Chapter 16- do you think of her?

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(Tw: tiny bit smut)
As I returned from a series of interviews, I felt a lightness in my step. Everything seemed to be going well, my career, my relationship with Leah, everything. But as soon as I stepped into our apartment, a strange silence greeted me.

"Leah?" I called out, my voice echoing slightly in the quiet space. I wandered through the living room, the kitchen, and even the small balcony, but there was no sign of her. Panic started to gnaw at the edges of my mind as I headed toward the bedroom.

Pushing open the door, I froze. There she was, Leah, in bed with no shirt on, entangled with none other than her ex, Jordan Nobbs. They were making out passionately, oblivious to my presence. A surge of anger and betrayal shot through me like a lightning bolt, rendering me momentarily speechless.

Leah's eyes widened when she finally noticed me. She pushed Jordan off her, her face flushing with guilt. "Eva? How long have you been standing there?"

I ignored her question, my eyes burning with fury as I focused on Jordan. "Why the fuck is she here?"

"Eva, calm down. Let me explain," Leah pleaded, but her words only fueled my anger. I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks, my hands trembling with rage.

"I should go," Jordan said awkwardly, trying to slip past me. But I wasn't about to let her off that easily. I stepped in her way, blocking her path. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?" I demanded, shoving her back.

"Eva, stop!" Leah tried to intervene, but I could barely hear her over the roaring in my ears. I had never felt this angry before, and it was a terrifying sensation.

"I asked you a fucking question! Where the fuck do you think you're going?" I repeated, my voice rising.

Jordan stuttered, her eyes wide with fear. "I'm... I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Is that all you've got?" I spat, my voice dripping with venom. I could see the panic in Jordan's eyes, but I didn't care. She had no right to be here, in my space, with my girlfriend.

Leah stepped between us, trying to calm the situation. "Eva, please. Let's talk about this."

But I was too far gone, my emotions boiling over. "Talk? You want to talk? How about explaining why the hell you were in bed with her?"

Leah's face crumpled, and I could see tears welling up in her eyes. "It's not what it looks like, I swear. She came over to talk, and things just... got out of hand. I'm so sorry."

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. The betrayal cut deep, but I needed to hear her out. "You've got five minutes. Start talking."

Leah began to explain, her voice shaky and filled with regret. She talked about how Jordan had reached out, wanting to clear the air about their past, and how it had spiraled into something she hadn't intended.

Leah's pov:
The door clicked shut as Jordan left, leaving an oppressive silence in her wake. I stood there, my mind racing and my heart aching. I knew I had messed up badly, but I had to find a way to fix things with Eva. She was everything to me, and I couldn't bear the thought of losing her.

Just as I was about to follow Eva, she reappeared in the bedroom, her expression unreadable. My heart pounded in my chest as she approached.

"Take your top off," she demanded, her voice steady but with an edge that made me nervous.

"Eva? What are you doing?" I asked, feeling a mixture of fear and curiosity.

"Getting payback," she said flatly. There was a hardness in her eyes that scared me, but I knew deep down she would never hurt me.

I hesitated for a moment but then complied, slowly removing my top. My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, and I wasn't entirely sure what to expect.

"Take your shorts off," Eva demanded again, her tone leaving no room for argument.

I did as she asked, feeling vulnerable and exposed. Eva moved closer, her eyes never leaving mine. She climbed onto the bed, and I lay back, my breath coming in shallow gasps.

"Tell me if you don't like it, okay?" Eva said softly, her voice now carrying a hint of the tenderness I knew so well.

I nodded, unable to speak. My mind was still trying to process everything that had happened, but in that moment, I trusted her completely.

Eva began to kiss my neck, her lips soft and warm against my skin. The tension in my body started to melt away as she moved down to my chest, then to my stomach. Each kiss sent shivers through me, and I couldn't help but respond to her touch.

When she reached the waistband of my pants, she paused and looked up at me, her eyes searching mine for any sign of hesitation. I nodded, giving her my silent approval.

Eva gently removed my pants, her hands tender but firm. She continued her trail of kisses down my inner thighs, her touch igniting a fire within me. Despite everything that had happened, or perhaps because of it, I felt a desperate need to connect with her, to reassure her that we could still be okay.

As Eva's kisses grew more intense, my breath hitched, and I arched my back in response. She was both gentle and assertive, her actions a mix of love and a need to reclaim what we had almost lost.

"Eva..." I whispered, my voice barely audible. "I'm so sorry..."

She paused, her eyes locking onto mine. "Shh... Just let me take care of you."

I nodded, tears welling up in my eyes. This was her way of forgiving me, of re-establishing our bond. I felt a rush of gratitude and love for her, stronger than ever before.

Eva continued, her movements slow and deliberate, making sure I was comfortable and enjoying every moment. I felt my body respond to her in ways I hadn't anticipated, my mind clearing of all the guilt and confusion. All that mattered was us, here and now, reconnecting on a deeper level.

Eva's intensity had always been a part of what drew me to her, but now it was mixed with a fierce possessiveness that left me breathless. As she lay beside me, her hands roaming over my body, she whispered, "Do you think of her touching you like this?"

Her fingers trailed down to my most sensitive spot, and I shivered, shaking my head vigorously. The thought of Jordan was far from my mind, overwhelmed by the sensation of Eva's touch.

"I need words, princess," she demanded, her voice low and commanding.

"No," I managed to say, my voice barely more than a breath. "I only think of you, Eva."

"Good," she said, a satisfied smirk playing on her lips as she continued to please me. Her fingers moved with expert precision, knowing exactly how to drive me wild.

The tension that had been building between us since the moment she walked into the apartment melted away, replaced by a raw connection. Every touch, every kiss, was a reassurance, a promise that despite everything, we belonged to each other.

Eva's intensity grew, and I responded to her with equal fervor. My body arched under her touch, my breaths coming in short, ragged gasps. The world outside our little bubble ceased to exist, leaving only the two of us, tangled together in a moment of pure passion.

She leaned in, her lips brushing against my ear. "I'm the only one who gets to touch you like this. Remember that, Leah."

"I will," I promised, my voice trembling with the weight of my emotions. Her fingers never pausing in their movements as a she kissed me deeply, her lips capturing mine in a way that made my heart race even faster.

As the waves of pleasure washed over me, I clung to Eva, needing her more than ever. "Eva..." I began but Eva shushed me as I felt so close.

When it was finally over, I lay there in her arms, completely spent but incredibly content. Eva held me close, her hand gently stroking my hair. We didn't need to say anything, the silence between us was filled with unspoken love and understanding.

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