Chapter 21- "missing"

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Leah's pov:
The tension on the field was palpable, each move fraught with emotion as Chelsea faced off against our team. But amidst the chaos of the match, there was one confrontation that stood out above the rest: the clash between Eva and Niamh.

From the moment the whistle blew, it was clear that Niamh had made Eva her target. She was relentless, pushing Eva to the limit, exchanging heated words with her at every opportunity. I watched from my position, my heart heavy with concern as I witnessed the intensity of their exchange.

But then, Eva had the ball, a fleeting moment of control in the midst of the chaos. As she dribbled past defenders, edging closer to Niamh, I held my breath, unsure of what would happen next. And then, in an instant, it happened.

Niamh launched herself at Eva with ferocious intensity, her tackle brutal and unforgiving. I winced as Eva was sent crashing to the ground, the impact reverberating through the stadium. But Niamh didn't stop there. With a callousness that shocked me to my core, she delivered a final blow, a kick to Eva's ribs, accompanied by a vile insult that cut through the air like a knife.

"Fucking whore," Niamh spat, her words dripping with venom as she turned away, leaving Eva writhing in pain on the ground.

I rushed to Eva's side, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and anger. I knelt beside her, offering whatever comfort I could as she cried out in pain, clutching her ankle and ribs in agony. It broke my heart to see her like this, vulnerable and hurting.

As the medics rushed onto the field, I couldn't help but feel confused. Why would Niamh target Eva like that? And what had Eva done to deserve such a vicious attack? The questions swirled in my mind as I struggled to make sense of the senseless violence that had unfolded before me.

But in that moment, as Eva lay crying in pain, all I could do was be there for her, to offer whatever support and comfort I could as she faced the aftermath of Niamh's brutal assault. And as I looked into her tear-filled eyes, I vowed to do whatever it took to get to the bottom of what had happened, to ensure that justice was served for my girlfriend, the victim of Niamh's unforgivable actions.

Eva's pov:
As the final whistle echoed across the stadium, signaling the end of the match, I felt a surge of pain shoot through my body, dulling the elation of victory. Leah rushed to my side, her concern evident in every frantic movement as she bombarded me with questions.

"Why was Niamh targeting you? Did something happen between you two?" Her voice was urgent, demanding answers I couldn't give. I swore that I knew nothing, but the weight of my lie hung heavy on my chest, suffocating me with guilt.

As Leah left the medical room, leaving me alone with my thoughts, regret gnawed at me like a relentless beast. I had lied to her, betrayed her trust, and now the truth threatened to tear us apart.

But just when I thought I was alone with my guilt, Leah stormed back into the room, her anger burning bright in her eyes.

"You fucking liar!" Her words cut through the air like a knife, leaving me reeling in shock. "What? What do you mean?" I stammered, my heart racing as Leah stood beside my hospital bed, her accusation hanging heavy in the air.

"You lied! Something did happen between you and Niamh," she spat, her voice laced with bitterness.

I felt a surge of defensiveness rise within me, but Leah's words struck a chord deep within my heart. "Who told you?" I demanded, desperate to understand how my secret had been exposed.

"Niamh! She told me everything," Leah replied, her tone dripping with scorn. "And although what she did was bad, what you did was equally bad."

"Why the fuck are you believing her?" I spat as felt a surge of anger bubbling within me, but Leah's next words cut me to the core. "Because that's how you are, Eva! And I'm sorry, but I don't want to be another one of your little puppets that you control and then cut off when you've had enough!"

I was speechless, the weight of Leah's words bearing down on me like a crushing weight. Hurt and betrayed, I watched in silence as Leah turned and left, leaving me alone with my shattered heart and the bitter taste of regret lingering on my lips.

As Leah's words echoed in my mind, I couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that consumed me. Maybe she was right. Maybe I was just destined to hurt those closest to me, to manipulate and control until they couldn't take it anymore.

With a heavy heart, I picked up my phone and deleted all my social media accounts, cutting off the outside world in an attempt to shield myself from the pain of my own actions. Turning on "do not disturb" mode, I retreated further into myself, overwhelmed by the weight of my own shortcomings.

The doctors eventually released me from the hospital, but I knew I couldn't face going back to the apartment, to the reminders of the person I had become. Instead, I found solace in an old hideout I used to frequent, tucked away beneath a train bridge. It wasn't much, just a few old mattresses and a sense of isolation, but it offered me the refuge I so desperately needed.

As the night enveloped me in its cold embrace, I lay there alone, wrestling with my thoughts in the darkness. It was as if I had regressed to a child-like state, seeking refuge from the world in the safety of my solitude. But even in the stillness of the night, I couldn't escape the harsh reality of who I was and the pain I had caused.

Eva's days blurred into nights as she remained hidden away in the makeshift shelter beneath the train bridge. She didn't bother attending matches or training sessions, knowing that her absence would only fuel concern among her teammates and coaches. Yet, the thought of their worry failed to stir any emotion within her. This, she believed, was the punishment she deserved.

For several nights, Eva remained cloistered in the darkness, grappling with the weight of her own actions. She avoided contact with the outside world, shrouded in a veil of self-imposed isolation. But even as she sought refuge in the shadows, the specter of guilt loomed over her like a relentless shadow.

It was during one of her aimless wanderings through the streets of London, clad in a nondescript black hoodie to conceal her identity, that Eva stumbled upon a poster bearing her own face. "Missing," it declared in bold letters, her name emblazoned beneath it. The sight sent a pang of guilt coursing through her veins, a stark reminder of the turmoil she had wrought upon those she cared about.

Yet, despite the tug of remorse that tugged at her heartstrings, Eva couldn't bring herself to emerge from the shadows. Hiding away had become her only means of coping, her solitary refuge from the chaos of her own making. And so, she continued to wander the streets, a ghostly figure lost in the labyrinth of her own thoughts, haunted by the echoes of her past mistakes.

Eva's days of solitude stretched into an eternity, each passing moment weighed down by the burden of her own isolation. She remained ensconced in the dimly lit shelter beneath the train bridge, her only companions the eerie echoes of her own thoughts. But even in her self-imposed exile, the outside world continued to encroach upon her sanctuary.

One fateful night, as Eva sat upon one of the worn mattresses, her mind adrift in a sea of uncertainty, a faint noise echoed from outside the confines of her refuge. Her senses heightened, she grasped the nearest object, a broken glass bottle, as a makeshift weapon, her pulse quickening with a surge of adrenaline as she stood up.

As the footsteps drew nearer, Eva's nerves reached a fever pitch, her breaths coming in shallow gasps as she braced herself for whatever, or whomever, lurked beyond the shadows. Then, a figure appeared, silhouetted against the faint glow of the streetlights outside.

It was a police officer, his hand resting lightly on the gun at his side, a gesture of cautious readiness. "It's okay, Eva. You're safe now," he said gently, his voice a reassuring balm amid the chaos of Eva's fractured psyche. With a trembling hand, he extended his palm in a gesture of peace, his other hand poised in a stance of vigilance.

Eva's resolve crumbled in the face of such unexpected kindness, her defenses melting away as she dropped the glass bottle and collapsed into the officer's waiting arms. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she surrendered to the comforting embrace, the weight of her solitude finally lifted by the promise of human connection.

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