38- pre school

342 8 0

(Tw smut)
The morning sun filtered softly through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the bedroom. It was a big day, one that Eva and Leah had been both anticipating and dreading for months: Dylan's first day of primary school.

Eva woke first, the familiar weight of Dylan nestled between her and Leah. She smiled at the sight of him, mouth wide open, soft snores punctuating the early morning quiet. Leah stirred beside her, and they exchanged a look of shared emotion. This was it, their little boy was growing up.

"Time to wake him," Leah whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

Eva nodded, gently brushing her fingers through Dylan's tousled hair. "Hey, buddy," she murmured softly. "Time to wake up, sleepyhead."

Dylan mumbled something incoherent, turning his face further into the pillow. Leah chuckled softly, her hand joining Eva's in coaxing him awake.

"Come on, Dylan," Leah said. "It's your big day. Time to get up."

Slowly, Dylan's eyes fluttered open, blinking against the morning light. "Mornin', Mommy. Mornin', Mama," he mumbled sleepily.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Eva said, leaning down to kiss his forehead. "Ready for your first day of school?"

Dylan's eyes widened with sudden excitement, sleep quickly forgotten. "School! I'm going to school today!"

They helped him out of bed, and together, they made their way downstairs for breakfast. Leah had made Dylan's favorite: pancakes with syrup and fresh fruit. He ate with gusto, the excitement of the day ahead making him more animated than usual.

"Eat up, buddy," Leah said, smiling as she watched him. "You need lots of energy for your big day."

Once breakfast was finished, it was time to get him dressed. Eva laid out his new school uniform, the tiny trousers and shirt making her heart ache with pride and nostalgia.

"Come here, Dylan," Leah called, holding up his shirt. "Let's get you looking sharp."

Dylan wriggled into his uniform, his excitement palpable. "Do I look like a big boy, Mommy?" he asked, twirling around to show off.

"You look very handsome," Leah said, beaming.

"Like a proper schoolboy," Eva added, helping him with his tie.

Next, they brushed his teeth, making sure every last bit of syrup was gone, and then they double-checked his book bag to ensure everything he needed was packed.

"Ready?" Leah asked, her voice a mixture of excitement and nerves.

"Ready!" Dylan exclaimed, hopping with enthusiasm.

They made their way to the car, Leah gently buckling Dylan into his booster seat before sliding into the passenger seat herself. Eva started the car, glancing back at Dylan in the rearview mirror.

"Are you excited, buddy?" she asked, steering them out of the driveway.

"I'm so excited, Mama!" Dylan said, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "I'm gonna make so many friends!"

Leah reached back to squeeze his hand. "You're going to do great, Dylan. We're so proud of you."

The drive to school felt surreal, a mixture of pride, anxiety, and excitement swirling around in Eva's chest. This was a big step for all of them. She glanced at Leah, seeing the same mix of emotions reflected in her eyes.

When they arrived at the school, the car park was already filling up with other parents and children. Eva parked the car and they all got out, Dylan practically bouncing with excitement.

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