Chapter 34: Sneaksy Strikes Again

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And now, for the street art." Posey announced to both Sunny, Sunset and Izzy with a smile, as the four ponies are in the museum while Posey is showing one of the street arts, which is an Earth Pony mare holding a flower.

Izzy gasped with sparkles in her eyes as Sunny and Sunset just smiled as Izzy went closer to the art. "It's so beautiful!" Izzy said.

And then Posey showed them another street that is a multi-colored stallion. "Neighway!" Izzy cheered as Sunset and Sunny watched on.

And then they are now seeing a rainbow with a can of beans tape to it as Izzy then starts crying with joy at the art, while Sunny, Sunset and Posey are giving her a strange look from that.

And then the next art is a pair of multi-colored hooves that is a 3-D painting sculpture.

Izzy then zipped right in front of it. "Hoof-five! Don't mind if I do..." She was about to touch the art until Posey then got in front of her.

"Hoof off Izzy! No touching the art!" Posey strictly said, which startled Izzy from her outburst. "Those are the rules." She firmly pointed out.

"Jeeze, Posey. Lighten up. You don't have to be so strict about it." Sunset said while rolling her eyes at Posey's outburst.

"Well, I have to take art seriously, Sunset. You can't blame me for trying." Posey pointed out, taking the art thing seriously.

Izzy then sighs in disappointment of not touching the art as Sunny and Sunset give her a smile as they lift up their hooves to Izzy. Izzy gasped at them as she smiled and the three ponies gave each one a high-hoove as Sunny and Sunset laughed a bit.

Posey then shows them many other street arts that are on the walls. "Many of the street artists keep their identity secret." Posey explained. "They believe that art can be anywhere in anything, and should be experienced by everypony!" She announced with a smile.

"Amazing." Sunset said, being an artist herself at times and having done this kind of thing before. "I used to do this before. That is when I have to stop after so many arts around town." She said with a sheepish smile, remembering when she first started street art, she got busted, which she was lucky to get away without getting caught.

"Wow. Art can be anywhere. That's a cool idea." Sunny said with a smile, but then she and Sunset looked at Izzy, who was giving a blank look while staring at the art. "Uh. Everything okay there, Izzy?" Sunny asked.

"Yeah, you seemed lost a bit." Sunset asked as well, waving a hoof in front of Izzy, but Izzy remained focused, ignoring Sunset's hoof as she spoke.

"Art can be anywhere." Izzy repeated what Sunny and Posey said as her eyes were wide and her pupils shrunk a bit, having an idea pop in her head as she zoomed away from the three ponies. "Woohoo!" Izzy cheered as she ran around the room, while also running across the ceiling for some reason, which drove the three ponies in confusion. "I can be anywhere!" Izzy cheered as she popped up from the right side and then the left with a cheerful expression. "For anypony!" She added as she got the three ponies with her hooves with sparkles in her eyes. "Did you hear that? The world will never be the same!" She said as she let go of the ponies and went on.

Posey then spoke to explain more. "Well, not exactly 'anywhere'. If you want to make art in public places, you have to get permission first and..." Posey stopped as she looked at something with wide eyes and gasped.

"What?" Sunset asked, wanting to know what Posey is looking at. Not answering as she pointed in a direction, Sunny and Sunset followed Posey's pointing and widened their eyes in shock as they saw the window open, with a window door on one side dropped to the door. "Oh. Looks like Izzy went out the window. Literally." Sunset commented, knowing what just happened.

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