Chapter 14

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When Melanie awoke the next day Fred was gone. Lavender and Parvati were still sleeping in their beds but Hermiones was empty. Melanie got dressed and made her way down to the common room. It was 8 am and many students weren't awake yet, she saw Hermione sitting by one of the tables reading a book.

"Do you ever stop studying Mione?" Melanie chuckled as she sat down next to her.

"Oh Morning Melanie, I just want to get ahead in transfiguration. How are you feeling?"

"Good, thanks. I'm sorry if I worried you."

"It's okay. After Fred told us about the confusing concoction it all made sense."She started grinning from ear to ear. "George and I were a bit shocked when we came in after dinner to find the both of you cuddled up in your bed."

"What?" Melanie asked confused. " We were just reading." Hermione raised an eyebrow."On separate sides of the bed." Melanie added. "I didn't even realise when I fell back asleep. But I assure you we were no where near each other."

"That's not what it looked like." Hermione shrugged.

"Mione, I don't, I mean I'm not looking for anything with anyone right now."

"I know, Melanie don't worry. I see the way you stare at that photo you keep in your book.." she said in a lowered tone. "But Fred.."

"Fred has Angelina. They're dating. There's nothing there between us I assure you." Melanie cut her off quickly. "I'm starving. Have you been to breakfast yet?"

"No, and I doubt Harry and Ron will be waking up anytime soon. Let's go." She said with a smile as she shut her textbook and the two girls made their way down to breakfast.

Melanie liked Hermione a lot. The two of them got along really well. They were soon joined by Ron's younger sister Ginny and the three of them were deep in conversation when Harry, Ron and the twins came into the hall looking very sleepy.

"Good Morning." Harry yawned as he took a seat next to Melanie followed by George. Fred and Ron sat on the opposite side of the table next to Ginny and Hermione.

"Morning." She smiled back as she took a sip of her pumpkin juice.

"How are you feeling Mel?" George asked as he helped himself to some bacon.

"Thanks George I'm good." She looked over at him as she saw relief wash over his face. "Honestly thank you guys for taking care of me yesterday and I'm sorry if I worried you." She looked over at Fred who smiled calmly towards her.

"Is that all you've eaten?" He asked after looking at some unfinished toast on her plate."

"Yeah I was feeling hungry earlier but I don't know I've lost my appetite now that I'm looking at all this food." Fred sent a look at George who immediately understood and grabbed Melanie's plate and filled it with some eggs, bacon and some fruit on the side. Melanie looked at the plate in front of her and scoffed lightly. "There's no way I'm going to eat that."

"Well you better eat some because we're not leaving until you do." Harry chimed in as the twins sent him an approving look. Melanie huffed as she started poking the bacon on her plate. She ate a piece of it and some of the egg and started eating the grapes on the plate as she looked up at Fred who had a smile on his face.

"Satisfied?" She asked.

"Very." He grinned as he poured her some more pumpkin juice. Hermione and George sent each other a knowing look. Melanie rolled her eyes at Hermione.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" A low voice said from behind, which startled her a bit. Melanie turned around to see Cedric with worry in his eyes.

"Hey. I'm okay. Just being forced into having breakfast." She rolled her eyes at the twins.

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