Chapter 61: Attack of the Bunnisus

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In Bridlewood, Sunny and Windy are in the Crystal Tea Room as they are making a clay vase. Some of Sunny's clay splattered out when she is making her vase as some got on Alphabittle as he gave a sheepish smile.

(Every New Day Song)

(Pipp, Jazz, and Rocky)
(Every new day is the best day ever)

A brand new day

Before Alhabittle could speak, Sunny showed her complete vase as Windy finished hers as well as Alphabittle smiled at their work as they earned a a clay sculpture badge on their sashes as the two hooftap together.

A brand new chance, a brand new way
To be my very best pon-ay

At the Crystal Brighthouse, Sunny is sewing a picture of Windy as Windy did hers of Sunny as the two ponies smiled at each other as they earned their sewing badge.

And live my best life, 'cause there's only one now
Yeah, only one now

Qt a field, Sunny brought out her Alicorn form as she gave a determined smile as she used her earth pony magic on the field as it sprouted carrots as Windy is flying over the field with a watering can as she watered the carrots as the two ponies smiled at each other.

And then the ground started rumbling as heard as the critters rushed out of the bushes as they started eating the carrot rops as Sunny and Window watched in amusement as the critters enjoy their snacks, after snacking, they laid on the ground as the bunnycorn burp as Sunny and Windy hoof tapped together as they earned their critters badges.

A little bit later, Sunny and Windy then look at their sashes as Windy spoke with a smile. "Oh, look at all our badges, Sunny!" She said with sparkles in her eyes as Sunny had the same expression as Windy came next to her and place a hoof over Sunny's back. "I knew you'd love being a part of the Trail Trotters just as much as I do!" She said with a wave of her hooves.

"Sunset even said the same thing when she heard about and suggested I join in to have fun, and she's right!" Sunny said happily, having first told by Sunset about the Trail Trotters when she heard about them as she held up her sash with a big smile and sparkles in here eyes. "Check it out, Windy! There's still room for more!" She pointed to the empty spot on the sash.

Sunny then gasped when she have a thought. "Wait. Are there any badges that you can earn with your friends?" She asked Windy eagerly.

Windy gave a smile from that idea. "Let me just have a look in the Trail Trotters guide..." She said as she look through the guide book before she smiled widely. "Oh, yes! The Wilderness Survival Badge has to be earned as a whole group." She said as she show Sunny the page on the book that showed a camping badge image and three ponies of each tribe.

Sunny got an exciting smile from that as she tap her hooves together. "Oh, I think I might know a few ponies who would totally love that!" She said excitedly with sparkles in her eyes, wanting her friends to join in on the fun.

A little bit later, Sunny got her friends together as they agree to join in on the fun as they grab their camping supplies, but as soon as they entered the forest, it was now pouring down rain as thunder struck while the Mane 7, except for Windy, gave deadpan expression as a critter moved pass then very fast that they got startled.

"Well, camping out in the rain with critters running around in the woods, this feels familiar." Sunset said with a bored tone as she turned to Sunny. "Didn't you and Windy check the weather before we came out here?" She asked in wonder.

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