Chapter 67: The Rise and Fall

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On a camera, Opaline is livestreaming on it with an sinister evil smile as she gaves and evil laugh, but then she coughed as she recompose herself as the camera pans back and showed Opaline wearing her power crown, her cape, and for some reason, a necklace which holds five of the seven Mane 7's Cutie Marks.

"Start again." Opaline said, going to try again as the camera turned off.

In a new vidoe, Opaline looked at the camera again with an evil smile, "It's me, Opal-" She was cut off when she fling her cape, but it flew around and smack her on the face, "Oof!" She yelped.

And a next video, it showed Opaline liting up her hoof in blue flames with a look as she waved her hoof around, "Bow to me, Equestria! Nopony can stop me!" She announced as flames burst from behind her as she gave an evil laugh, but as she turned around, she gave a panic expression, "Aah!" She called out as she saw her cape was on fire from the fire burst behind her.

Opaline then started screaming in panic as she ran around as the racoonicorn, who is holding her phone to record, watched her go as she tried to put out the fire on her cape.

And then the next video, Opaline was about to speak, but she unintintonally gave a burp as she gave an embarassing look at the camera.

Next video again, Opaline walked up to the camera with a smirk, "The time has come for you poonies to bow to-" She called out as she gave an evil look and got close to the camera, but then the racoonicorn gave off giggles, making her confused as she gave it a look. "What's so funny?" She questioned.

The racoonicorn gave a nervous look as it quickly tuggled around Opaline's phone and showed her the recording, "-you poonies to bow to-" It played.

Opaline now understands what the racoonicorn was telling her as she gave an amusing look with a laugh, "It's quite funny! 'Poonies'!" She said with tears of joy as she gave an amusing laugh at her mistake, finding it very funny.

At Zephyr Heights, Queen Haven is walking around as her phone chimed as she took it out and saw the notification, "Oh! A message." She said as she look at her phone in confusion by the message.

"Do I know you?" Posey questioned with a brow as she got the same message as well on her phone.

"Who's this?" Thunder asked, looking at his phone.

"New message?" Zoom asked as she looked at her phone as well.

One by one, basically every ponies in Equestria looked at their phone as they saw a message on it, even the critters as their phones started chimming.

At the Crystal Brighthouse, the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunny and Sunset are looking at their phones in concern, "Oh, no. This can't be good." Sunny said in great concern.

"No it can't be. I have a bad feeling about this," Sunset said in agreement as she and Sunny looked at their phones as it revealed Opaline.

"Hello, ponies." Opaline said as she turned and fling her mane and waved her hoof.

"Knew it!" Sunset said with a glare.

At the Sheriff Station, Hitch saw the message as he gave a panic expression, "Don't look! It's the evil Alicorn again!" He cried out as he covered his eyes.

In Zepyhr Heights, Pipp and Zipp saw the messages on their phones as Pipp screamed in panic as she flew around the room as her sister watched.

"Pipp, stop screaming!" Zipp called out to her panic sister as she place her phone close to her ear, "I can't hear what she's saying!" She added, wanting to hear what Opaline has to say so they could know what's she's planning.

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