Chapter Twenty: You are mine

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The days passed, Hyunjin slept at Felix's place all those days, he went home for clothes, and everything he needed, their parents were okay with it, to be honest Hyunjin wasn't really all honest with them, as for his parents all the boys were staying with Felix accompanying him during this hard time, Hyunjin parent were proud of him for being such a good friend.

All the boys were sitting together at the school cafeteria, Chan wasn't there, it was Friday, he was with Jamie, they had a presentation of their debate club in some other school. The boys kept talking about the same thing they talked all week, Matt.

Felix told them story a couple times, all the different parts, Hyunjin took the job to tell the parts that involved him so that Felix wouldn't speak alone, it made him feel better.

-"So nothing so far?"-Seungmin asked, everyone was just tensed, expecting something, everyone was just waiting for the moment Matt would come back, do whatever he was here to do, and as the days passed the absence was killing Felix, it was the not knowing what would happen and when would it happen, he couldn't sleep much, a few hours each night, if it wasn't for Hyunjin that kept him company, he wouldn't have slept at all, he would have probably already collapsed at school from tiredness.

-"Am i the only one going crazy about this?"- Jisung asked but everyone just gave him a look, implying that no, he wasn't the only one.

-"How is your sister?"- It was Minho who asked, they were also constantly asking about Rachel, it made Felix feel both good and bad, at the same time, they cared enough about him to ask for her, but their constant concern made him remember her and everything, which was painful.

-"She is staring the treatment today, they expect results next week to see if there's progress"- Felix said playing with his food, clearly not in the mood to eat.

Everyone changed the subject after that, trying to distract Felix, so Seungmin and Jeongin were bickering about something with Changbin too, Jisung was enjoying seeing them fight, Minho brought up a bag and gave it to Hyunjin.

-"Thank you, did mom asked about it?"- Hyunjin asked opening the bag, Felix could see that it was more clothes and other things.

-"It's been four days, Hyunjin, it's time to go back home"- Felix said, somehow sad, he didn't want Hyunjin to leave, but it was the right thing.

-"Nonsense, Lix"- He said smiling, that smile could warm Felix's heart every time. -"I'm not leaving you alone"- He said and winked.

-"If you do need to go back home, i can take your place"- Minho said -"I could stay with you for a day or two, no problem"- He looked at Felix and then smile at Jisung.

-"Totally, i think we could all just help you know"- Jisung said smiling.

-"Guys, i can take care of myself, i don't need it"- Felix said slightly angry, more like annoyed.

-You might not need it, but i do"- Hyunjin said, his eyes soft, made Felix forget why he was annoyed in the first place.

Felix rolled his eyes just as the bell rang, all the boy got ready to go to their respective clases, Jisung and Hyunjin had math class, Minho and Seugnmin has physics and Jeongin had english class, so they went all separate ways. Hyunjin gave Felix a side hug and tiny kiss on the cheek before leaving.

He looked around to see Changbin staring at him, smirking, he forgot that Bin and him has art class together, so he waited and they walked together, they had to walk all the way to the other side of the campus.

-"So it's official between you two?"- He asked raising his eyebrow, he didn't even waited for the answer before smiling widely and giving Felix a pat on his back, even though the pat was more like a push, it made Felix loose his balance, but Changbin grabbed him, now laughing.

-"I keep forgetting how small you are, i'm sorry, but honestly, I'm happy for you"- He said, he instantly stopped walking -"Not happy about the whole Matt and your sister's situation, i'm sorry, i meant you and Hyunjin"- He said, his voice shaking.

-"I understood, Bin, don't worry and thank you, i'm happy about Hyunjin too"- Felix said smiling.

They walked together, as they were half way, walking past one of the school's entrance, Felix stopped walking the moment he saw Matt in front of him, a few meters away, his heart stopped. Changbin noticed Felix reaction, and he looked at the boy standing still, just existing there. Felix couldn't move, couldn't take his eyes off of him.

-"Felix, what should we do? Should we go back? Leave?"- Changbin asked, scared, he never saw someone being so afraid to be completely frozen like Felix was.

"I..."- Felix eyes widened, Matt was coming closer, Changbin was freaking out, was he supposed to stop the other guy? was he supposed to call someone? drag Felix away?

-"You really thought you were just gonna get rid of me that easily, Felix?"- They guy said, very close now, his eyes were wide but empty, his smile gave Changbin chills, he didn't what to know what Felix could be possibly feeling at this point.

-"Stay away!"- Changbin yelled, putting himself in front of Felix, Matt didn't listen and kept walking, was he walking in slow motion on purpose? As he yelled, it got people's attention, some girls saw the situation and ran to look for help, that made Changbin feel a little better, he just needed to held Matt back for a little time, and this would be over for Felix, he was barely breathing at this point, his face white like a ghost.

-"This is none of your business, now let me and Felix walk away happily, right Lixie? Let's go back, your family needs you, i need you, we could be together you know? like we are supposed to, you are mine for a reason"- As Changbin heard his words something came over him, he turned around, saw Felix again, he was frozen, but tears falling down his face, unable to move, Changbin turned again, this time he didn't held back and ran towards Matt.

He tackled him down, trying to pinned him down but he fought back, Matt kicked Changbin off of him to the side, but that was nothing to Bin, he stood up quickly as Matt was, and grabbed him by his waist pulling him back down, Matt was taller, but i made it easier to Changbin to move around him, he was agile, and once he pinned him down he punched him in the face, not once, not twice, he kept going...

He would have continued if it wasn't because some teachers and other students showed up to separate them, Matt spilled some blood and laughed looking at Felix, he didn't care about Changbin, he didn't care that someone just beat him, he only cared about Felix.

-"You are mine"- He said, but before he continued the police sirens interrupted him.

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