Chapter 40: Secret Canter

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In the Crystal Brighthouse, the Mane 6 and Sparky, sin Izzy isn't there at the moment, are putting up the Winter Wisday decorations as they are now decorating the Wisday tree as Sparky and Zipp are flying to high places to put the decorations high, Hitch was about to warp the white decorative stream around the tree, but for some reason the power went out.

"Huh?" Both Sunny and Pipp asked in confusion from the sudden black out.

"The powers out." Sunset pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

And then suddenly, the front door opened as a pony with a red cloak on, with his/her face in the hood of it, came in with some fog around him/her.

The rest of the Mane 6 gasped in fright as they, except for Sunset, ran for cover as they hide, with Sparky getting spooked by this as it made him fart out his dragon fire from his rear, which durn the boxes of decorations as Sparky giggled a bit from that before he hides as well.

Sunset ignored what Sparky did as she gave a glare at the intruder. "Who are you? And why have you come to our home?" She demanded seriously with a stern tone, not gonna let her friends get hurt from this intruder.

"You will find out!" The hood figure said in a familiar tone of that from a mare. "Ponies! The time has come..." She called out as the others popped out of their hiding place behind Sunset, looking frightening as Sunset kept a brake expression, but then the figure took off. It's good as it is revealed to be Izzy, smiling cheerfully at her friends. "...To do 'Secret Canter!'" Izzy cheered as she began to dance around while singing. "Secret Canter time. It's Secret Canter time!" She sang with a twirl as she struck a pose with a wink as she smiled at her friends, who were looking at her in confusion. "Time to canter secretly. Sing chorus repeatedly. Secret Canter Time." She sang with a cheery smile.

"Uh, Secret what-er?" Pipp asked in confusion.

"What are you talking about, Izzy?" Sunset asked in confusion, not sure what Izzy is saying, or singing for that matter.

"It's an annual Bridlewood Wishiehoof tradition." Izzy answered while waving her hooves with a smile. "Full of secrets!" She finished with a spook tone with a spooky expression.

Sunset then spoke with a raised eyebrow. "Uh, Izzy, what did we talk about spooky tones?" She asked.

Izzy then realizes what she did as she gives a sheepish chuckle. "Not to use them at all unless it's for a spooky story." She said sheepishly.

"Good." Sunset said with a smile. "Now how about you fill us in on this while setting up this Secret thing." She suggested.

Izzy smiled cheerfully at what Sunset said. "Sure!" She cheered as she rushed off to get ready.

Sunset turned to the others. "Get ready guys. Whatever Izzy has in store for us, this should be interesting." She said to the others with a little chuckle as they chuckled along with her with smiles in agreement, knowing Izzy, this should be interesting.

Sometime later, Izzy lit up some candles as Izzy got her hood back on as she gave a mischievous smirk to her friends.

"Come forth, ponies!" Izzy called out to her friends as her friends watched on, a little confused as they shrugged to each other. "And let the sacred Wishiehoof vestal reveal if you're Pony it to you!" She announces as she holds up a holiday hat to the others with a smirk.

The others looked on with raised eyebrows, still confused by this. "So, we draw names from the hat?" Sunny first to ask, summarizing what Izzy is trying to say.

"Kinda." Izzy said in her usual tone with a smile.

"Izzy, you and the other unicorns have way too many weird traditions in this new era." Sunset commented, wondering how many weird traditions the unicorns in new Era Equestria have.

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