Chapter Twenty-One of Wanting Him

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Author's Note: Guys! This chapter is intense and dramatic! Like I never realized how dramatic it was. 😂😂 I hope you still enjoy it. Every book needs drama. 😂😂

    I don't know who it was. "Hey babe. You know something? You're absolutely gorgeous.", the strange teenage boy said to me. I pushed him off of me then yelled, "Hold up! I have a boyfriend! Please get away!" He smirked at me then asked , "You're calling me your boyfriend already, babe?" I backed away from him, moving further into to the ocean, and in fury answered, "No! I don't know you! My boyfriend's name is Brent! So leave!" He kept walking towards me, and I kept backing up, going further and further into the ocean.

    Once I got to a really deep part, I dove under water and began to swim away until he grabbed me by my ankles. I kicked harder, but he pulled me close to him and pulled out from under the water. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me so close to him, that our chests were touching. I was freaked out! This dude closed his eyes and kept leaning in. I kept moving my head back while trying to push myself off of him. "Seriously! Let go! I'll scream as loud as I can!, I yelled. He opened his eyes, then covered my mouth with one hand and held my lower jaw shut with his other hand. I knew he did it so that I couldn't scream or bite him. He had me facing the ocean so no one could see him holding my mouth shut. "Stay quiet. I have your boyfriend. You put Brad in juvenile, so I'm getting rid of both you and Brent. If you calmly walk to the car, maybe I won't hurt you as bad. Brent is in there too.", the guy said. I wanted to ask where Madison and Jazmyne were, but I couldn't even budge my mouth. He then let go of my mouth and held me around my waist so I couldn't run from him.

   I seriously cannot believe that Brad would have people actually do this! I never would have thought he'd do such a thing. "Where are Madison-" I began to ask before he slapped me across my face. "Shut up! No questions!", he yelled at me. We got to his car and he shoved me in the back seat. I fell over top of somebody, so I looked up at the person. It was Brent! His hands were tied behind his back, his knees and ankles were tied together, he had a rope tied over his mouth covered by duct tape, a black eye, several cuts, and he was knocked out. Since I wasn't tied up, I quickly began to untie him when suddenly something hit me in the back of my head, and I was knocked out.

After a while, I woke up and we were in a hotel room. Squinting, I looked around and saw six other guys. I looked to the other corner of the room and saw Brent, who was still passed out. This is all my fault! If only I had left Brent alone from the start, none of this would have happened! He doesn't deserve this! None of it was his fault! I dragged him into this, I really didn't mean to. Why can't Brad leave us alone?! "Oh look! The slut is up!", one guy yelled. Immediately after, all the other guys came running over. "Hey! Look at my milkshakes bringing all the boys to the yard!", I said making myself laugh. I have a bad habit of making awful jokes in awful situations. "So... Uh... Why do we have this girl?", another guy asked. "Because! She cheated on Brad and then put him into to juvy!", the first guy yelled. Then the second guy said, "Oh! So this is Meagan? You're really brave for all you've done, but that's coming to an end now." My hands and arms were tied behind me and my legs and ankles were tied up. Same with Brent. Nothing was over our mouths though. "Oh no! You're really scaring me!", I said in full on sarcasm. I'm not going to lie, I was terrified, but I wasn't going to say it or show it. That's exactly what they want. They want me scared and helpless. 

     "So what exactly is the problem here?", I asked looking at the guys. Then the guy who kidnapped me rudely questioned back to me, "Remember how I said not to ask questions?" I smirked, then answered, "I'm not sure you'll understand this, but just remember that I don't give a shit." I knew I should have kept my mouth shut, because right after I said that, he kicked me really hard in my stomach causing me to fall back. "Keep your mouth shut or I'll make things worse for you and Brent!" The guy demanded. I scooted myself back towards the wall, leaning my head against it, looking at Brent and thinking. I really wish I knew more about what's going on, but I don't and I'm not going to ask because I don't want to make matters worse.   "Quit staring at Brent! He's knocked out! You staring at him won't make him wake up!", one of the guys yelled at me. I looked at Brent one last time, who was still across the room, then looked down at the floor. I sit in the corner of the room for a little over half an hour doing nothing. I didn't know what to do.

     A few minutes later, Brent moved his head and I looked at him in excitement. Brent slowly and painfully opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was me and he smiled at me, so I smiled back. "Boy! Get that smile off of your face!", some guy yelled marching towards Brent. "Stop! Leave him alone!", I yelled. "What are you going to do about it?", one of the other guys sarcastically asked. True, what was I going to do? There are six guys against me, and they have Brent. Who knows what they'll do to him. "Meagan, it's fine. Let them do what they want.", Brent spoke out in pain. I knew the only way to get them away from Brent was to draw the attention to me. How? By proving it was all my fault.

      "No! That's not okay! It's me they should hurt. I was the one who had Brad sent away.", I answered. "True, Meagan did send Brad to juvy.", one guy said. "Yeah, I did. So let Brent go. He had nothing to with any of this.", I answered back in anger.    "Oh yes he does have to do with a lot of this! If you never met Brent, you would have never liked him, and never gone out on a date with him. Then you would have taken Brad back.", one of the other guys replied.    "No! Not true! I've liked Brent since before I personally met him. I'm a fan of his. Brad sorta knew about me having my celebrity crush over Brent. Brad just ignored it, just like he ignored everything else about me! And even if I never met Brent, I'd still never take Brad back! I grew too strong to even think about dating him again! I'm done with his lies and games! I won't ever take Brad back! No matter what!", I yelled back.

      Immediately after, one of the guys came up behind me, and held a knife to my neck and asked, "Would you take him back if your life depended on it?" Honestly, that was a tough question to answer. I could feel the blade firmly pressed on the skin of my beck, just barely cutting in. "No!", I yelled and continued,  "No, not even if my life depended on it!"   I looked at Brent who was staring at me in pure shock. I knew what I had gotten myself into.

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