Chapter 59: Moon Festival

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In the night time of Zephyr Heights, the ponies are celebrating some sort of night festivity with lanterns decorations hanging and some stands with supplies or food around. It was quiet until a giant decorative moon fell above them and started rolling across the festival as ponies screamed in panic.

Zoom and Thunder started flying after it in anxiety.

"Run for your lives!" Zoom called out to the crowd as they moved out of the way as she and Thunder chased after the decorative moon to try and stop it.

Queen Haven and the Mane 7 looked in shock and surprise by what they just saw.

"Well, that was unexpected." Sunset commented as the others nodded in agreement.

"And so..." Queen Haven started with a sheepish smile, wanting to forget what just happened while getting back to what the festival's purpose was as she gave a tour to the Mane 7. "Every ten years, when the moon reaches its closest point in Equestria," She said as she gestured to the moon, which is blocked from the clouds a bit as a pegasus flew by at unusual high speed as the mare screamed to get control of her flight. "We throw a great big party to celebrate." She finished.

And then the big decorative moon came rolling by again as Zoom and Thunder screamed as they chased after it as it got the group's attention again.

Queen Haven felt embarrassed a bit before she recomposed herself while looking at Zipp and Pipp with a smile while placing a hoof on her chest. "Oh, my daughters have always loved the Moon Festival." She added.

Pipp and Zipp looked at each other while Pipp raised an eyebrow at her sister while Zipp remembered the time when their last moon festival was.


Many years again when Zipp and Pipp were fillies, Pipp was dangled with Zipp holding her sister as she was tied to a moon floating lantern as Pipp was crying while waving her hooves as she cried in fear with tears flowing out while Zipp gave a exciting laughter as it looks like they were flying, but Pipp wasn't feeling the excitement like her sister.

The two filly sisters are flying high in the sky outside the Zephyr Heights palace while the moon shines bright while Pipp kept crying in fear.

End of Flashback.

After having the flashback, Pipp looked at her sister with a dull expression at the memory that she would like to forget.

"Correction, Zipp always loves the Moon Festival." Pipp corrected with a sarcastic expression with a wave of her hoof as Zipp looked at her sister. "Me, haha, not so much." She said boredly while Zipp gave an amusing smile at her sister, knowing that is true.

"Whatever happened, I guess it has to be one of Zipp's attempts to fly before the magic returned?" Sunset guessed as the two sisters went wide eyed at what Sunset just said.

"How did you know?!" They both asked in surprise.

"Come on. With Zipp, it's pretty obvious. She flies 24/7." Sunset said with a chuckle as Zipp gave a sheepish blush from that, knowing that is true before Sunset continued. "But, I gotta say, this is the first time I ever heard of a moon festivities. I know Princess Luna would love this if she was still around." She added with a smile, knowing a certain former Princess of the Moon would very much love this kind of festival for the night and the moon.

"I'm sure she would, Sunset." Sunny said in agreement with a smile.

"And now, as it's the first Moon Festival since magic returned, we're putting on an extra special aerobatics finale featuring Zephyr Heights' finest flyers!" Queen Haven with a wave of her hooves while the Mane 7 have sparkling eyes in excitement.

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