Chapter 47: Sunny's Smoothie Moves

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It’s been a week since getting the Pegasus Crystal back and befriending Discord, but somewhere in Maretime Bay, Sunny and Sunset are running through an alleyway as they start sweating and are looking around nervously.

“Sunny! Sunset! Stop right there!” A male voice called out to her, which made her nervous as Sunny then reached a dead end as she turned and saw two stallions in fruit costumes, one that is a banana and the other is an orange.

“There’s no escape!” The banana costume stallion said to Sunny and Sunset as he and the orange costume stallion glared at them.

“No getting away now!” The orange costume stallion added while pointing a hoof at Sunny and Sunset.

And then, another stallion appeared in the middle of the two stallions, while wearing a strawberry costume. “Not without putting us into your…” He started with a glare before he and the other two fruit costume stallions gave them cheerful smiles. “...All new smoothies!” He finished as the three stallions smiled with sparkles in their eyes as they each held out a smoothie.

Sunny and Sunset then turned behind them as the background as fruits behind them as Sunny spoke with a smile. “Sorry! Our brand-new smoothies only contain all new fruits grown in the community garden!” She said as the background then showed the community garden with so many fruits that the Earth Pony have grown with their Earth Pony magic.

Sunset then spoke next. “Like kiwi-paya, pear-nana, and razzleberries!” She listened while showing each type of fruit as she smiled with sparkles in her eyes.The scene then changed to the three fruit costumes stallions as they were each sipping a smoothie.

The scene then changes to both Sunny and Sunset at the smoothie stand while Sunny holds up a tray of smoothies, while sweating exhaustedly. “Try 'em all today!” She called out with a smile.

“You'd be bananas not to!” The banana stallion cheered next to the two ponies while holding up his smoothie cup.

“And cut!” Pipp’s voice called out as she tapped her phone, revealing that she was livestreaming the whole thing to show the new smoothies to the ponies quickly. “Perfect! We soooo got it this time!” Pipp said with a smile.

“Finally. After the last few attempts, it was exhausting.” Sunset said in relief, having tried to do this many times to get it right as she and Sunny came to Pipp to see the video themselves.

“And the giant fruit?” Sunny asked hopefully.

“All added with the magic of filters!” Pipp cheerfully said as she appended her phone to show the filters of the giant fruit the three ponies wore, revealing it to be a filter since they didn’t have time to get actual costumes.

“Photo filters never fail. And filters can never stop surprising you with new ones that are somehow made.” Sunset said with a small smile, knowing from experience when she and the rainbooms showed Applejack how photo filters are, while some are amazing, some are a little weird like that pony filter, which gave goosebumps to her friends from that strange filter.

Sunny squeals in joy from that. “Amazing! Thanks, Pipp!” She thanked Pipp as she gave her a hug while Pipp smiled at Sunny as the Earth Pony gasped in excitement. “I can't wait for ponies to try these new flavors! They're gonna love 'em!” She cheered with a smile.

“Slow down, Sunny.” Sunset said with a smile as she calmed the earth pony down a bit. “These things take time for ponies to even try new things.” She pointed out, knowing that it shouldn’t be that easy right away.

And as Sunset predicted, Posey came by at the front of the stand as she held out a pear-nana with an unamused expression with a small smile. “New flavors?” She asked with a curt laugh. “I think not. Tropical treat for me, as per always.” She said to Sunset and Sunny, who appeared at the inside of the stand while Sunny gave a sheepish smile while Sunset raised an eyebrow at Posey.

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