Chapter 23: Another Pony's Trash

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Sunny opened the window where a bird was sitting, but once Sunny opened the window, the bird flew away as Sunny sighed in relaxation.

"Another beautiful day in...Agh!" Sunny was startled when a piece of newspaper flew right into her face as she turned away from the window as she tries to get the newspaper off while grunting effortly as her friends, who are having breakfast, stifled their laughter, finding it funny that Sunny tries to get the newspaper off, once Sunny got it off, she sighs in relief before she reads the article on the paper. "'Maretime Bay Trash Heap of Equestria?' Huh? 'Filling Visiting Numbers Caused Chaos?'" Sunny read in disbelief that the article said something about Maretime Bay as a trash heap.

"What? Let me see that." Sunset asks as she walks in front of Sunny as she grabs the newspaper and sees the article for herself. "Okay. That's just crazy and rude to say that to Maretime Bay." She said, finding the article ridiculous as she crumbled it up and tossed it away.

"Yeah. Pttf, can any of you guys believe this?" Sunny asks the others while agreeing with Sunset with a snort. "As if Maretime Bay has a trash problem." She added, thinking Maretime Bay doesn't have a trash problem.

The others however, knew this as they realized Sunny and Sunset didn't hear about this yet. Pipp is the first to speak as she holds out her phone. "Um. Are you two kidding? It's like all over 'Clip-Trot'." She pointed out as she showed the two ponies the Clip-Trot video where the bunnies are dancing on the beach, but then a wave hits them as the bunnies are washed up from the ocean with some trash on them that was washed up from the ocean.

Hitch came in front of Sunny and Sunset as he spoke next. "And it's not just trash. I've been getting alot of complaints on how busy Maretime Bay is now." He pointed out to the board of complaints behind Sunny and Sunset as the two ponies turned and saw what Hitch meant. "They are mostly from Posey, but still." He added, while seeing most of the notes complaints from Posey, clearly seeing that she still complained about other ponies and other things.

"Unicorns are gasping too much at the views!" Posey's voice was heard while each note saids it all. "Pegasus wings created unwanted breezes! Unicorn smell!" After the smell part of a note, Posey poked her head through the window outside while giving an irritated look. "And another thing....Aahhh!" She was cut off when a surprising magic blast hit her, pushing her out of the window as Sunset came in front of it, giving an annoying look at the irritated Earth Pony Mare.

"Nopony asked you, Posey!" Sunset yelled out as she can't deal with Posey's annoying attitude about everything she doesn't like or complain about how she thinks of other ponies right now. "And those complaints are the weak sauce of your selfish attitude then helping other ponies! So stay out of this conversation!" She called out as she shut the window, shutting Posey out.

"Hey!" Posey calls out, and then groans as she's been shut out of this conversation, but also a little scared at Sunset's outburst, clearly forgetting how that alicorn is when she's angry, so she decided to let it go for now and walk away from the Brighthouse.

"Pony feathers, that mare is really spoiled." Sunset commented as she rubs her head in frustration at Posey only in need of her ways over how other ponies feel. Sunset turned to the others, who were giving Sunset a strange look. "What?" She asks the others why they are looking at her like that.

While the others are silent, Zipp blinks twice before speaking. "Was that really necessary, Sunset?" She asks if it was really a good idea to magic blast Posey out of here.

"Hey. Posey just keep complaining over the smallest changes and little things about other ponies and the changes of Equestria, like what happened in Maretime Bay Day, her popping up out of nowhere to voice her complaints in front of us while we are having a conversation is a new low and annoying, even for her, somepony has to do it." Sunset pointed out that the way Posey has been acting lately with the return of magic, ponies reunited and her voicing her complaints to her and her friends, is already annoying as it needs to be with that mare. "And besides, this is a private conversation for us six only, and Posey shouldn't be involved in this, even if she complains about the simplest things." She finished while pointing out that Posey shouldn't get in between their conversations all she wants.

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