Chapter Eight: The Hangout

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It's been a few days since Jisung asked Felix to fake being together, they weren't really being together, or pretending much, they would just hang out together a lot, would be hugging a lot, talking a lot, but most of this during school periods, Felix only saw it as spending time with his close friend, who happened to be gay and incredibly in love with Minho, not really surprising to Felix.

What was a surprise to him was that during the summer, Jisung and Minho had a thing, the thing that made Jisung fall for Minho, but the thing didn't make Minho fall for Jisung, which made him very sad, very mad as well.

He had this plan of making him jealous, but couldn't really find someone to do it with, until Felix came back and to Jisung's luck, he was looking like an angel, they were close friends, of course Felix would agree.

And he did, and how? would you ask, well, Jisung brought up that they might also make someone else jealous, someone that actually mattered to Felix.

Unlike Jisung, Felix did fell bad about the whole thing, especially because he saw Minho leaving that day at the park, he was staring at them, and then Hyunjin left, what made Felix feel even worse.

Was this really a good idea? He thought to himself, he was walking out of his last class, Changbin and Jeongin were with him, he met up with the rest on the school's doors.

-"So are we going to your house?" Jeongin asked, they were all supposed to hang out at Felix's place today, Jamie was already on her way to Chan's house so both could change clothes, and later go to his house.

-"Yes, did you bring your clothes?"- Felix asked both Jisung and Jeongin, they both nodded

-"It's Friday, we should do something fun today"- Seungmin said, appearing out nowhere with Changbin and Felix and Jisung's favorite people, but not one else knows those two are their favorite people though.

-"Actually..."- Jisung said with a smirk on his face, Felix knew what he was going to say, he didn't like it one bit, he stared at him, eyes widened, screaming inside his head.

-"We are all going to hang out at Felix's house, you can come, there's gonna be alcohol"- Jeongin said, smirking, Felix turned his face towards the youngest, looking at him with a WTF face on.

-"Felix doesn't seem happy about that"- Hyunjin said, Felix looked at him, the tall boy seemed annoyed at the whole encounter.

-"I can't promise anything"- He answered -"But if you guys want to come, you are welcome"- He continued.

"Do you want us to come?"- Hyunjin asked, his voice seemed raspier than usual, like he was sick, or something, Felix didn't say anything, he was too stunned to talk

-"Yes"- He said looking at Hyunjin's dark eyes, everyone seemed to notice the weird tension between these two, only Jeongin, Jisung and Minho understood why.

-"Okay then, we'll go"- Minho finally spoke, he patted Hyunjin's shoulder, Felix saw that, what was that?

-"We are going straight away, like now, you guys can come later"- Jisung said.

-"No need for me, i always bring clothes with me on Fridays" Changbin said smiling proudly. Seungmin agreed with him.

-"Me too"- Minho said, and with that the seven boys walked towards Felix's house, the whole situation made Felix want to throw up, he wasn't used to having all those people at his house, only Chan, Jamie, Jisung and Jeongin have been there, no one else, it felt like so intimate for him.

As they approached he texted Chan....



- I need your help!
- Jisung invited everyone, i mean EVERYONE
- I'm walking home with Minho, Hyunjing, Changbin and Seungmin

- I'm going to kill that quokka
- What do you need?

- Could you go to my house and make sure it's... you know, presentable?
- Really? Want me to clean?

- Yes?
- I swear! you owe me!

Chan couldn't believe he actually had to clean Felix's house to have Minho and Hyunjin over, who the hell were those two? why were they coming anyway?

Jamie could tell Chan was upset, she didn't mind picking Felix's shirts and shoes he leaves constantly on the living room, or those empty glasses on the kitchen counter.

But she could tell Chan wasn't happy about the reason they were doing it -"Hey, it's just a favor, not a big deal"- She said

-"I know baby"- He sighed, putting every dirty dish on the dishwasher -"It's just... why it's so important? who cares they are coming? why are they coming anyway?"- He continued, he turned around and stared as his girlfriend, who was staring back at him, a soft smile on her face, she walked close to him, gave him a small kiss.

-"I think we all know why... don't you have eyes? don't you know your best friend?"- She said, Chan rolled his eyes, he was holding her by the waist, leaning on the counter.

-"Come on! He clearly likes him, he admitted it himself" - Chan let go of her, walked past her, turned around looking like a child whining

-"He isn't sure he likes him or not! besides, Hyunjin doesn't like him back, i'm sure of it, he is straight!" - He said, now Jamie was the one rolling her eyes.

They heard voices, and the door opened, Felix walked in first, next was Jisung and Jeongin, already familiar with the house they went straight to the kitchen, saying hi to the couple inside. Changbin and Seungmin followed them, looking around but not too shy, to them Felix was a friend, not a stranger, not a close friend, he was just there, so they felt comfortable enough to just wander around.

Hyunjin and Minho on the other hand stayed in the entrance, Felix made them walk inside, they looked like lost puppies.

-"Are your parents home? Should we introduce ourselves?"- Hyunjin asked, Jamie looked at Chan, a smirk on her face, Chan rolled his eyes.

-"He lives alone"- Jisung said, that caught Minho's attention -"Completely alone?"- He asked, Felix just nodded, there was something on Minho's face, Jamie couldn't tell what it was. -"My family is staying in Australia, this year only me came back"- He said.

Eventually both boys walked inside, and they all asked Felix if they could change, only Chan and Jamie were out of their uniforms, so Felix guided everyone to the second floor.

-"Here's the bathroom"- He said, Jisung walked inside,
Jeongin was upset as he asked for it first -"You can use the bathroom downstairs"- He said smiling, Jeongin nodded and left, they kept walking and found some doors, he pointed to the left one

-"This room belongs to my parents, you guys can use it to change, there's also my sister's" He said looking at Minho, Changbin and Seumgmin, they nodded and walking in, but Minho stopped on the door

-"What about you?"- He asked Hyunjin, the tall boy just shrugged his shoulders, Minho looked at Felix

-"It's okay i have something he can borrow"- He said, Minho smirked, that took Felix by surprise, the blonde boy looked at Hyunjin, he was looking at his shoes, his hair covering his eyes.

-"Come, this one is my room"- He said right as Minho closed the door, Hyunjin saw his face right before, he was holding a scream, stupid Minho, he thought, Hyunjin lifted his eyes to meet Felix's.

-"Sure"- that's all he could say.

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