Chapter 18: On Your Cutie Mark

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Clear for landing, Team Pegasi!" Sunny's voice called out as Zipp and Pipp are learning a group of Pegasi over with Thunder carrying a basket full of balls with the others carrying one ball each while flying through the air.

They throw the balls as Rocky caught two of them in both his hooves with a grunt, and then turned a bit as he threw them to Zoom. Zoom hit the balls back as Zipp came zooming by and caught two of them as she juggled them around as Pipp caught the two more and backflip in the air real quick before she flew by.

Sunny and Sunset then came by with two speaker phones on their heads, one for each of them as they seem to be the coach of this thing they are doing. "Okay, everyponies. Take it easy. This is just an exercise practice. Not a contest." Sunset advises them through the earphone with a chuckle, seeing that they are going hard on this.

"Sunset's right. It's just a little sports day, ponies. No need to show off." Sunny agreed, that this is just a sports day, not a contest, and Sunny and Sunset are the coach and judge of this whole thing.

"All of Equestria is a stage, Sunny and Sunset." Pipp said with a smile while tossing a ball on top of the other in her hooves. "Hitch, light the lanterns!" Pipp called out through her earphone as well, calling Hitch to light up the lanterns.

"Lanterns?" Sunny and Sunset both asked, once they realized what Pipp means, they turned to their left with their hooves up. "No, Hitch!" They cried out to him, but it was too late to stop him.

"Roger that. Lanterns lit." Hitch declared, standing in front of a red button about to hit it.

"Wait, Hitch!" Sunny and Sunset tried to stop him, but Hitch had already pressed the button.

The lanterns then lit and floated in the air all over Maretime Bay as Sunset and Sunny looked on with nervous expressions, seeing this is not how it goes.

"Hitch. Not now." Sunset muttered, seeing this is not how they should be realse yet.

Sunny starts to sweat as she places a hoof on her chin. "Oh. Oh, no." She muttered.

"Did you say "oh, go", Sunny?" Izzy's voice was heard through their earphones as they started to panic.

"Izzy, no!" Sunny cried out to her.

"Go?" Izzy asks them again, through her earphone, wanting to know if she heard them right.

"NO!" Both Sunny and Sunset cried out clearly to Izzy, already frustrated with the exercise not really going well.

Izz, with already a cheery personality as it is, clearly thinks they mean to go as she turns to her team of Unicorns. "You heard her, Team Unicorn! Go, go, go!" She cried out to her team of Unicorns as they used their magic to levatiate streamers over their heads as the unicorns laughed and a few of them danced around with their own streamers.

The streamers then flew into the air, apparently the unicorns overdid it with their magic.

"Bogey at three o'clock!" Thunder cried out to Zoom, seeing the streamers coming at them as Zoom held a ball with Thunder juggling three of them.

"Gross!" Zoom said as she didn't get what Thunder means as the streamers came at them. "Aah!" Zoom was hit as Thunder moved out of the way.

"Aah!" Pipp cried out as the streamers hit her, Zipp and the other Pegasi, Zipp got tangled in one of the streamers, and the results caused them to drop the balls and hit the lanterns.

Sunny and Sunset saw the lanterns and balls fall from the sky. "Everypony, take cover!" They both shouted to everypony around them.

The balls and lanterns crash all over Maretime Bay as the ponies around them try to run for cover while some of them get hit by them.

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