29- big changes

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A few months had passed since our wedding, and life was unfolding beautifully for Leah and me. Our days were filled with laughter, love, and the simple joy of being together. We were thriving, both on and off the field, and enjoying every moment of our new life as a married couple.

One evening, as we sat on the couch in our cozy apartment, a conversation began that neither of us had anticipated.

"Eva," Leah said softly, turning to me with a serious expression. "Have you ever thought about having a baby?"

I looked at her, my heart skipping a beat. "A baby? Wow, Leah, I mean... I have thought about it, but I didn't know you were thinking about it too."

She smiled, her eyes sparkling with hope. "I've been thinking about it a lot lately. I want us to start a family together."

A warm feeling spread through me as I realized how much I wanted that too. "I want that too, Leah. But you know we can't do it naturally. We'd have to get a sperm donor."

Leah nodded. "I know. And I'm okay with that. If we decide to have a baby, I'd like to be the one to carry it."

Over the next few weeks, we threw ourselves into researching sperm donors, sifting through profiles and medical histories to find the right one. It was a daunting task, but we were determined to find someone who felt like a good fit for our family.

Finally, we found a donor we both felt positive about. Excitement and nerves mingled as we made our appointment at the fertility clinic. The doctor walked us through the process, answering our questions and reassuring us.

"Are you ready?" I asked Leah, squeezing her hand.

"More than ready," she replied, her voice steady but her eyes reflecting the same mix of emotions I felt.

The procedure went smoothly, and we left the clinic hopeful but trying not to get our hopes too high. We knew it might take a few tries, and we were prepared for that.

Two weeks later, Leah took a pregnancy test. I could barely breathe as we waited for the result. When she walked out of the bathroom holding the positive test, tears filled both of our eyes.

"We're having a baby!" Leah exclaimed, her voice choked with joy.

We hugged tightly, our emotions spilling over. This was the beginning of a new chapter in our lives, and we couldn't have been happier.

The next step was informing Jonas, our coach, about the pregnancy. We scheduled a meeting with him, and as we sat in his office, Leah and I exchanged nervous glances.

"Jonas, there's something we need to tell you," Leah began.

Jonas looked up from his desk, his expression curious. "What's going on?"

Leah took a deep breath. "Eva and I are expecting a baby."

Jonas's eyes widened in surprise, then a broad smile spread across his face. "That's incredible news! Congratulations to both of you!"

"Thank you," I said, relief washing over me. "We wanted to let you know because it's going to affect our training and playing schedules."

"Of course, I understand," Jonas said. "We'll make the necessary adjustments."

As the pregnancy progressed, we reached the point where we could find out the baby's gender. We went to the doctor together, holding hands tightly as the ultrasound technician moved the wand over Leah's belly.

"Are you ready to find out?" the technician asked, smiling at us.

We nodded, our hearts pounding.

"It's a boy!" she announced.

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