37- four!

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The next morning, the first rays of sunlight had barely begun to seep into the bedroom when Dylan's boundless energy exploded into the room. He bounded onto the bed, his small body bouncing with the excitement that only a three-year-old could muster.

"Wake up, Mommies! It's morning!" he shouted, landing squarely between Eva and Leah, causing the bed to shake.

Leah groaned, pulling the covers over her head in a futile attempt to block out the noise. "Dylan, it's too early," she mumbled, her voice muffled by the duvet.

Eva, on the other hand, blinked against the sudden brightness and smiled at Dylan's infectious enthusiasm. "Alright, buddy, we're up," she said, ruffling his hair affectionately. "What's got you so excited this morning?"

"Pancakes! Can we have pancakes?" Dylan asked, his eyes wide with anticipation.

Leah peeked out from under the covers, her eyes still heavy with sleep. "Pancakes, huh? Only if you promise to help us make them," she said, a sleepy smile playing on her lips.

Dylan's face lit up with glee. "I promise! I'll be the best pancake helper ever!"

Eva chuckled, scooping him into her arms and giving him a big hug. "Alright, let's get to it then."

The morning quickly filled with the delightful chaos of pancake-making. Leah and Eva guided Dylan through the process, his little hands struggling to hold the whisk properly, but his enthusiasm never waning. The kitchen was soon filled with the delicious smell of pancakes cooking on the stove, accompanied by Dylan's giggles and excitement.

"Flip it, Mommy!" Dylan urged as Leah prepared to turn a pancake.

"Here goes nothing," Leah said, expertly flipping it, earning a cheer from their little helper.

They sat down to eat, Dylan happily munching on his pancake, his face smeared with syrup. Leah and Eva watched him, grateful for this moment of normalcy and joy.

"Feeling better today, champ?" Leah asked, ruffling his hair again.

"Yep!" Dylan replied, his mouth full. "I like pancakes!"

Eva exchanged a smile with Leah. "We're glad you do."

After breakfast, they decided to make the most of the sunny day and head to the park. Leah sent a quick message to Katie, Viv, and Beth, inviting them to join.

By lunchtime, they were all gathered at the park. Dylan ran around, playing on the swings and slides, his laughter echoing through the playground. Leah and Eva watched him, their hearts swelling with love for their little boy.

"Look at him go," Viv said, smiling as she watched Dylan from a nearby bench.

"He's got so much energy," Katie added, shaking her head in amazement.

Beth chuckled. "I don't know how you two keep up with him."

Leah and Eva exchanged a knowing look. "We just do our best," Eva said, leaning into Leah's side.

Dylan seemed to be having the time of his life until suddenly, he came running over to them, tears streaming down his face. Leah immediately scooped him up, her heart pounding with worry.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Leah asked, trying to soothe him.

"I fell," Dylan sobbed, his tiny body shaking with each tearful breath.

Leah gently lifted his leg to inspect the damage. There was a massive cut on his knee, bleeding profusely. Dylan screamed in pain, trying to pull Leah's hand away as she attempted to clean it with a wipe.

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