31- alone time

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(Tw smut)
Leah paced around the living room, clutching Dylan's diaper bag tightly. "Do you think we packed enough diapers? What if he runs out? And what if he needs his favorite blanket and we forgot to pack it?" Her voice was tinged with worry, her eyes darting nervously around the room.

Eva walked over, placing a gentle hand on Leah's shoulder. "Leah, it's okay. We packed everything he might need. And you know Viv and Beth, they'll take good care of him."

Leah sighed, glancing down at Dylan who was gurgling happily in his car seat. "I know, I know. It's just... we've never been away from him overnight. What if he misses us?"

Eva smiled, wrapping her arms around Leah. "He'll be fine, babe. He'll probably have a great time with his aunties. And we could use a little break."

Just then, the doorbell rang. Leah took a deep breath and opened the door to find Viv and Beth standing there, beaming with excitement. "Hey! Ready for our night with the little man?" Viv asked, her eyes sparkling.

Leah nodded, trying to muster a smile. "Yeah, we've got everything packed. Here's his diaper bag, and his favorite blanket is in there too. And, um, his feeding schedule..."

Eva laughed softly, taking the bag from Leah and handing it to Beth. "Don't worry, we've got this," Beth reassured her. "You two just enjoy your night. We'll call if we need anything."

After a few more rounds of hugs and kisses, and a couple of reassurances, Leah and Eva finally saw Viv and Beth off with Dylan. As the door clicked shut behind them, Leah let out a long sigh.

"See? That wasn't so hard, was it?" Eva teased gently, wrapping her arms around Leah's waist from behind.

Leah leaned back into Eva's embrace, closing her eyes. "I know, but I can't help worrying. He's our baby."

Eva turned Leah around to face her, cupping her cheeks. "I know, and it's one of the things I love about you. But now... we have the whole night to ourselves." She grinned mischievously, leaning in to kiss Leah softly. "I've missed this. Us. Just being alone together."

Leah's worries melted away as she returned the kiss, her hands tangling in Eva's hair. "I've missed this too," she murmured against Eva's lips.

Eva deepened the kiss, her hands sliding down Leah's back. "We should make the most of our alone time," she whispered, her voice husky.

Without another word, Leah pulled Eva closer, their bodies pressing together. Eva's hands roamed, tugging at Leah's shirt, and within moments, they were stumbling toward the bedroom, shedding clothes along the way.

As they reached the bed, Eva gently pushed Leah down onto the soft sheets, climbing over her. "I've missed you so much," she breathed, her lips trailing kisses along Leah's neck.

Leah moaned softly, her hands roaming over Eva's back. "Me too," she whispered, pulling Eva down for another deep kiss.

Eva's hands moved lower, caressing Leah's body with a touch that sent shivers down her spine. She took her time, savoring every moment, every touch, every kiss. Leah arched her back, pressing herself against Eva, craving more.

Eva's fingers trailed along Leah's skin, sending shivers of anticipation through her body. Leah's breath quickened as Eva's hand moved lower, slipping beneath the waistband of her underwear. Just as Eva's fingers found their target, Leah's phone rang, breaking the spell.

"It's Viv," Leah said, glancing at the screen, her voice breathless.

Eva smirked, her eyes dark with desire. "Answer it," she said, her fingers never pausing in their gentle exploration.

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