I Sketched My Mate? WTF? Chapter 1

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Amy's P.O.V.

I just started high school and my father decided to announce that were moving. Not that I had many close friends but I hated the fact that we had to move. I promised my friends that I would call them as soon as we arrived at our new home. We drove for nine hours until we arrived in the town that were going to be living in.

"Dad, why are we moving here?" I ask looking at him.

"Because my boss needs me here. It seems that the town here is short of employees." Dad says.

"Why are they short of employees?" I ask.

"I honestly don't know but I'm sure you and your brothers will like it here." Dad says, glancing at me.

"I doubt I will, but I know they might." I say.

I turn slightly in my seat and look at my two brothers who were sleeping. I turn back around in my seat.

I look at dad. "Can we stop at a gas station so I can use the restroom?" I ask.

Dad nods his head and he pulls into a gas station and after he parks the car, I get out and I began to walk to the entrance.

I hear a door slam shut. "Amy wait!" I hear my brother Max yell out.

I turn around to see Max running towards me.

"What Max?" I ask.

"I need to use the restroom too." Max says.

We both went inside and towards the restrooms. After I dried my hands, I went outside thinking that Max left already. I got to the car when I heard somebody call my name. I turn around.

"Nice of you to wait for me." Max says.

I roll my eyes. "I thought you left already." I say.

Max shakes his head. "Like I would leave you alone in the gas station." Max says opening the passenger door for me.

I get in and Max shuts the door. After Max gets in, dad starts the car.

"Nobody needs anything else right?" Dad says looking at us.

I shake my head no and I hear my two brothers say no. Dad drives off then and I look out the window. I close my eyes.

"Were getting close to our new home so don't fall asleep yet." Dad says.

I sigh a little.

"If you fall asleep Amy, you won't get any of my candy." My brother Alex says.

I turn in my seat slightly and glare at Alex.

"Your mean." I say.

Alex sticks his tongue out at me.

"Alex don't do that. You know your sister loves candy." Dad says.

I turn back around in my seat.

"I'm sorry Amy. I'll give you a lot of candy." Alex says.

I smile a bit. "I better." I say.

We arrived at our new home and after dad stopped the car, my brothers and I got out. The three moving vans arrived after we did.

"Alright you three go inside and pick your rooms. In the bedrooms have a paper and pen. Write your name on it so we know whose room it is. Alex don't forget the share your candy with your sister." Dad says shutting the driver door.

Max and Alex ran towards the front door.

"No fighting over the rooms you three!" Dad shouts.

"Dad, don't include Amy! We always break down and give her what she wants!" Max shouts back.

I laugh at that. "Not all the time!" I yell.

My brothers ran inside. I walked inside to see my brothers waiting for me.

"Let's go pick your room first." Max says looking at me.

I smile at my brothers and we went upstairs. I looked at the first room...seemed promising but I had to look at the others. Second room I passed on it for one reason, I heard Alex gasp.

"You want this room?" I ask looking at him.

Alex nods his head. I tell him to take the room so he does. We went to the next room but I didn't like it so I went to the last room and I knew that this was the one; I had to have it.

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