Chapter Seventeen of Wanting Him

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"Uuhhh... I was-", I began to say before Meagan interrupted. "You were snooping through my phone? Reading my texts? Those were between my sister and I. If I wanted you to read them, I would have showed them to you." Dang... I feel awful. I knew I shouldn't have. Something urged me to though. "Meagan, I'm sorry. Really sorry. I don't know what got into me. I never do that-", I began to explain until Meagan interrupted again. "You never do that, but because I'm so nice, and you've been treating me so nicely, that I'd fall for you and then you can take advantage of me-" As soon as she said that, I knew why. She thought I was going to pull the same crap Brad did. I immediately interrupted her and said. "No! Heck no! I never once thought about taking advantage of you. I know you're scared, Meagan. You're scared of me turning out to be like Brad, but I'm not going to. I love you! I really do! I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to move too quick, or weird you out. But I truly love you. Going through your phone was wrong, but why are you freaking out? Are you hiding something?" Meagan gave me a sharp glare as soon as I asked her if she was hiding something. I shouldn't have said that. Way to go, Brent! Can you mess up anymore? "Hiding something? Obviously, that's why I'm pissed Brent. I was hiding the texts between my sister and I where it said that I love you. I was thinking the same thing you said about rushing things, or being weirded out. I wouldn't ever care if you went through my phone, I was afraid of your reaction when you read the texts. You don't have to pretend you love me, Brent. I don't need someone else pretending to love me too. If you want, just so we can break the awkwardness, you can go home, and I'll call someone to take me home. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." She then turned her back to me. I was stunned. I can't believe she said that. I mean, I understand where she is coming from, but dang! Brad really hurt her. What she said made me mad though. The fact that she thought I was lying to her. I didn't know what to say. Since her back was facing me, I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her from behind. "I love you.", I whispered into her ear. "The urge I had to read the messages was so that we both were able to find out how we felt about each other. And we both love each other. I promise I'm not out to hurt you. I want to be with you. Why do you think I'm always trying to see you?", I continued whispering to her. I heard her giggle. I slid my hands around her, where I was in front of her. Her hair was blocking her face, and she was looking down. "I heard you giggle! You can't hide it!", I said in a teasing way, moving her hair trying to look at her face. I saw her trying to hide her smile. "Meagan, I really do love you. If I didn't, I wouldn't be making an effort for you to talk to me.", I said to her. She slowly looked up at me. I smiled at her, and she shyly smiled back. "Let's go watch the movie. Being sad isn't like you.", I said. "I'm sorry, Brent. It's just I don't want to make the same mistake twice. I love you too.", she said to me. I embraced her into a hug. We hugged each other for a moment.

I let go, threw my jacket over her head, and took her hand, leading her inside. She laughed and asked, "Brent, what are you doing?" I laughed and answered, "It's a surprise." She laughed, and I guided her into the movie. I took my jacket off of her head because the previews were playing. We sat at the top of the theatre room. After several previews, the movie finally began to play. I looked over at Meagan, who was beyond excited. "Oh my gosh! Brent! Thank you so much!", she excitedly whispered. I smiled and responded, "You're so very welcome." She scooted close to me and laid her head on my shoulder, and I laid my head on her head. I put the large soda in the cup holder between us, and I had the popcorn in my lap, and Meagan had the Sour Punch Straws on her lap. We had two straws in the soda, so we could share the drink. We were both so focused on the movie, and when the part Lady and Tramp were eating spaghetti and their noses touched, Meagan and I were both going to get a drink from the soda, and our noses touched. We both smiled and backed up a little, then our eyes met. It was perfect. We both love each other, it was the romantic part of the movie, there was romantic Italian music playing from the movie, so I lightly grabbed her chin, pulling her close to my lips, we both closed our eyes, and then it happened l! We kissed! It was the BEST feeling EVER!

Okay, so you know how in romantic movies, they talk about fireworks, sparks, and stuff like that after kissing the love of your life and that lovey dovey stuff? Well it happened! I felt it! It was the perfect moment, and the perfect feeling! I just know he's the one! Our lips eventually departed, and I didn't want to open my eyes. I wanted to soak up the moment. I felt Brent's hand on the side of my face with his thumb rubbing my cheek. I slowly opened my eyes, and we both smiled at each other. I laid my head back on his shoulder and he laid his head on my head. I could re-live the past few minutes over and over again. It was seriously perfect. Brent knows how to make things perfect.

Author's Note: Soooo.... Whatcha think? There is still more to the date. (Sorry for kinda spoiling it.) But it's not much more, so, well I'll just shut up now. 😂 I was going to update earlier today, but my family was in Alabama, (we live in Tennessee), but I didn't go, so I was home alone, so you know what that meant?... THAT'S RIGHT! Pizza and movies all alone! WHOOP! WHOOP! Ooohhh what a life I don't have! 😂😂 I love you all, thanks for sticking with me this far!

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