Chapter 48: The Hunt for Eggmund Bunny

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In the Sheriff Station, Sparky is babbling excitedly as he is running around the station while the area has many piles of papers around as Hitch chased after him as he tripped on the floor as he panted, out of breath to try and catch Sparky.

And then, Sunset and Zipp came in as they were each holding a basket of chocolate easter eggs, which revealed that it is the Easter holiday in Equestria.

"Hey, Hitch. We got some treats for you and Sparky." Sunset called out as they came in.

"Who wants chocolate egg...Oh!" Zipp tries to ask by then she and Sunset widen their eyes at seeing how hype Sparky is and the mess around the station.

When Sparky heard of chocolate eggs, he then jumped at the two ponies with a wide smile. "Yay!" He cheered as he jumped on the two surprise ponies and ate the entire two baskets of chocolate eggs in one second as he ate the last one while Sunset and Zipp just watched as he gave a blissful sigh and burp a bit, but just bubbles and not his dragon fire while Zipp flinched on instinct while Sunset just gave a chuckle.

"Should've seen that one coming." Sunset said with a small smile in amusement with a slight chuckle at Sparky's childish antics.

Hitch then popped his head out of a pile of papers he was in as he gave a tired expression. "Sorry, Zipp and Sunset." He said tiredly as he got out of the pile and made his way towards them. "He gets excited at the holidays." He said as they looked down at Sparky, who lay on his back. "And all the other days." He added since Sparky is like this everyday but he can't blame him, he's a baby dragon after all.

"Can't blame him for being so excited each day." Sunset said as she gave a cute smile at Sparky. "Sparky hatched almost a year ago and each day, which includes holidays and festivities, are Sparky's first one as they each appear. And he wants to have fun in each one." She added as Sparky gave a giggle in response.

"Yeah. That is true." Hitch said in agreement he gave a tired smile at Sparky. "Come on, Sparky. Nap time." He said tiredly as he carried Sparky.

Hitch placed Sparky on his bed, but the baby dragon kept giggling as he waved his arms in excitement while Hitch looked at him tiredly as Sunset and Zipp watched until they looked at the pile of papers around them.

"Oh, a lot of case files piling up here, Hitch." Zipp said with an unsure smile.

"You really got your hooves full here when taking care of Sparky and doing your Sheriff duties. This is more paperwork than Twilight does when she needs to get some done." Sunset added as she picked up some of them.

And then Twilight starts appearing as the necklace opens up. "Nice comparison, Sunset. But if I had this amount, I would get them down in less then a day or two. I was the best organizer in all of Equestria before becoming a princess." She said with a chuckle.

Sunset playfully rolled her eyes from that. "I believe you, Twilight. Your counterpart is the same from time to time." She said in an amusing smile.

Zipp gave a chuckle. "I guess some counterparts remain the same from different worlds." She joked.

"You have no idea./You have no idea." Both Sunset and Twilight said together as they look at each other with smiles as they gave a laugh to one another

And then a pile next to Sunset and Zipp starts moving as the two ponies look at it as Kenneth and his bird friend coming out from a pile, but with paper on each of their faces as they hit Zipp's legs as they fell on the floor but the papers got off their faces as they got up and continue coming as Zipp and Sunset just gave them a small smile as they watch them go.

"Ugh, I know." Hitch said to them as Zipp, Twilight and Sunset turned to him as he placed a bed hat on Sparky's head as the baby dragon kept giggling and tried to grab it. "I wanna get back to work, but I'm so exhausted. How am I meant to look after a baby dragon and be Sheriff at the same time?" He questioned in slight stress as he placed his hooves on his face.

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