs and into our rooms to get ready.

  We dressed up cute yet casual. We took some group pictures for fun and then I begged my mom to let me drive to the mall. After a while of begging, she gave her approval to let me drive there. I thanked her, gave her a hug and a kiss, then Madison, Jazmyne, and I headed out to my truck and left for the mall. As we were driving, Madison turned up the radio and we were all singing along to the songs. I knew that we were all going to have a blast. I've always loved hanging out with Madison and Jazmyne. They're a whole lot of fun. After a little while of driving and singing, we arrived at the mall. I pulled into a parking spot, turned my truck off, and we all hopped out. We walked into the mall and headed straight for Starbucks. We all got our coffee, except for Madison, who got hot chocolate because she doesn't like coffee. We sat at a table for a while, just sipping on our drinks and talking. I told Madison and Jazmyne about the kiss and the little fight with Brent and I last night. After we finished our coffee, we began walking around the mall.

   As we were walking, I noticed the back of Brent's head. I also noticed the slutty looking hostess from Olive Garden, Brittany. I ran into a store to spy on them. Confused, Madison and Jazmyne followed behind me. "What are you doing?", Madison asked. "Just keep quiet and stay low.", I answered. We were hiding behind a shelf with clothes displayed along it. I saw Brittany flirtatiously hitting Brent's arm. "Oh you stupid, slutty, little-" I began to shout angrily walking towards Brent and Brittany. Jazmyne grabbed my arm and with a tone of irritation Madison asked, "What is your problem?" I looked at both Madison and Jazmyne, sighed, and answered, "Okay, remember how I told you guys about the stupid hostess from Olive Garden?" They nodded their heads and asked, "You mean the one who tried stealing Brent from you?" I nodded my head and said, "Well look by the water fountain and tell me what you see." Madison and Jazmyne looked over towards the fountain and their eyes widened. "Uh... Meagan...", Madison said nervously. I asked in fear, "What?" Madison's voice shook a little, and she answered, "Well she just kissed Brent." Fury raced through my body.

   I wasn't going to run and cry like most girls, oh no! Not me! Brittany will be the one running and crying. I'm too strong to take that kind of crap. I angrily walked up to the both of them and stood in front of Brittany. I could feel my stare burning her soul. "You know that's my boyfriend, right?", I asked her with full anger. She did a fake giggle and answered, "Oops! I didn't know. Sorry." I clenched my fists, and said, "Oh I know you knew. I'm not stupid." I looked at Brent with a look of fury and disappointment. Brent looked at me and said, "I'm so sorry! I was seriously trying to get her to leave me alone. I was telling her all about you-" As Brent was apologizing, Brittany walked up to him in a slutty manner, rubbed up and down his arm and said, "Oh baby, don't be sorry for her. I know you-" And before she could finish saying anything, I yanked her back away from Brent, turned her to face me, and punched her straight in her face. She fell to the ground and screamed. "You know he's my boyfriend! You were asking for it! Who's sorry now you slutty bitch?! Wanna keep it going?! I've got plenty more where that came from!", I angrily yelled at her. I know, now I seem like Brad. But Brent is actually my boyfriend, and she was being a slut and asking for it. I don't like hitting people. It's hard to get me so mad that I actually have to punch someone. I had a real reason to punch her. Brittany got up and ran away crying.
    I looked at Brent, who was looking at me in shock. "Meagan, I really-", Brent began to explain before I interrupted and asked, "Where are your friends? Or did you come alone? Or, maybe even with Brittany?" Somewhat stunned, Brent answered, "No, my friends are over in Hollister and I was walking back to Hollister from the bathroom, then Brittany came up and I wasn't going to be rude, so when she said hi, I said hi back. Then she stopped to ask me where Starbucks was, so I told her, then she said thank you. And I said you're welcome. Then she said she liked my outfit, so I said thank you, then she kissed me. I didn't expect her to do that." I rolled my eyes and began to walk away. "Meagan!", Brent yelled to me. I stopped in my tracks, and slowly turned to face Brent. "What?", I rudely asked. "Look, I'm really sorry! I seriously wasn't expecting that to happen. You know I love you and don't want to hurt you. I wouldn't lie to you. Especially not after what you've been through with-", Brent said until I interrupted, "Brent! You don't even know half the stuff I went through. You don't know how it hurt me. He pulled stunts like this. And I felt for it. And it hurt. I... I just don't know... I think-" and before I could finish, Brent cut me off and said, "I love you! That's what you should think. That's what you should know. Please, Meagan! I don't know what else to do or say." I'm pretty sure Brent meant what he said, but Brad had said the exact same crap before. Brent took me in his arms and placed his chin on my head. After about a minute, I wrapped my arms around him. We hugged for a moment until he let go, lifted my chin up, and kissed me. After our lips parted, he said, "I love you with all of my heart. I mean it. Even if I've only known you for less than a week. You're mine, always and forever. Remember that." Hearing Brent say that made me feel so safe and loved. "I love you too. I get scared Brent, and I'm sorry. I don't want to go through the same mistake again, just with a different person.", I said to Brent. He looked me in my eyes and answered, "I know, I understand. I won't give up on you. You aren't making a mistake, I promise. I'm nothing like him. I wouldn't leave you for anyone or anything." I smiled at him and he hugged me. "And seeing you hit Brittany, dang! That scared me! I definitely wouldn't want to make you mad.", Brent said. I laughed and he laughed with me. "Do you want me to spend the rest of the day with you?", Brent asked. I looked over at Madison and Jazmyne, who were looking over at me and Brent. I looked back at Brent and answered, "It's okay. You spend the rest of the day with your friends. I need a day with my girls." Brent gave me a kiss, then we walked our separate ways to our friends.

   I walked up to Madison and Jazmyne and apologized. "I'm so sorry! I don't mean to seem like I'm stuck up Brent's butt. It's just I had to give Brittany what she deserved." They both smiled at me and Jazmyne answered, "It's totally fine! I understand! Nice hit by the way! She deserved it!" I laughed a little and Madison said, "It's fine! I would have gone all out on beating her up!" I laughed and then we continued shopping at all of the stores. After about 3 hours, we walked out of the mall and to my truck. We put our bags in the back seats and drove to the beach. Once we got the the beach, we all took turns changing into our swimsuits in the truck. After we all finished changing, we ran to the ocean. It had been such a long time since I had been to the beach. It was amazing! Madison, Jazmyne, and I were splashing in the water, swimming, and just having a blast in the water. My back was facing the sand when I felt someone hug me from behind around my waist. I looked behind me thinking it was Brent, but it wasn't...

  Author's Note: Hey my lovely people! How have you all been? Sorry it took so long to update, I've been really busy. How was your Halloween? I hope it went great! Anyways, I made this chapter pretty long compared to how short the other were. I hope you all enjoyed it. Who do you think was hugging Meagan at the beach? You'll find out next chapter! Oooooo! Peace out! I love you all!

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