Chapter Fifteen of Wanting Him

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Several hours later, I woke up and dragged myself out of bed. Then I remembered that my date with Brent was today. I hate mornings, but I had something major to look forward to, so it put me in a really good mood. I happily walked downstairs and into the kitchen, and Madison and Jazmyne were giving me the 'Ooo! Getchu some!' look. I gave them the 'really, stupid?' look. Jazmyne and Madison smirked at each other. I think they know what happened last night. I walked over to the cabinets to get a bowl, then walked to the pantry to some Fruity Pebbles cereal. I grabbed the milk and poured it in the bowl, and I could hear the murmurs of Jazmyne and Madison talking. It was probably about last night. I suspiciously walked over to the table where Madison and Jazmyne were sitting and eating their breakfast, I laid my bowl down, sat down, and started to eat my cereal while giving Madison and Jazmyne suspicious looks since they kept giggling and smirking. "Sooo... Meagan...", Jazmyne said suspiciously. "Yes?", I questioned with a off tone in my voice, like I knew they were going to try to secretly bring up last night. "How'd you sleep last night?", Jazmyne asked, trying to hold back her laughter. I nonchalantly answered, "Great, I slept great. Thanks for asking." Madison and Jazmyne looked at each other, cracking a smile, trying not to laugh. "Did you try any new methods of sleeping? You know, cuddling or something?" My mom gave us an odd look and asked, "Why are you guys asking weird questions?" I looked at Madison and Jazmyne, and immediately answered, "Because you know us. We're weird. They're just making fun of the fact that I still sleep with so many stuffed animals." Then I smiled at my mom. My mom just chuckled and walked away. As soon as my mom walked away, I glared at Madison and Jazmyne, and said, "I swear, if you two bust me, I'll bust both of your faces." But I said it somewhat jokingly. After I finished my cereal, I walked upstairs and took a shower. A nice, long, hot, shower. When I take a shower, I always have my music playing really loud, and I sing along.

After I finished my shower, I dried myself off, put my clothes on, and brushed my hair. I walked out of the bathroom, and to my surprise, I saw Chris Collins, one of Brent's best friends. "Oh uh... Sorry... I was looking for the bathroom. No one told me it was occupied. I mean, I figured it was once I heard singing, and now I see you.", Chris said. I laughed and then said, "It's fine! It's unoccupied now." I stepped out of his way and he walked into the bathroom. Before he closed the door, he smiled and said, "By the way, your boyfriend is downstairs." I turned around, about to ask him what he was talking about, but the door was already closed.

I slowly crept down the stairs, looking into the kitchen, seeing no one, then I looked into the living room, and there he was. Standing there talking to my family. Of course it's Brent. But why is he here? He didn't tell me. It was only 3 pm, so it wasn't time for our date. I crept up behind Brent, and tapped on his shoulder. He turned around and looked at me, smiling, then said, "I know I'm early, I just thought I'd spend more time with your family for a while." I didn't mind him coming early, it's what my family is going to do or say that worries me. I gave him a shy smile and answered nervously, "Yeah! That's cool." I turned around and walked upstairs to get ready. As soon as I entered my room and shut the door, I heard a knock at my door. "Come in!", I yelled. I turned around and saw Chris standing at my door. I forgot he was here. "Hey, so your Brent's girl?", he asked. Did he call me Brent's girl? We aren't official. I don't understand. Somewhat stunned, I answered, "Um... No, I'm not." I didn't want to say yes, and then have Brent think I'm possessive and thinking that this means we're together. The date is probably just to figure out if he actually likes me, which he probably doesn't. Chris chuckled a little and said, "Not yet." And he gave me a smirk. I just laughed a little. "Oh, I haven't properly , introduced myself. I'm Chris, one of Brent's best friends.", Chris said, extending his hand for me to shake it. "I'm Meagan, another one of Brent's friends.", I said, shaking his hand. "I don't mean this at all rude, but why are you here?", I asked. Chris chuckled a little, then answered, "Well I showed up at his house, thinking he didn't have any plans, until he walked out, dressed nicely, and I figured he was going somewhere. I asked him, and he said in a date. But that he was going to your house first to hang out with your family. And he said that you had a really pretty best friend, and a really pretty sister, but your sister is a little too young for me. So I just followed Brent here. I didn't know you two were neighbors." I laughed and said, "Well that's a story."  He laughed and said, "Yeah. And I really like your best friend. Jazmyne is her name, right?" I nodded my head. "I just don't know how to talk to her.", he said looking down at the floor. I smirked, then yelled for Jazmyne. His head immediately shot up and gave me a look. I winked at him, then Jazmyne entered my room. "What's up, girl?", Jazmyne asked, then looked at me, then at Chris and smiled at him. "Chris needs more friends, especially since he was going to hang out with Brent today, but now he can't. I know you'd be a great friend.", I said to Jazmyne. She smiled, and looked down. I know she's growing a crush on him. "Come on, we'll hang out with everyone downstairs too.", Jazmyne said to Chris. Chris smiled at me, and I smiled back. They walked out of my room, and I got up and closed the door. "Look at me hooking people up?", I said to myself, strolling back to where my make up was set up in front of my mirror.

After a couple of hours getting ready, because I decided to take my sweet time since I had a while before it was time for our date, and I wanted to look nice, it was 5:43. I debated whether I wanted to go downstairs and hang out, or if I wanted to just chill in my room. After several minutes of debating with my choices, I decided to plug up my music and sing and dance. I put my playlist on shuffle, and began to sing and dance to the songs that came on. After about 6 songs, Uptown Funk came on, my absolute favorite song. It's so upbeat and fun to just go all out for. Dance like a maniac. I started to sing even louder than before, and started jumping around, just dancing everywhere with my eyes closed, going crazy. Like no one was watching. When the part "Girls hit yo hallelujah" came on, someone screamed the "Whoo!" part after. I screamed, opened my eyes, and jumped to turn around. I saw Brent singing and dancing along with his eyes closed. I laughed and joined him.

After the song ended, we both plopped on my bed, worn out, and started laughing. "You scared me by the way.", I said to Brent, still laughing. Brent laughed even harder and said, "Yeah, sorry. Uptown Funk is my JAM! It's my all time favorite song!" I laughed at what he said. After we calmed down a little bit, we looked at each other and smiled. "So are you all ready?", Brent asked. I looked at my outfit and answered, "I sure am!" Brent smiled and asked, "Do you want to go ahead and head out to Olive Garden then?" I looked at the time, and it 6:37. So it was only 20 minutes early. I smiled and nodded my head. Brent and I hopped off of my bed, and Brent opened my bedroom door for me. I walked out of my room and thanked him, and we walked downstairs to the living room where everyone else was at.

"We're going to leave a little early.", I said to everyone. "Meagan, it's 20 minutes early.", my mom said to me, trying to make me stay. "And I'm ready 20 minutes early.", I said with attitude. My mom gave me a death glare and I smiled at her, sort of batting my eyes walking up to her, then I hugged her. "I love yoouu!", I said sweetly, so I wouldn't be in trouble. She sighed, hugged me back and said, "Yeah, yeah. I love you too." She released me from my hug and finished her sentence, "Go have fun." I smiled at her, then hugged everyone saying goodbye. Yes, even Brent was hugging everyone, including my dad. My dad is a sensitive guy actually. He actually likes hugs. So Brent hugging my dad was making my dad trust Brent even more. After we said our goodbyes, Brent and I waved at everyone, and Brent opened the front door for me, we walked out, and then he closed the door. He extended his arm out for me, so we linked arms, and he walked me to his Mustang.

Author's Note: I don't like where I ended this chapter. It's kinda odd. It's just like when someone stops talking midway through their sentence. Like, um? Okay? But oh well. I just didn't know where else to stop it without the chapter getting too long. So I hope you guys liked this chapter. It was pretty crappy, but you'll love reading about the date, I promise! Anyways, I love you all! Thanks for reading! I mean it! 💖

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