Chapter 52: Ponytropico

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In Maretime Bay, Hitch is whistling to other ponies, whether they be on carriage or on the streets, as he makes sure they aren’t distracted as he whistles hard, which he did so many times that he is sweating a bit.

“Is the daily grind of your life getting you down?” Skye narrated as he was speaking.

In Mane Melody, Pipp is doing Posey’s mane as she is using a curling iron on her mane, but Pipp looks a little tired as he hummed to herself.

And then a few seconds later, Posey then starts screaming as Mane Melody literally shook and the roof lifted up as a couple of ponies outside stopped in startled by that.

“Does it seem like nothing is going right?” Skye narrated again.

Inside, Posey kept screaming as the part of her mane Pipp was doing was burnt by the curling iron as Pipp gave Posey an apologetic look for her mistake.

In the Crystal Brighthouse, Izzy got stuck on a discarded tree bark with blue glitter like glue, which she got all over herself and the tree.

“Oh... That's not good.” Izzy said to herself nervously now that she is stuck. “Hello? Anypony?” She called out as her voice echoed across the Brighthouse for help to get her unstuck, which nopony was there to help her at the moment while her friends were out.

Somewhere else in Maretime Bay, Sunny then skated from an alley as she skied across the floor, looking really tired as her smoothie cart then flew out of its harness and rolled across the ground as it crashed as Sunny gasped from what her cart crashed into.

Sunset then appeared while holding a couple of smoothies. “What happened, Sunny?” She asked in concern as Sunny then pointed to where her smoothie cart crashed as Sunset widened her eyes in surprise. “Whoa!” She said in surprise.

The smoothie cart crashes where Zipp and Rufus are, while the latter is in his clown costume as the two ponies are covered in smoothies and fruits as some of the other contents are on the floor.

Zipp groans tirelessly as she flies away as Rufus is licking some of the smoothie juice on his hoof with a small smile, finding it really tasty.

Sunny and Sunset then came next to Rufus while feeling a little embarrassed.

“Um... no charge for this one.” Sunny nervously said as she squeezed Rufus’ clown wig as the green smoothie out and into the cup as she gave a nervous smile as Rufus smiled at his smoothie.

“Sorry, about that Rufus. The cart flew off Sunny’s strap.” Sunset apologized to him.

“That’s okay, I don’t mind.” Rufus said, not bothered one bit.

Sunset nodded as she turned to Sunny in a concerned look. “Sunny, you and the others have been so busy lately, that you exhausted your energies. You are showing bags under your eyes.” She pointed out to Sunny having bags eyes.

Sunny sighs tirelessly as she speaks. “You’re right, Sunset. We’ve been so busy lately that we are getting exhausted as it is. Especially those Alicorn training we’ve been doing.” She said, while doing their daily jobs exhausted them, helping Sunny train her Alicorn magic is also getting to them.

“Well, you did ask to become the best Alicorn in Equestria to protect the crystals and everypony else, and we did agree to help you.” Sunset said as she placed a comforting hoof on Sunny. “But clearly it is pushing you to the limit, and I have a feeling that the others might not be faring well either. Even though I feel exhausted, just not much, but still.” She admitted, having a feeling that the others might be exhausted as well after being so busy. And then Sunset then have a thought. “You know, maybe this is a perfect time to go on a vacation after the hard work we all have been doing.” She suggested with a smile.

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