53- I want to go home

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When I woke up, everything felt fuzzy and strange. My head ached, and as I reached up to touch it, I felt something rough and bumpy under my fingers. It took a moment for my brain to catch up, and then I realized they were stitches.

I looked around the hospital room and saw Eva and Leah sitting beside me, their faces filled with relief and concern. "What... what is this?" I asked weakly, my voice barely more than a whisper.

Leah leaned in closer, her hand gently taking mine. "Those are stitches, Dylan," she explained softly. "They help your head get better."

Eva nodded, her eyes red from crying. "You had a bad fall, but the doctors fixed you up. You're going to be okay."

I tried to process their words, but I felt so tired. My eyes kept fluttering open and shut, the effort to stay awake almost too much to bear.

Just then, the door to the room opened, and I saw Viv and Beth walk in, holding Ivy. They smiled when they saw me awake, though their eyes were also filled with worry.

"Hey there, champ," Viv said gently, coming over to my bedside. "You gave us all quite a scare."

Beth was holding Ivy, who looked at me with big, curious eyes. "We looked after Ivy while your mums were with you," Beth said, her voice soft and soothing.

I managed a small smile, feeling a bit of comfort knowing they were all here. "Hi, Ivy," I whispered, reaching out a weak hand towards her. She grabbed my finger with her tiny hand, and I felt a warm, reassuring connection.

I lay there in a foggy haze, feeling the gentle touches and hearing the soft voices of my family. After a while, the doctors finally came in, their faces serious but kind.

One of them leaned over my bed and smiled at me. "Hi, Dylan. How are you feeling?" she asked, her voice gentle.

"It hurts," I whispered, my throat dry and scratchy. "Everything hurts."

The doctor nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "I'm sure it does, Dylan. You've been very brave. We're going to help you feel better."

I felt a lump in my throat and blinked back tears. "Can I see it?" I asked, my voice trembling.

The doctor hesitated for a moment but then nodded. "Of course. I'll get you a mirror."

She handed me a small mirror, and with shaky hands, I brought it up to my face. I gasped when I saw my reflection. There was a long gash on my forehead, held together with stitches. The left side of my face was bruised and cut, the skin around my eye swollen and discolored.

I felt tears well up in my eyes as I stared at the mirror. "I look... I look so bad," I whispered, my voice cracking.

Eva leaned in closer, her hand resting gently on my arm. "You're still our brave, strong Dylan," she said softly. "These are just marks that show how tough you are."

Leah nodded, her eyes filled with love. "You'll heal, sweetheart. And we'll be with you every step of the way."

The doctor smiled reassuringly. "Your body will heal, Dylan, and you'll feel better with time. We're going to make sure you're as comfortable as possible."

I put the mirror down, my fingers trembling. It was hard to see myself like that, but having my family around me made me feel a little better. As I lay back against the pillows, the doctor's comforting words and the love of my family helped to soothe the fear and pain inside me.

The doctor motioned for Leah and Eva to step aside, away from my bed, so they could talk in private. I could still hear bits of their conversation, though, and it made me nervous.

"We'd like to keep Dylan in for the night," the doctor said softly. "We want to make sure he's fully stable and ready to go home. He had a significant fall, and it's important we monitor him closely."

Leah nodded, her face serious. "Of course, we want what's best for him," she said.

Eva looked over at me, concern etched on her face. "We'll make sure he's comfortable. Thank you, doctor."

They both came back over to my bed, and I could see they were trying to be strong for me. Eva sat down beside me, taking my hand gently in hers.

"Dylan, sweetheart," she began softly, "the doctors think it would be best if you stayed here for the night. They want to make sure you're all better before we go home."

I felt a surge of panic rise inside me, and tears immediately sprang to my eyes. "No," I cried, my voice trembling. "I want to go home! Please, I don't want to stay here!"

Leah knelt down beside me, her eyes filled with empathy. "I know, Dylan. I know this is hard. But the doctors just want to make sure you're safe and that you're healing properly."

I shook my head, tears streaming down my face. "I don't want to stay here! I want to go home with you and Mama!"

Eva stroked my hair gently, trying to soothe me. "We'll stay with you, Dylan. We won't leave you alone, I promise. And tomorrow, if the doctors say it's okay, we'll go home. But right now, we need to make sure you're okay."

I continued to cry, my heart aching with the desire to just be home, in my own bed, away from the cold, sterile hospital room. But as I looked at my mums' faces, I saw their love and concern, and it made me feel a little bit better.

"Okay," I whispered finally, my voice small and defeated. "But you promise you'll stay with me?"

Leah nodded, tears in her own eyes. "We promise, Dylan. We'll be right here with you."

Eva kissed my forehead gently. "You're so brave, Dylan. We love you so much."

I clung to their hands, my tears slowly subsiding as I felt their warmth and love surround me. It was still scary, but knowing they were there made it a little easier to face the night ahead.

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