Chapter 10- maybe one day

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Leah's pov:
I'm driving home after a long day of training. The sun is setting, casting a warm, golden glow over the city. Eva is in the passenger seat, her presence a comforting yet tantalizing distraction.

"It was a good session today. You looked strong out there, Eva," I say focused on the road. "Thanks, Leah. You did great too," Eva replies as I can see her same old smirk playing at the corner of her lips.

I glance over at Eva, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of Eva's playful smirk. As I turn my attention back to the road, I feel Eva's hand move onto my thigh. My breath hitches, but I tries to remain focused on the road. "Eva..." I breathe out quietly.

Eva's hand trails further up, moving dangerously close to my most sensitive area. I bite my lip, my grip on the steering wheel tightening as I struggle to keep my composure. "We're almost home," I add as my breath starts quickening.

We pull up to the apartment complex, and I park the car, I can't take it anymore. The moment the engine is off, I turn to Eva, my eyes filled with a mix of need and desire. Without thinking, I pull Eva into a needy kiss, my hands tangling in Eva's hair.

"Let's go inside," Eva says breathlessly as we quickly get out of the car and make our way into the apartment. My heart is pounding, the anticipation almost too much to bear. Once inside, I lead Eva to the sofa. Eva sits down, looking up at me with a mixture of surprise and excitement.

"Eva, I need you," I say as I straddle Eva's lap, my hands resting on Eva's shoulders as I lean in for another kiss. The connection between us is electric, each touch igniting a fire that had been smoldering for too long.

"I've missed this," I whisper into Eva's lips as Eva's hands find their way to my waist, pulling me closer. My body responds eagerly, the tension of the day melting away in the warmth of Eva's embrace.

"Let's take it slow, like we promised. But right now, I just want to feel you" I add as I kiss Eva's neck. Eva nods with a smirk, her eyes filled with understanding and desire. I feel a surge of emotion, grateful for this second chance to reconnect with Eva.

Eva's hands roam over my  body, her touch sending shivers down my spine. My breath is hot against Eva's neck, and Eva can feel her own heart racing in anticipation. Just as things are about to get more intense, the doorbell rings.

"Are we expecting anyone?" I asks as I pull away slightly as Eva smirks up at me, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Oh yeah, I forgot to mention... I asked my family to come round," Eva replies as casual as ever.

My eyes widen in surprise, a mix of shock and amusement on my face. "Are you serious? right now?" I ask as Eva gently pushes me off her lap, standing up and straightening her clothes.
"Dead serious. Better fix yourself up, love." She smirks as I scramble to adjust my dress, my mind racing as I process the sudden change in plans.

Eva walks to the door with a confident stride, taking a deep breath before opening it. The door opens to reveal Eva's family, their faces lighting up with smiles as they see her. "Hey, everyone! Come on in." Eva says as her family step inside.

Eva glances back at me, while I'm still trying to compose myself on the sofa. I give a small, awkward wave, my cheeks flushed from both the earlier moments and the unexpected arrival. "This is Leah, my..." Eva begins as she turns her attention back to her family. " partner," she adds.

Her family greets me warmly, and I manage a genuine smile, though I can't help but feel a bit flustered by the sudden shift in the evening's events.

I watch as Eva interacts with her family, a mix of admiration and frustration bubbling inside me. Eva's easy confidence and the way she handles the situation make my heart swell, even as I try to adjust to the unexpected visit.

"Guess we'll have to save that moment for later," I whisper under my breath. As the family settles in, I find myself swept up in their warmth and energy.

Eva's pov:
The living room buzzed with the joyful chaos of children's laughter. My nieces and nephews darted around, their energy infectious. I crouched down, pretending to be a dinosaur, chasing after little Mia who squealed in delight, her tiny feet pattering against the floor.

"Rawr! I'm gonna get you!" I growled playfully, my arms outstretched as Mia giggled uncontrollably, trying to escape my grasp.

Leah sat on the couch, her eyes following the scene with a soft smile. I could feel her gaze on me, warm and affectionate. As I caught Mia and lifted her into the air, she let out a high-pitched scream of joy, her tiny hands clutching at my arms.

"Gotcha!" I laughed, spinning her around before setting her down gently. Mia ran off to join the other kids, her laughter mixing with theirs.

I glanced over at Leah, who hadn't taken her eyes off me. Her smile was tender, filled with a love that made my heart skip a beat. I walked over to her, a playful grin on my face.

"What are you smiling at, love?" I asked, my voice teasing as I leaned in closer.

Leah didn't break her smile. "You. You're so good with kids," she replied, looking me dead in the eye. Her gaze was intense, filled with admiration and something deeper that made my heart swell.

I felt a warmth spread through me, and I couldn't help but smile softly back. Leaning in even closer, I whispered into Leah's ear, my voice barely audible over the children's laughter. "Maybe one day we can have some of our own."

Leah's smile grew impossibly wider, her eyes shining with a mix of surprise and happiness. She looked at me with a tenderness that made me feel like the luckiest person in the world.

I straightened up, giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek before turning my attention back to the kids. My heart was full, and the future suddenly seemed brighter, filled with possibilities I hadn't dared to dream about before.

As I joined the children in their games, I could still feel Leah's eyes on me, her love and support giving me a strength I never knew I needed. The sound of their laughter filled the room, and I knew that whatever the future held, I was ready to face it with Leah by my side.

The evening passed by in a blur of laughter and warm farewells. I watched as the last of my family members walked out the door, their voices trailing off into the night. Closing the door behind them, I locked it, the late hour settling into the quiet house.

"Leah?" I called out, not seeing her in the living room where I had left her.

"Upstairs," her voice echoed down from above.

I sighed in relief, making my way up the staircase. The house felt different without the lively energy of the kids, a serene calm replacing the earlier chaos. Pushing open the bedroom door, I found Leah already in bed, her face illuminated softly by the bedside lamp.

"Eva, could you sleep here tonight, please?" Leah's voice was soft, almost hesitant.

I was about to leave for my usual spot but stopped in my tracks. "Of course," I replied, smiling as I pulled my top off and slid into bed beside her.

We faced each other, the world outside fading away. Gently, I pushed a stray strand of hair behind Leah's ear.

"What you said earlier, did you really mean it?" Leah's eyes searched mine, filled with curiosity and a hint of vulnerability.

I hesitated for a moment, the weight of my words sinking in. But then I smiled, feeling a warm certainty spread through me. "Yes, of course, my dear," I whispered, placing a tender kiss on her forehead. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Leah's face softened into a reassuring smile, her eyes glistening. "I love you," she said, her voice steady and sure. It was the first time she had said it, and the words hung in the air, sweet and profound.

A wave of emotion crashed over me, rendering me speechless for a second. "I love you too, hermosa," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper as I leaned over to turn off the light. "Goodnight,"

"Goodnight my love," Leah murmured back, her voice lulling me into a peaceful calm.

We both drifted off to sleep, the comfort of each other's presence wrapping us in a cocoon of warmth and love.

Sorry for the long wait! Been super busy with school. Hope you enjoy this chapter 🙏❤️

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