Chapter 9: It's T.U.E.S. Day

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In the Crystal Brighthouse, balloons and streamers on the floor as Izzy chants and scats as she speaks out in excitement. "It's T.U.E.S. Day! Woohoo!" She cheered as she chanted with an exciting tone. "Uni-KA! Uni-KO! Uni-FA! Uni-FO! Uni-MEE! Uni... MOH!" She ended with a holler which caused the brighthouse to shake as she finished with squeals and a smile.

Sunny, Zipp and Pipp looked at Izzy strangely for a moment while they ate their breakfast, Sunset was still upstairs at the moment, before Sunny spoke out. "Uh... No, Izzy. It's Thursday." She pointed out, not getting what Izzy meant as she looked at the time and saw it was about to be 9 am as Sunny gasped at the time. "Uah-and I'm late to open the smoothie court!" She cried out as Zipp and Pipp saw the time as well as they had plans as well as Pipp, Zipp and Sunny ran off on their daily routines.

"Ugh! The pegasus marathon already started!" Zipp cried out as she put her things for the marathon in her bag, which are pegasi flying around in a marathon together, which Zipp didn't want to miss out on.

"Mane Melody can't open without the mane attraction!" Pipp boasted as she put some make up on her face as she smiles at her friends, need to get to her salon and open it this morning.

Izzy spoke out, trying to explain what she was talking about. "No, it's T.U.E.S. Day. T. U. E. S. The Unicorn Expression of Sparkle Day! A special day for every unicorn..." She tried to explain to them but they are too busy trying to get ready for the day as Sunny got into her roller skates as she, Zipp and Pipp ran out the door since they are late for their daily jobs, activity for Zipp's marathon thing, as the door shuts, leaving Izzy sad. " ...and their friends." She finished with a sigh as she looked at one of her cereals that her friends hadn't finished yet when they were in a hurry. "I miss Bridlewood. Earth ponies and Pegasi are great and all, but it'd be nice to make another unicorn friend." She then gasps as she realizes something, or somepony to be precise. "Wait a minute, Sunset used to be a unicorn before she became an alicorn. I wonder if she is free?" She asked herself wondering if Sunset is free as she put the dishes away and trotted upstairs, and hoped Sunset would let her explain the holiday to her. Since Sunset is from ancient Equestria, she probably didn't know it since at that time, it wasn't created yet.

A moment later, Izzy then came into the bedroom as she saw Sunset putting away some things as said alicorn turned when she saw Izzy at the door.

"Oh, morning, Izzy. What brought you up here?" Sunset as with a smile.

"Hey, Sunset. Do you uh, wanna celebrate T.U.E.S. Day with me?" Izzy asked the alicorn as Sunset turned around in confusion.

"Isn't today Thursday, Izzy?" Sunset questioned, not getting what she meant.

"Not Tuesday, Sunset. T.U.E.S. Day." Izzy corrected. "It is short for 'The Unicorn Expression of Sparkle Day'! It's a special day for every unicorn to celebrate friendship with their friends." She added with a squeal as she spoke out the motto she said from earlier. "Uni-KA! Un-KO! Un-FA! Un-FO! Un-MEE! Un... MOH!!!" She said the last part with a holler that shook the room as she finished with a smile.

Sunset blinks in shock as she rubbed her ears from Izzy's loud hollering as she spoke up. "Really. Oh, wow. That's amazing. You know, I think I read about that in Sunny's book while catching up with modern Equestria these days but never really get what it means." She said as she rubbed her chin in curiosity. "But I am surprised that there is a holiday for the unicorns to celebrate friendship with their friends. Do Sunny and the others know about this?" She asked, thinking the girls might know as well.

"No." Izzy said in a sad tone. "I tried to tell them what the holiday meant, but they thought I was talking about the day of the week, Tuesday. And when I tried to explain it to them, they just ran off in a hurry since they have plans today, Sunny is at her Smoothie Court job, Zipp is going to the pegasus marathon, and Pipp is going to work at Mane Melody. They didn't even stop to listen to me when they were in a hurry." She said with a sad tone as her friends didn't stop to listen. "And I know Hitch will be busy with his job as a sheriff so he's out of the question." She added as she and Sunset knew that Hitch would be busy as well.

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