33- he's asleep

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Leah and Eva had been trying for over an hour to get Dylan to sleep, but he just wouldn't settle down. His cries echoed through the house, a constant reminder of their exhaustion. Leah rocked him gently, humming softly, but Dylan's wails only seemed to get louder.

"We've tried everything," Leah said, her voice tinged with frustration and fatigue. "He just won't settle."

Eva watched them both, her heart aching for her wife and their restless baby boy. Suddenly, an idea struck her. "How about we take him for a drive?" she suggested. "The car might help soothe him."

Leah looked at her, a mix of hope and desperation in her eyes. "It's worth a shot," she agreed. "Anything to help him sleep."

It was already 10 o'clock at night, but they were willing to do whatever it took. They quickly bundled Dylan up, making sure he was warm and snug, and placed him in his car seat. Eva grabbed the keys and they headed out into the cool night air.

Eva slid into the driver's seat, Leah settling in the back with Dylan. As the car started, Dylan's cries softened to whimpers, and then to silence. The gentle hum of the engine and the motion of the car seemed to work like magic.

"Thank goodness," Leah whispered, her voice full of relief.

Eva drove aimlessly for a while, navigating the quiet, empty streets. They passed through their neighborhood, then out into the countryside where the roads were darker and more peaceful. Every so often, Leah would glance down at Dylan, who had finally closed his eyes and was breathing evenly.

"He's asleep," Leah murmured, a soft smile spreading across her face.

Eva glanced in the rearview mirror, her heart swelling with love at the sight of her peaceful son and her contented wife. She continued driving for another hour, wanting to ensure that Dylan was deeply asleep before heading back home.

When they finally pulled into their driveway, Eva looked back and saw that both Leah and Dylan were fast asleep. Leah's head was tilted back against the seat, her breathing slow and steady, her hand resting protectively on Dylan's car seat.

Eva couldn't help but smile softly at the sight. She hated to wake Leah, but they needed to get Dylan inside and into his crib.

"Leah," she whispered gently, reaching back to touch her arm. "We're home. Let's get Dylan inside."

Leah stirred, blinking sleepily. "Oh, right," she said, stifling a yawn. She carefully unbuckled Dylan from his car seat, making sure not to wake him.

They moved quietly and efficiently, working together to get Dylan inside and into his crib without disturbing his sleep. Once he was settled, they tiptoed out of his room, closing the door softly behind them.

In the hallway, Leah turned to Eva, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you," she said quietly. "I don't know what I would have done without you."

Eva wrapped her arms around Leah, pulling her into a warm embrace. "We're in this together," she whispered. "Always."

They made their way to their own bedroom, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up with them. As they climbed into bed, Leah snuggled close to Eva, feeling a sense of peace and contentment wash over her.

"I'm so glad we have each other," Leah murmured, her voice heavy with sleep.

Eva kissed her forehead, her heart full. "Me too," she replied softly. "Now, let's get some rest."

Within minutes, they were both asleep, the comfort of each other's presence and the knowledge that Dylan was finally sleeping soundly allowing them to relax completely. It had been a long day, but they had faced it together, just like they always would.

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