Chapter 19- caught

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Eva and Leah tried to make a discreet exit from the empty room, the training facility seemed quiet, the sounds of teammates busying themselves with drills echoing from down the hall. Confident that no one had noticed their absence, they slipped out of the room, trying to act as nonchalant as possible.

As they walked down the corridor, side by side but maintaining a respectable distance, they shared a secret smile. The thrill of their stolen moment lingered between them, making their connection feel even more electrifying.

What they didn't realize was that they hadn't been as stealthy as they'd hoped. Just as they turned a corner, Viv and Beth, who had been chatting nearby, noticed them. Viv raised an eyebrow, a knowing smirk forming on her lips. Beth elbowed her gently, stifling a giggle as they both watched Eva and Leah's attempt at a casual exit.

"Did you see that?" Viv whispered to Beth, her voice dripping with amusement.

"Yeah, I did. Looks like our lovebirds found some alone time," Beth replied, trying to contain her laughter.

Viv and Beth shared a conspiratorial glance before Viv cleared her throat loudly, causing Eva and Leah to freeze in their tracks. They turned around slowly, faces flushing with a mix of embarrassment and amusement as they saw Viv and Beth standing there, clearly having witnessed their departure from the room.

"Nice try, you two," Viv called out, her tone playful but teasing. "Next time, you might want to be a bit more discreet."

Eva and Leah exchanged a sheepish look before Eva shrugged, her cool demeanor returning. "Couldn't resist," she said with a smirk, causing Leah to blush even more.

Beth chuckled, shaking her head. "Just make sure you're not late for the next drill. Coach won't be as forgiving as we are."

With that, Viv and Beth walked away, still laughing softly to themselves. Eva and Leah continued down the hall, the initial embarrassment giving way to shared laughter.

"Guess we need to work on our stealth skills," Leah said, nudging Eva playfully.

Eva grinned, wrapping an arm around Leah's shoulders briefly. "Or we just stop caring who sees," she replied, a mischievous glint in her eye. Leah laughed, feeling a sense of relief and joy wash over her.

Katie had been observing Leah and Eva closely as they returned to the training grounds. Something was definitely off. Eva's hair was slightly messier than usual, and Leah had a faint but noticeable mark on her neck. Katie squinted, trying to get a closer look without drawing too much attention to herself.

Katie moved in closer under the guise of adjusting her gear. She couldn't help but notice the way Leah's collar seemed to be strategically positioned, almost as if she were trying to hide something. When Leah turned slightly, Katie caught sight of it again, a small, discolored mark on her neck.

Katie's eyes widened as realization dawned. She'd seen enough hickeys in her time to know what one looked like, and that definitely hadn't been there before the break. She struggled to keep her expression neutral as she moved back to where Viv and Beth were standing.

"Guys, come here for a second," Katie whispered, her voice tinged with excitement.

Viv and Beth exchanged curious glances but followed her lead. "What's up?" Viv asked.

Katie nodded towards Leah and Eva. "Look at Leah's neck. That mark wasn't there before the break."

Beth leaned in, squinting. "Is that... a hickey?"

Katie nodded. "I'm pretty sure. And Eva's hair looks messier than usual. I think they were, you know, getting it on during the break."

Viv's eyes widened in surprise. "No way. Actually... we saw them coming out of a room together a few moments ago. They looked like they were trying to be all nonchalant."

The three shared a look of realization. "They totally had sex," Katie said, her voice a mix of shock and amusement.

Without another word, they approached Leah and Eva, who were trying to act casual and focused on their training. Katie couldn't resist the urge to confront them, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

"Hey, Leah, Eva," Katie began, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. "So, what were you two up to during the break?"

Leah and Eva exchanged a quick, nervous glance. "Just, uh, talking," Eva said, her tone a bit too forced.

Viv crossed her arms, her expression skeptical. "Really? Because it looks like Leah has a new... accessory," she said, nodding towards the hickey.

Leah's hand instinctively went to her neck, trying to cover the mark. "It's nothing," she stammered.

Beth chuckled. "Come on, guys. We know. You don't have to hide it."

Eva sighed, realizing they were caught. "Fine. We were, um, spending some quality time together."

Katie raised an eyebrow, her smile widening. "Quality time, huh? Next time, maybe save it for outside of training, yeah?"

Leah and Eva both blushed, but eventually, they laughed along with their teammates. Despite the initial embarrassment, there was a sense of relief and camaraderie that came with the revelation.

"Alright, lovebirds, back to training," Viv said with a grin. "And try to keep your hands to yourselves, at least until we're done for the day."

Viv, Katie, and Beth were standing near the corner of the hallway, chatting amongst themselves, when they heard raised voices coming from around the bend. Curious, they edged closer, recognizing the familiar tones of Leah and Eva mid-argument. "Seriously, Eva? I said no hickeys!"

"By the time you told me not to, it was too late," Eva's voice drifted to them, a mix of amusement and defiance evident in her tone.

Leah's exasperation was palpable. "You couldn't have listened to me just once? Now everyone knows we were doing something we shouldn't have been during training."

Eva's retort was swift and sharp. "You could've told me to stop there, but you didn't. Just remember that before you put this all on me."

The three eavesdroppers shared amused glances as Eva's smirk seemed almost audible. Leah's sigh echoed in the corridor.

"Fine," Leah conceded, her tone a mixture of frustration and reluctant acceptance. "But they only know about the hickey, okay? No more needs to be shared, understood?" Her voice was firm, her expression undoubtedly serious.

"Understood," Eva replied, the smirk still evident in her voice.

Unable to contain their amusement any longer, Katie, Beth, and Viv rounded the corner, grins plastered on their faces. "What do you mean by no more needs to be shared?" Beth teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Leah and Eva froze, caught off guard by their teammates' sudden appearance. Leah's cheeks flushed a deep shade of red, while Eva's smirk only widened.

"Uh, hey guys," Leah stammered, trying to play it cool despite her obvious embarrassment.

Eva, ever the composed one, simply shrugged. "Just a little misunderstanding. Nothing major."

Katie raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Oh really? Because it sounded pretty juicy from over here."

Viv chimed in, "Yeah, seems like you two have been getting quite close lately."

Leah shot Eva a pointed look, as if to say, "This is exactly what I was worried about." But before she could respond, Eva stepped forward, wrapping an arm around Leah's shoulders.

"Look, we get it. You're curious," Eva said, her tone still teasing. "But there's nothing more to share. Just a bit of... extracurricular activity that got a little out of hand."

Leah groaned, covering her face with her hands. "Eva, you're not helping."

"Seriously though, Leah, next time just give us a heads-up before things get too wild."

Leah rolled her eyes but couldn't help but laugh. "I'll keep that in mind, Katie. I'll keep that in mind."

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