Chapter Nineteen of Wanting Him

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"I know that I've only known you for about a week, and we both don't want to rush things, but I seriously do love you. I'm not saying it just for you to hear it or anything, when I say I love you, I want you to know it. I want you to believe it. If you aren't ready and you still just want to get to know each other, I understand l. Would you do the honor of being my official girlfriend. We no longer have to date while being friends, we can now be official." Brent just asked me to be his girlfriend! My heart raced, my face turned red, and I excitedly answered, "Oh my gosh! Yes!" Brent's face lit up and we both smiled at each other. Brent got out of the car, came around to the passenger door, opened it, took my hand to lead me out of the car, and we held hands walking up to my front door. I knocked on the front door and my dad opened it. Brent let go of my hand to shake my dad's hand. "Thank you for letting me take Meagan out.", Brent said with a smile. My dad smiled back and said, "Thank you for taking care of her." Brent smiled, nodded his head, and answered, "Anytime! Have a good night." He smiled at my dad, then smiled at me. "Thanks! You too!", my dad replied. Brent walked to his car, and my dad and I walked into the house. "Did you two have fun?", my dad asked as we walked to the kitchen. "We did!", I answered with a huge smile. I told him where we went and what we did. Well except for the phone incident and the kiss. That reminded me, I left my chocolate in Brent's car! I quickly pulled my phone out and texted Brent.
ME: Hey! Sorry to bug you, but I left the chocolate in your car.
BRENT: It's no bother! I'll run out there and get it now.
ME: Okie dokie! I'll meet you outside.
BRENT: You don't have to come outside. I'll bring it to you.

I didn't reply because I wanted to meet him outside. "Hey daddy, I'm going to get the chocolate from Brent's car that I left in there. He was going to bring it here, but I feel bad for him to walk in the dark."' I said to my dad. "Okay, do you want me to walk with you?", my dad asked. "It's okay! Thanks though!", I answered. I then walked outside and met Brent in his driveway. "You didn't have to walk out here to get your chocolate.", Brent said with a laugh. I laughed a little, then answered, "Yeah, I know. I just needed an excuse to see you." Then I winked at him. He chuckled and said, "Well you would still see me, because I'd hand you the chocolate." I laughed a little, and we both looked at the ground. There was a brief pause until Brent said, "Well if I came to you let door, I probably wouldn't be able to do this." Brent out his hands around my waist, gently pulling me close to him, closed his eyes, so I closed mine, we leaned in and kissed. His kisses are the best ever! They're perfect! After a few moments, we let go. We looked into each other eyes and hugged each other. "Let me walk you home.", Brent said. "Are you sure?", I asked. Brent let go of me, held my hands, then answered, "Of course!" Brent then let go of my hands and put his arm around me and we walked back to my house. We walked up the steps to my back door, and we turned to face each other. I was eating some chocolate, so I gave one to Brent. He took the chocolate, hugged me, and said, "Good night. I love you!" I hugged him back and said, "Good night. I love you too!" We let go, smiled at each other, then Brent walked home. I walked inside and watched him walk home through the window, to make sure he made it home safely, which he did. I then walked upstairs to my room and texted Brent.
ME: Thank you for getting my chocolate and walking me home! 😊
BRENT: No problem! ☺️
ME: Good night! Sleep tight! Sweet dreams! I love you!
BRENT: Good night! Sleep tight! Sweet dreams! I love you too!

I plugged up my phone and got ready for bed with a smile plastered on my face. I just couldn't get over how perfect tonight was! I've never had anyone make me feel the way Brent makes me feel. It was like I didn't know what love was until he came along. My favorite memories of the date played over and over in my head while I laid in bed. I fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face.

Author's Note: So what did you all think about the date? I know this chapter was pretty short too, and I'm sorry! I still love you all! They will get longer again, I promise! I can't tell you how much I've already written down. I've been writing this thing for about 6 months now. So I've got plenty written, just haven't posted it yet. But I will post it! Again, thank you all and I love you!

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