Chapter Twenty Eight: Australia

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After the awful events of that night the friend group seemed to grew more closer and stronger together, Seungmin and Changbin were now closer to rest of the guys, as they always seemed to be left out, not anymore, Changbin grew closer to Chan than before, Chan felt grateful because of how much Changbin protected Felix. Seungmin grew closer to Jeongin, some even suspect something it's going on between them.

Chan finally let go of everything that made him upset about Minho and Hyunjin, to the point that after Felix, Minho became his closest friend, surprising everyone, especially Minho, who wouldn't let Chan get that close ultimately giving up, embracing the weird personality of the aussie boy.

Minho and Jisung were publicly dating now more than ever, breaking a few girls and boy's hearts, but Minho didn't care, he only had eyes for him. Something like that happened with Hyunjin and Felix, as some people were sad Hyunjin has finally been taken out of the market, but who could be sad? He seemed the most happy of them all, he would make anything to make Felix laugh, even to the point of embarrassing himself with cute couple things that would most likely kill him of embarrassment.

He didn't care, he only cared about his boyfriend, they took things slowly after Chan's birthday, they had to focus on finals, and they did, studying long hours, or at least they tried, they would constantly take breaks to make out, but who cared?

Hyunjin was sad knowing after finals Felix would go back to Australia, being apart for two weeks, he feared Felix would disappear on him again, and even tho Felix constantly said he wouldn't do it, Hyunjin still feared.
He promised he would text and call everyday, keeping Hyunjin informed of anything, Felix loved the way he cared about him, and he understood where Hyunjin was coming from, but this time things would be different.

Just after finals finished they guys accompanied Felix to the airport, Changbin and Chan were taking his bags, Hyunjin wouldn't let go of his hand until the very last minute, it broke Felix's heart seeing him so sad, he was scared of losing him too.

-"Please come back to me, stay in touch, don't forget me"- Hyunjin whispered in his ear while hugging him.
Felix pulled back from the hug and kissed him softly.

-"I promise i won't disappear"- He said that walking back so everyone could hear him -"I'll let you know when i get there, when i see my family and keep you all informed"- He continued and now turned back to Hyunjin -"I will constantly call you, you won't miss me much"- He winked.

Felix left as his eight friends stared at him, Changbin was hugging Hyunjin, who stood still looking at Felix, Chan and Jamie holding hands and waving goodbye, Jisung and Minho did the same... Did he watch Jeongin grabbed Seungmin's hand? he better asks that when he gets back.

He left, and as promised once he landed he texted Hyunjin and Chan privately, and the on their group chat, they all seemed excited and were happy he texted, that little hope they had?

He found his family in the hospital, they were expecting him, his parents hugged him and guided him towards his sister room, she was sitting on the bed, reading something, but she let it go once she saw him, they hugged tightly, and he had to explain what happened back home, as his mom already knew some things thanks to Chan's mom.

-"Honey, you didn't need to go through that alone"-His mom said hugging him again, Rachel rolled her eyes -"In what moment would he tell you? we've been to focused on me, we've completely forgotten about him"- She said, clearly feeling guilty, Felix explained it wasn't like that, but before continuing, some doctors showed up to tell the news.

-"We have good news"- One of them said -"Everything it's going as planned, the surgery went successful, everything is going to be okay"- Another one continued -"We have to keep you monitored for few days, but hopefully you'll be out just after Christmas"- The third one finished, everyone looked happy, Felix was happy to be there during that moment, holding his sister's hand, knowing she would get through this.

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