Chapter 4- I can't

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As I made my way back to the bedroom, a smirk playing at the corners of my lips, I couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation coursing through me. But as I rounded the corner, I was caught off guard by the sight of Leah standing there, her eyes ablaze with determination.

Before I could react, Leah had me pinned against the wall, her grip firm and unyielding. Deja vu washed over me in a tidal wave of memories, the night at the pub, the heat of her touch, the raw intensity of our connection.

"What the fuck—" I tried to protest, but Leah's lips silenced me before I could utter another word. And then, in a voice that was barely above a whisper, she spoke, her words sending a shiver down my spine.

"Please Eva, I need this. I need you."

I couldn't help but smirk at her desperation, at the way she seemed to unravel beneath my touch. "What do you want, princess?" I teased, my voice dripping with amusement.

"You," she said simply, her words sending a surge of heat coursing through me.

And then, before I could respond, she slammed her lips into mine once again, the force of her kiss taking me by surprise. But this time, there was no hesitation, no holding back. I wrapped my arms around her, lifting her effortlessly as she wrapped her legs around my waist.

As the heat between Leah and me reached its peak, a nagging voice in the back of my mind whispered a warning, urging me to stop before it was too late. I could feel Leah's anticipation, her desire palpable in the air, but I couldn't bring myself to go any further.

"I can't," I said, my voice barely a whisper, as I pulled away from her, my heart heavy with uncertainty.

Confusion clouded Leah's eyes as she searched my face for answers. "Why?" she asked, her voice tinged with frustration and longing.

"Because I can't," I repeated, the words feeling inadequate even as they left my lips.

Leaving Leah behind, I stepped out into the cool night air, the darkness enveloping me like a comforting shroud. With each step, I tried to push aside the doubts and fears that threatened to consume me, but they lingered like a shadow, impossible to shake.

I knew why I couldn't bring myself to sleep with Leah, it wasn't just about the physical act, it was about what it represented. I knew that if I gave in to my desires, if I let myself get carried away in the moment, I would only end up hurting Leah in the end. She deserved better than that, better than someone who would use her and discard her without a second thought.

And as I walked through the quiet streets, the realization hit me like a bolt of lightning, I cared about Leah, more than I cared to admit. She was different, special, and I couldn't bear the thought of hurting her.

With each passing moment, I began to realize that maybe, just maybe, there was more to this than just a game. Maybe, just maybe, there was something real between us, something worth fighting for. And as that realization settled over me, I knew that I had to find a way to make things right, to show Leah that she meant more to me than she could ever know.

Dialing my mum's number felt like a lifeline in the midst of the chaos swirling within me. Growing up in London meant my mum was nearby, a comforting presence in times of need. "Mum," I said when she answered, the familiar sound of her voice offering a brief respite from my turbulent thoughts, "can I stay over tonight?"

Her immediate response was a warm affirmation, a testament to the bond we shared. Arriving at her house, I settled onto the sofa, seeking refuge in the familiar surroundings. Yet, even in the comfort of my childhood home, Leah's presence lingered in my mind like a persistent shadow.

Why did I keep seeking solace in the arms of strangers? Why couldn't I bring myself to break free from this cycle and show Leah the depth of my feelings? The truth was, I loathed revealing my emotions, preferring instead to mask them behind a facade of bravado and wit.

Admitting that I cared about Leah felt like stepping into uncharted territory, a realm of vulnerability I wasn't sure I was ready to explore. But the more I tried to push her away, the more I realized that she had already carved out a place for herself in my heart.

As I lay there on the sofa, the weight of my conflicting emotions pressing down on me, I knew that I couldn't keep running from the truth forever. Sooner or later, I would have to confront my feelings head-on and take a leap of faith, risking everything for the chance at something real with Leah.

But for now, I buried those thoughts deep within me, clinging to the safety of my defenses. And as sleep finally claimed me, I prayed for the strength to face the inevitable, to confront the reality of what Leah meant to me, no matter how terrifying it might be.

Leah's pov:
As Eva left without a word, I was left standing in the silence of the apartment, my heart heavy with confusion and hurt. I couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that settled over me, like a dark cloud looming overhead.

Watching Eva go, I felt a wave of frustration wash over me. I wanted answers, wanted to understand why Eva had suddenly pulled away. But deep down, I knew that getting those answers would be like grasping at smoke, elusive and fleeting.

As I paced the apartment, my mind raced with a million questions, each one more torturous than the last. Why had Eva left? Did she regret our moment together? Did she even care?

But amidst the turmoil of her thoughts, one thing remained painfully clear, Eva had left, and I was left to pick up the pieces of my shattered heart alone. And as I sank onto the sofa, the weight of my loneliness pressing down on her like a leaden blanket, I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever find the courage to confront the truth of what had just happened.

Eva's pov:
As I woke up the next morning, the sunlight filtering through the curtains, I realized with a sinking feeling in my stomach that I had overslept. Panic surged through me as I reached for my phone, only to find a barrage of messages and missed calls from Leah.

Guilt gnawed at me as I read through her messages, each one more urgent than the last. I had missed training, a cardinal sin in the world of professional football, and I knew that there would be consequences to face.

As I struggled to compose a response to Leah, a knock on my bedroom door startled me. It was my mum, concern etched on her face as she looked at me. "Eva, what happened? Why did you need to stay over last night?"

Frustration bubbled up inside me, mingling with the guilt and shame that already weighed heavy on my shoulders. "Why do you care?" I snapped, my words sharper than I intended.

My mum recoiled as if I had slapped her, hurt flashing in her eyes. But before she could respond, I stormed out of the room, unable to face the disappointment in her gaze.

As I left the house, the weight of my actions pressing down on me like a leaden weight, I couldn't help but wonder if I would ever find the courage to confront the truth of what had happened the night before.

As I stealthily made my way to training, trying to blend into the background and avoid drawing attention to my lateness, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at me. I knew I was cutting it close, but I hoped I could slip in unnoticed and avoid the inevitable consequences of my tardiness.

However, as I entered the training ground, it quickly became apparent that my hopes were in vain. Jonas, along with the rest of my teammates, including Leah, had already spotted me.

"Eva, why are you so late?" Jonas's voice cut through the air like a knife, his disappointment palpable.

Caught off guard, I struggled to come up with a suitable excuse. "What do you mean? I've been here the whole time," I replied, trying to inject a teasing tone into my voice to mask my awkwardness.

But Jonas wasn't fooled. "My office now!" he demanded, his tone leaving no room for argument.

As I followed Jonas to his office, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of my stomach. I knew I was in trouble, and the thought of facing Jonas's stern reprimand filled me with dread. But as I glanced over at Leah, catching the worried glance she exchanged with me, I couldn't help but feel a flicker of regret. Maybe this time, I had pushed things too far.

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