Chapter 56: Diva and Conquer

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In Bridlewoodstock, Rufus is showing off his magic trick with Bongo Beats in a box on a stage in front of a crowd of ponies.

Pipp then flew up to the front of the stage with a smile. "That's our open mic staaaage." She sang to Electric Blue, giving the tour of Bridlewood stock with the rest of the Mane 6 following behind them.

Pipp then gestured to the food truck stands behind her. "Here's the food truck village where you can get everything to eat." She said with a smile.

Electric Blue smiled as they and the Mane 6 kept walking, while Izzy was still standing with a thoughtful look.

"Everything?" Izzy repeated before she smiled cheerfully with sparkles in her eyes. "I love everything!" She cheered.

"Of course you do, Izzy." Sunset said in amusement with a chuckle.

"And ta-da!" Pipp cheered while gesturing to the three big tents. "Your very own super-glam V.I.P tents!" She finished.

"Thanks, Pipp." Fretlock said as Jam Donut and Arpreggia smiled. "We just need our gear and outfits and we're ready to rock." He added.

And then, Hitch starts coming in with Sparky on his back while straining a bit as he is pushing a pile of luggages while looking tired. "Did you... really need..." He started before a luggage fell on his head. "...all of this stuff?" He asked.

Electric Blue raised an eyebrow at Hitch's question as they turned to Pipp, who gave a bored look.

"Um, Electric Blue are stars." Pipp pointed out in defense. "If they say they need something, they need..." She was cut off when the ground started to shake.

"An earthquake? In Bridlewood's forest?" Sunset asked while looking at Izzy. "Does this happen often, Izzy?" She asked.

"Not likely, Sunset." Izzy answered.

"Whoa. Whoa." Hitch said as he tried to balance himself with the shaking, but then suddenly, the ground beneath him and Sparky cracked as they fell over with the luggages. "Whoa!" He cried out as he fell to the hole.

The V.I.P tents also fell down as well as they fell to the floor.

"My microphone!" Areggia called out in shock.

"Our gear!" Fretlock called next.

"Not my lucky underpants!" Jam Donut cried out while raising his hoof.

"Hitch!" Zipp, Sunny and Sunset called out after seeing Hitch and Sparky fall into the hole.

"The super-glam V.I.P tents!" Pipp cried out as she placed her hooves on her cheeks while her friends gave her unamuse expressions.

"Really? That's what you're worrying about?" Sunset questioned boredly while Pipp chuckled sheepishly.

The ground started shaking again. "Whoa!" Hitch called out through the whole as mud then sprouted out of it, with Hitch and Sparky along with it. "Whoooaaaa!" He cried out.

Electric Blue and the rest of the Mane 6 watched with wide eyes before they were covered in mud as Hitch fell to the ground as Sparky landed on Hitch's back as the mud sprout decreased as it gave a squirt.

"What in pony name was that?" Sunset asked in shock while the others were shocked by this as well, wondering the same thing.

"Aw." Izzy said in a cute tone as she placed her hoof on her cheeks with a smile. "The last sinkhole of the year! So cute!" She said while placing hooves on her cheeks with a smile while her friends gave her looks.

"You should've told us about this, Izzy." Sunset said with a dull look. "Next time, fill us in on what happens in the woods." She added while giving a firm look to Izzy.

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