42- new addition

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The weeks leading up to Leah's due date were a mix of anticipation and preparation. Dylan had gradually come to terms with the idea of having a baby sister, thanks to Leah and Eva's constant reassurances and involvement in the process. He had even started to show excitement about the new addition to the family.

One serene morning, Leah sat comfortably on the sofa, her pregnant belly prominent beneath her loose, flowing dress. Dylan, with his newfound excitement, was perched beside her, his little hands gently resting on her stomach. He leaned in, placing soft kisses on her belly and speaking in hushed tones.

"Hi, baby Ivy," he whispered, rubbing his hands in small circles. "It's your big brother, Dylan. I can't wait to meet you and play with you."

Leah smiled, her heart swelling with love. "She loves hearing your voice, Dylan. You're going to be the best big brother."

Eva walked into the room, her eyes lighting up at the sight of her family. "What are my favorite people up to?" she asked, joining them on the sofa.

"Dylan's just having a little chat with Ivy," Leah said, reaching out to hold Eva's hand.

Eva grinned and kissed Dylan's head. "I bet she can't wait to meet you, buddy."

The days were filled with similar moments of bonding and preparation. Leah and Eva had decided on the name Ivy, and it had quickly become a familiar word in their household. They had also arranged for Beth and Viv to look after Dylan while they were in the hospital, ensuring he would be in good hands during the big event.

Leah's hospital bags were packed and ready by the door, containing everything she would need for her stay. Each item was carefully chosen, reflecting the love and anticipation they felt for their soon-to-arrive daughter.

One evening, as the sun set and cast a warm glow through the windows, Beth and Viv came over to finalize the plans for watching Dylan.

"We're all set for the big day," Viv said, giving Leah a reassuring smile. "We've got everything covered, so you just focus on bringing Ivy into the world."

Beth nodded. "And Dylan can stay with us as long as you need. He'll be just fine."

Leah and Eva exchanged grateful looks. "Thank you both so much," Leah said, feeling a wave of relief. "It means a lot to know Dylan will be with people he loves and trusts."

"We wouldn't have it any other way," Beth replied, giving Dylan a playful wink. "We're going to have so much fun, aren't we, Dylan?"

Dylan nodded enthusiastically. "Can we play with the new toys you got me?"

"Of course," Viv said, ruffling his hair. "We'll have a blast."

As the days counted down to Leah's due date, the household buzzed with a mix of nerves and excitement. Leah found comfort in the support system around her, knowing that everything was in place for Ivy's arrival. Each day, she and Eva marveled at how far they had come, from the initial surprise of Leah's pregnancy to the imminent birth of their daughter.

One morning, as they sat together on the sofa with Dylan, Leah felt a strong sense of contentment. Dylan was busy drawing pictures for Ivy, and Eva was reading a book on newborn care. Leah placed a hand on her belly, feeling Ivy's gentle movements.

"We're ready," Leah said softly, looking at Eva. "I can't believe it's almost time."

Eva smiled, leaning in to kiss her. "We've got this. And no matter what, we'll get through it together."

With each passing day, they grew more eager to meet Ivy and welcome her into their loving home. The wait was almost over, and the excitement was palpable.

When the time finally came, it was just after 11 o'clock at night. Leah was resting on the sofa when she felt the first intense contractions. She gripped the armrest and took a deep breath.

"Eva!" Leah called, her voice a mix of excitement and pain. "I think it's time."

Eva, who had been in the kitchen tidying up, rushed to Leah's side. Seeing the look on her face, she quickly pulled out her phone and dialed Beth and Viv's number.

"Beth, it's happening," Eva said urgently. "We need to drop Dylan off."

Beth's voice was reassuring on the other end. "We'll be ready. Just bring him over."

Eva hung up and turned to Leah. "Okay, let's get you to the car. I'll get Dylan and his things."

Dylan, who had been asleep, woke up groggily as Eva gently lifted him from his bed. "Mommy? What's happening?"

"Everything's okay, buddy," Eva said, trying to keep her voice calm. "We're going to drop you off at Beth and Viv's, and then we're going to the hospital to meet your baby sister."

Leah managed a smile despite the pain. "You're going to be a big brother soon, Dylan."

With Dylan's overnight bag in hand, Eva guided Leah to the car, helping her into the passenger seat before strapping Dylan into his booster seat. The drive to Beth and Viv's house was tense but quick.

When they arrived, Beth and Viv were waiting at the door, looking concerned but ready. Beth reached out to take Dylan from Eva's arms. "We'll take good care of him. You two go and bring that baby girl into the world."

"Thanks, Beth. We really appreciate it," Eva said, giving Dylan a kiss on the forehead. "Be good, okay? We'll see you soon."

Dylan nodded sleepily. "Okay, Mommy."

With one last look at Dylan, Eva hurried back to the car and started driving towards the hospital. Leah was breathing deeply, trying to stay calm through the contractions.

"It's going to be okay, Leah," Eva said, reaching over to squeeze her hand. "We're almost there."

Leah nodded, focusing on her breathing. "I know. I'm just ready to meet her."

When they arrived at the hospital, a nurse quickly assisted Leah into a wheelchair, and they were taken to the labor and delivery ward. Eva stayed by Leah's side, holding her hand and whispering words of encouragement as the contractions grew stronger.

"You've got this, Leah. Just a little longer."

The hours passed in a blur of pain and anticipation, but finally, after what felt like an eternity, the moment came. With one last, powerful push, Leah gave birth to their beautiful baby girl.

"She's here," the doctor announced, placing the tiny, crying infant on Leah's chest.

Leah looked down at Ivy, tears of joy streaming down her face. "She's perfect," she whispered.

Eva leaned in, kissing Leah's forehead and then Ivy's. "You did it, Leah. She's absolutely perfect."

The room was filled with a sense of overwhelming love and relief. As they marveled at their new daughter, Eva couldn't help but think about the incredible journey they had been on together. And now, with Ivy finally in their arms, their family felt complete.

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