Chapter 85: Some guy

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They knew exactly where to go when they heard the roaring of a car engine

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They knew exactly where to go when they heard the roaring of a car engine. That must be where the guns were. Xander had his machine gun lying in his lap as he gripped onto the car for stability. Daryl's motorcycle sped in front of them, taking the lead.

Rick had complete focus on catching up to the guns. They couldn't get back to the Saviours. Daryl picked up his gun and aimed, but at the same time, the back of the car in front of him popped open, and the large gun was fired in their direction.

"Oh, shit!" Xander yelled as he watched Daryl swerve off and fall into a ditch.

Rick seemed furious now, speeding up to catch the two men. Picking up his gun, Xander started blindly firing, not being able to properly aim since Rick was swerving to keep them out of the line of fire.

"Dad, walkers," Xander pointed up ahead and braced himself.

The driver in front of them had suddenly realized scattered walkers were roaming around and began swaying from side to side to avoid them.

This caused the man in the back to roll around in the back, giving Xander another chance to fire. That was until they had to swerve away from the walkers, giving the men enough time to reposition and fire again.

A bullet finally hit the front of the car, causing smoke to fly up. Xander wasn't worried because looking into the side mirror, Xander could see Daryl back on the road with a gun in hand.

Rick veered to the side, making a clear path from Daryl to the other truck. Daryl quickly killed the bald man, and Rick had a chance to catch up to the truck.

Rick was determined to do something, but his son didn't know what it was. "Take the wheel when I say so!" He yelled to Xander over the roaring engines. Xander nodded his head and prepared to switch seats. Rick quickly pulled himself up and yelled "Now!"

Then, he jumped into the other car, stabbing the saviour several times. Xander quickly moved to the driver's seat, taking control of the wheel. The other car sped way ahead of them, and Xander saw someone fall out of the car, most likely shoved.

The car then veered off the road and into a nearby ditch, causing Xander's breathing to quicken.

Daryl caught up with Xander, and they both parked their vehicles, exiting them and rushing to look at the damage. A battered and bruised Rick hauled himself up the hill, sticking his hands out, waiting for their help.

Daryl and Xander pulled him up, and he stood beside them panting.

"We got the guns," Xander muttered, looking between the two men.

"You look like shit, Rick," Daryl grunted, causing Xander to snicker.

"Let's go see if this asshole's alive." Xander told them.

The three of them walked over to the suffering Saviour lying on the side of the road.

"Your people back in the chemical plant did you win?" Rick questioned, looking down at the man.

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